NSW Corrections Officer case update

to me if there’s no need to do it then don’t do it. but if you do then it has to be under medical supervision.

And that, i feel, is the biggest problem, of recreational drug use…
What it takes away from you…

What does it give you.? : A short term, chemical high…and the desire to take more…

What does it Take away from you.? : Money, useful time, reasonable and critical thinking, motivation and desire to pursue goals in life, your honesty ( most drug users lie about their drug use), self esteem, serious health consequences for some etc…

I am very worried about my nephew. A child of 2 narcissists, he is struggling big time in his life. At 21 years old, he has already lost his drivers license for drink driving, and uses pot and other illegal drugs.

He is very retracted / withdrawn / shut down. If he’s not working at the pub, he’s pissed at the pub…even the owners are worried about him.

A common story with the children of narcissists, he has emotional issues, and should not be going anywhere near drugs…he lives in a small country town…

He was such a bright boy, good grades at school, until mid high school…its heartbreaking, to see him go down this path…

i feel gel blasters are more safer than weed haha.

Eh. Apples and oranges.

A gel blaster will take out your, or someone else’s eye if you use it irresponsibly.

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true, like everything else… precautions need to be taken.

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Surprised no one mentioned the synthetic drug Fentanyl and how the Chinese gov is supporting it’s manufacturers of it, is a huge problem in the US and now AUS aka ice. Instead of Heroin addicts taking one hit a day, as fent is manufactured to last only a couple of hours they got to re hit several times a day.

It was meant to be used in hospital only for medical emergencies in small doses. Now China is mass producing it with CCP funding to flood countries with it as everybody wants it. Before the naysayers step in with conspiricy bullshit it is documented truth.

and why i don’t use tiktok cos ccp.

Yeah… they do a fair bit of damage to your wallet or purse too :joy:

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Your so not with the times excluding people who prefer to have there belongings in a coles sandwich bag

You can afford a Coles one!?

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Yeah living the pimp life style out here even have the faithful woolies one in case I’m feeling a bit frisky

Classy… very classy :joy:

I’m posh, I roll with my Dan Murphys shopping bag :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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no one beats dan Murphy’s!

i don’t understand why swords and compound bows are legal in NSW but not gel blasters.

all are pretty dangerous.

You can afford possesions !?

NSW drivers are more dangerous than any firearm…

it’s why i don’t drive interstate :joy:

i already get legal cannabis :smiley:

Rec drugs seem pretty aight

I figure its like alcohol, drink to much you’ll be in hospital, drink to often you’ll be in rehab, drink when your down and you’ll sink further, drinking something with meth in it you’ll probably want more meth

drink and drive you’ll kill someone and if you’re lucky it’ll just be you, drink in public you’ll be a delinquent or menace

drink with your friends you’ll have a good time, drink in a good mood it’ll be better

And sometimes it helps dull things that need to be dulled
I have had half a dozen people say I should try medicinal weed, sooner or later I’ll be bothered to, because it just might give me the breathing room I desperately need, I take no medication, and I am fallin apart faster and faster despite making good progress, internal wars are ripping me to shreds, and the only other reccomendation is a different kind of drug, anti depressants, friends have taken those and it was nearly as bad as just suffering for them.

I get drugs are seen as scary, but it seems a lot like bad words for a kid, damn and crap are fine most of the time, cunt fuck piss shit are all bad and you’ll get chewed out for usin em, especially if you do it a lot, but sometimes shit is allowed for now particular reason, and depending on your household jesus christ becomes a curse too.

Switch damn for prescribed drugs, shit for weed, and the rest for all the other drugs we were/are at war with and it paints a simular picture, you can even make christ into mushrooms and maybe you’ll see jesus ^^

It’s arbitrary they are bad cause we are told they are bad, sometimes damn is bad, sometimes shit is not. Obviously meth is very bad, and so onviously putting weed next to it will make it look just as bad, painkillers can be worse but they are pescribed so its totally fine, they arent ‘Drugs’ they’re are medicine.

Or maybe its all bad idfk, I’m too fucked up to actually use half of it anyways lmao

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