Para's Autism Corner

completely legal nut shots :smile: :sunglasses:


Hahaha……yeah, that little detail went straight over my head :roll_eyes::joy:

Lmao masochists dream game

Streamings been put on the back burner, not sure I wanna keep doing it, it misses the thing I like about streaming to people on discord which is the cozy vibe

the main draw is talking to chat and unless you are very popular thats just not really gonna happen

but I been fixin to play some fancy games, and found out about breadboards so hobby interests are gonna get pretty fun aye ^^



I gotta update my username also, is ‘ParaFox404’ now

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20 characters wtf

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The ppsh doesnt feel worth it, it’s nice its not that nice

its also a piece of shit russian pipe gun and finally holding it it feeeeels like a pieceoshit russian pipe gun, I do somewhat like the mag release as when its not locking up its just got a satisfying click to it, the barrel shroud still looks pretty, and I hope to get a lil pouch to put on the mag to really bring the look together, but this really feels like its worth half the price I paid at best, also the sling is dogshit and does not hold the weight of the smg whatsoever, those shitty little thumbtacks it comes with pop even without much force behind em I cannot imagine slinging this in the field without it flying off the strap and smashin on the ground.

I got a wooden stock I am going to finish and put onto it to at least bring together the feel a bit better, rn its as oramge as my striker which is ridiculous, why they dont finish these before selling them at the stupid price point is ridiculous to me, like maybe you can argue people might want the freedom to do it themselves but for that much money they should make it not look like ass cmon

I also grabbed a shitty p90 which cost as much as the shithouse stock just so you can understand these goofy prices, I hope whoever made this eats a dick and dies because what the fuck is the mag release, I am gonna try and flip it cause its abysmall on the right side, I need that shit to press with my thumb so I can yank the lil fucker out

form factor is a meh I like it but I hate it, it goes well with the awm, its a bit more claustrophobic then I expected, but fits in my hand comfortably so I do like it a fair bit, p90 creep has been pretty noticeable but it says a lot it is looking better then my one of it not my favourite smg despite costing a fifth the price, it feeling the same and havin thumbhole stock does really pair nicely a with the big ass awp tho, and I like that, cause that’s been a quiet combo lately I have been squinting at, shit looks gooood

And lastly the Striker… imma be honest this might be enough to make me go play for real, I think the shells are a rip off, I think its a terrible shotgun, I am already lookin at a metal barrel upgrade and a recolour, maybe even throw om that piece oh shit optic if I can get my hands on it.

But its a quirky field ready 12 gauge that I dont have to walk back and pick shells up for technically, its made aluminium and steel, its autism enabled with the kachunk mechanical system, and its actually viable for spray and cqb with 12 fuckin rounds, pair this with the sig and get some proper rig to carry ammo and sling the lil bastard I could see myself running this.

I am genuinely so happyI bought it, even if I am sus that its got signs of rust or some shit in a few places, I mean cmon it came in a fuckin bucket how am I not gonna love it, I got a set.of extra shells, but if went into games I may buy a 3rd set go from 24-36 shots per game cause I will top this mfer off religiously, and you can mag dump so fast imma need more then one reloads worth, I could aybe gor for 48 but the price of these mfers is so ridiculous I domt think I’d wanna

I was originally planning to get a gas kar98 and a lever action as well, but that shit was so expensive, I was fixin to make a deal to try and lower the price a bit to make it better but it would need to have lowered drastically, the smg was double what I think is reasonable, the kar was just a why not, the lever action was the most expensive thing on the table and I wasnt even sure I wanted one.

But I am planning to go back for a double barrel, shotguns make me happy its just that simple, its stupidly expensive, and I maaay use it at games if this is a turning point BUT it doesnt have the viability of the striker and reloading it effectively while keeping spent shells is slow. It’s also not the right kind, so it has a fixed extractor, there are 3 kinds fixed and spring extractors that pull the rounds out for you to grab, and an ejector that yeets that shit. The fun one for me is the spring extractor cause it encourages this nice motion when loading to put in both rounds and then press them in to lock them down before you snap it shut, that muscle memory plays up with fixed extractors cause they cant be pushed down if the breech is open they are out, its simpler but its also lame.

