Para's Autism Corner

I thought it was just me. Does everyone get these in their recommended? Along with Brandon Herrera and various shitposting compilations…

They pop up, from time to time…
Its all in the algorithm…whatever you look at , they will feed you more of…

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Thankfully, I don’t get Herrera recommendations.

Kentucky Ballistics, DemoRanch, sometimes Donut Operator, hicock45, Gun Jesus, AliExpress British Gun Jesus, TFB, Task and Purpose, though. They seem to fill every 3rd slot on my recommendations.


Whaddayamean? Herrera is the best out of them all.

He’s transphobic, and racist, first and foremost. He’s also a liar and a swindler, at the expense of the firearm community.

Between rebranding guns and adding 30% price hikes, leaving preorder customers in the dark, straight up failing to deliver products on time, several times over, and other shit, he’s a blight on shooters everywhere.

The only reason he’s popular is because he’s a charismatic dude bro who managed to get in early enough to secure a reputation as the ak guy. There’s no substance to him. Anything he provides, both in terms of knowledge, content, or “innovation” could be provided by any number of SD or other firearm related channels.

Even his fucking meme reviews is just using other people’s content to make himself seem funny.

Normally I wouldn’t say anything, but you directly asked, so. :woman_shrugging:

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I did not know that. Damn.

Disillusionment is a really shitty feeling, and I’m genuinely sorry to be the one to inflict it upon you.

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To be honest, I haven’t been keeping up with that stuff lately, so I haven’t been paying attention. I only watch his gun breakdown vids

:rofl: well if you didn’t hit the nail on the head and why I dislike Herrera haha oh pity you didn’t say that on the old forum king dick there was his hero :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Eh, I enjoy his content. Most people are probably shitty behind the scenes, especially Youtubers.


Ain’t my place to tell you otherwise.

MAC has to be my favorite. Check out this content.



friggin people havin sto suck n shit


whattup bitches im gettin a hammock

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Im back mfers

new phone so thats neat

but went to shop looked at stuff, fixing to take a big haul r.i.p my bank, the guy there super friendly so I have been in a pretty good mood, gotta figure out what I am planning long term yknow, wanna clear out old stuff to make room for nrw stuff, but then I lose old stuff and I wont get it again, and its not really worth selling I’d practically be giving most of it away and thats assuming any of it even works at this point

Finding the line is tricky, money is a bitch but less relevant I simply am not wired to understand it

but escalation and limited space I do understand, I cannot hoard everything I want, and unless I draw a hard line I will never really stop, but to draw that line I would also want to cut out anything that didn’t fit, thus the conundrum

If I hard limit to the kits, then thats m1 garand, trench gun, mosin, ppsh, drilling, rhino, sig, and a thumper

I am pretty sure that’s the lot

if I widen it to include shotguns, then that us exponential but only as far as new types of shotgun being introduced, mainly weird shit so not 870 and also 590, more like a double barrel and strikers, unique stuff

and if I widen a but more for stuff I am interested in but not convinced of yet, like lever action, luger, whatever other shit I cant think of right now then thats really exponential cause it basically means anything with a different manual of arms counts which js everything

even an m4 is interesting if you dont have one yknow

I don’t know where I want to draw that line, and I know the posts will move as time goes on, and things get added or removed from that core interest pile.

Rn I am fixin to buy a striker, lever action, db, ppsh, probably a bolt action as well, like I said big haul, but thats already pushed into every category, the db and ppsh are mainstays, striker is moar shotguns TM, lever is weird gun I think is cool but don’t know what I wanna do with yet

There are ali alternatives to things like the lever action, not saving space but hundreds of dollars cheaper, my last order never showed up, and even if it did it takes up the same space it just doesnt look or feel as good as wood and metal

pistols are also terrible cause they are basically all the same, with slight tweaks, so I like the idea of getting more cause they are small and interesting, but generally its not worth it, generally I will stick with the sig over anything else cause its my favourite, but shit like the luger or the ruger or webley are all different handling to the standard semi auto’s, do I make exceptions for them too?

If u cant tell mental illness is gettin worse and i haven’t had a break yet lmao, so I am losin my mind just a lil bit

I do think for now manual guns are taking priority, so lever action is something I wanna get, I am not interested in buyin automatic as much, its more for form factor and mag changes then anything else, ppsh is exception cause its one of the top priority picks, and thats at least holdin me for now

though I have considered gettin the m4 for its stock and a p90 for its ergo, given the lower prices I might still but again, limited space

dealing with my stock of rifles is the biggest issue, I can get rid of 2 ak’s and a pump shotgun and have all my interesting shit still, then its cutting in, last ak, the m4, the vector, the awm which is fancy, and its not like I dont like these things, but they generally aren’t as much fun to me as the manual action stuff, the awm is just heavy and looks cool and is maybe the only thing that still works properly, idk its just big and cool, thumbhole stocks:drooling_face:

I think I got a couple handguns I could afford to put in that pile too, the glock, 2011, old python, manual 1911

Meaning I would be keepin, lever shotty, pump shotty, sig webley, kar, ebr, and the thumper… Idk I think I’d be fine, the awm might stay for a while extra cause I do really like it, the others will suck to lose cause they are cool, but the new wave is definitely cooler

I’m feelin a lot of shit and i would like to stop, putting thoughts down helps tho, and I made a whole lil nook just for screamin


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I could be wrong but this clip feels like it fits here…?

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Lmao dude understood the assignment

Been a while puppy, how’s streaming going?

Not a single hit called either :roll_eyes:
Deserved every one of those hits to the dick!

That’s a terminator game, I think that’s the point :rofl:

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