on top of that I want a drilling, I always liked em but I really fell for them mayne a week or two before the dbs were announced because I like pain. For those of you who aren’t nerds, the drilling is a s/s double barrel shotgum with a third barrel underneath for rifle rounds, there are different versions with exposed hammers, strikers, they only have two triggers so you gotta mess with some stuff they arent perfect, but outside of building my own its the best I can look forward to for what I want, and I will constantly be wishing I had it instead of the generic s/s but I am not optimistic a niche like the drilling will come in especially after dbs, I havent even seen a asof version of the drilling so bleh

Also I am finally getting the webly sig and 870 repaired les gooooooo


Plannin to get a jpc, along with the db when it drops, put my stuff in to get fixed so should have a working pump shotgun again, need a better side carrier so I can actually run it though lmao

been workin on myself in the meantime, thinkin about getting a gym membership at least once I am comfortable with my home routine, might be a good way to meet people cause I am runnin outta ideas


Triathlons are a good way to get fit, and meet new people.
Very social endeavour, all ages and walks of life.
Not too expensive, either….

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Were waiting…
Start talking…

I’ll even say , please…:grin:
Share, and share alike…!!


I immediately fell asleep on my couch lmao, its an all metal, double action, shell ejecting, cock erecting hundred dollar STEAL off ali express

I hiiighly recommend, its not able to fire anything it’s so fun factor but it does have a laser in the barrel, though mine is sitting off up and to the lmao

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Ooo think I found a glock as well, Laser Blowback gets good results


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Do you need a B709 for these, or is it just a straight import.??
Given it doesn’t fire anything, it should fall under “toy classification”…

You should be right to get it as a toy, its just a fancy laser pointer

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The loadout

The very happy autist.

I know its dumb but I am pretty fricken happy with it, might bring me to a game one of these days and that says a looot


That’s frikkin awesome mate!
You must be very happy with that great replica, as I must admit that it looks super cool :sunglasses::+1:

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Yeah it’s really nice, obviously I have my gripes, the shells are comically long, the barrel is made of two shorty barrels dumb rubber caps hold the inner in place but protude and round out the otherwise sleek noisy end, the furniture doesnt quite fit right leaving annoying gaps.

Yknow the usualy suspects. But it’s heavy its gorgeous, it does all the stuff its meant to, the shells are apparently very well made, we even got them in red lucky us, the takedown is authentic the triggers feel so nice for being the same lever and pin on the shitty gl’s

Normally I feel pretty significant regret or guilt buying something like this especially given everything I took in to fix came out worse and today is cleaning day, and the obvious issues I have with it.

But nope I am in love with this thing only equal to my fixation with the lever action before I got it, or the moments after I bought the 870 originally.

A rare overwhelming amount of seretonin from this thing, despite it not being as tactile clicky as I’d like.

It’s a shame I can’t create things by dreaming em up, cause I think ideally it would have the barrel shorter by a quarter or so, barrel and stock shell carriers, exposed hammers, under barrel rifle, ideally with a seperate hammer and trigger mounted upside down, trust me its so pretty. And a clicky extractor. As in it extracts the rounds and when you reload you click it in, rather then the cleaner striker and lever extractor.

I am actually keen on using this in a game, its weird loading from the top and not the bottom, had to flip the shell position I am used to on the stock, and these long fuckin shells are a bit of a pest, also thick they are tight in the already well worn fabric carrier, with time I am sure it will be fine rn it’s slow with slight worry of opening the shells. Dump pouch to put spent shells, I still like the idea of a sling over my chest to load shells from but that is only really viable with a convey to bring the shells up to the same place, cause those slings have the rounds going all the way down, fuck all ammo anyways and it would be easier pulling from a pouch at that rate, which is honestly my plan. A shame my sig is completely totalled now it would have made a decent secondary, I am excited to get my hands on a rhino, webley could do in the meantime, but we all no the true secondary is the fucking grenade launcher.

This is very long and boring I’ve been havin a time.

But shotgun good, I am happy, want to use it, A+

it will be fun learning how to perfect it it is a shame it isnt the variant with an underbarrel rifle, I do love that one.

Heres all my shotguns for making it this far.


Is that a CORT shotty left side of your pic :thinking::joy:

Glad your happy with it…
You know what would finish it off…??

Checkering, on the grip, and fore end…!!



I hope i haven’t planted some,

" now i’ve seen it, i cant stop thinking about it",

ideas in your head…!! :rofl: :rofl:

All that virgin timber, is itching to be scratched…!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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