Para's Autism Corner

You getting a M1, Para…??!

I was going to get one through Xforce, but they now seem uncertain if they will get some, from WAT.
Thats a shame…Northlakes is just around the corner…closer to support…

Looks like a drive over the gateway, is on the cards…

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When you go to far, and break a break action…


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The modern burgess hehehe

I dunno, I will definitely get my hands on one but from the pictures it looks iffy, given how much it’s sure to cost I doubt it.

Maybe, I am not a huge fan of checkering though, more likely to see it wrapped like the others hehe love my fabric detailing

Also nah Doc, that’s an Ibanez I still don’t know how to play, the original plan was to defile it with a violin bow someday because that sound is hauntingly beautiful

The bookshelf on the right will be a Yamaha in the next few days too ^^

As a fellow northsider who regularly does the southside thing for family, all I can say is…


I always feel better when I get back over The Pine. :laughing:

I can understand their hesitation, was a long time ago now, over a year ago. But i recall i had picked up the g36 from wat for 400 down from 500 and popped into xforce for a hop up. Talking about blaster and price etc and the conversation was along the lines of the 400 price isnt far off what they get them for from wat to onsell.


@DocBob This is one of those blasters I was tellin ya about, as opposed to nerf making it impossible to repiar let alone mod their stuff nowadays you have DZ out here like fuck it make the children cry I don’t care HAVE TWO MAGAZINES

Meanwhile nerfs gives you a 10 round mag and only 6 darts with a blaster that fails after just two shots because fuck you.

I was lookin at the funny joke chat, and saw one of them back in my day when ya sucked at something ya just sucked and moved on

And lil neon rave light went off in my head.

That’s the problem, back then nobody gave a shit and or were maliciousy, you’re bad at soccer go away, or be actively targeted for that until someone does something worse. Now you’re bad at soccer you get a worthless trophy and nobody is brave enough to tell you.

The middle ground is completely missed cause the mfers makin the new rules jumped a dozen sharks lmao

You suck, then someone tells you that you suck, asks if you are determined to get better and helps you improve. Or says you suck, lets find something you are good at and helps you find it.

You dont get harrassed or left behind, and you arent dragging down everybody because everybody walks on eggshells around you.

It fixes SO MANY PROBLEMS but requires effort and empathy and time, and that all requires money and passionate people in those positions, not people who hate kids, and underpayed teachers who can barely deal with the 40 kids under them.

I hope things course correct sooner rather then later, cause I have been in all 3 situations, one hurts and does nothing else, the other is hollow and wrong, and the last is actually motivating

I mean for fucks sake they make movies about people who suck at sports passionately training to be better at sports, just do that in real


@Friendly_Fire I really reaaally want a vulcan now that you reminded me of em

and I found some really cool modifications that make it somethin truly special

I mean just feckin look at it, ITS GLORIOUS, and I neeeed it

I both love the full belt spitting out cause that makes it almost practical for games since you dont have to find loose rounds…but I also really like the idea of something like this ejecting brass and belts all over the place hehehe

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You can get one for $10 if you’re in WA :wink:

Or you could pay $1,299… :joy:

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Been seein a couple for 40~ bucks

I am QLD based so shame bout the 10 dollar one hehe

I don’t have the knowledge nor confidence to try modifying one of these on my own, a shsme cause they are gnarly all prettied up with a better grip and stock.

I figure somebodies gotta make a new thing in this style though, reload by switching boxed, comes with the fancy upgrades, they are so coool

Once I have my room sorted and money to burn I will look into them on my own for sure, hopefully some mad genius makes a badass lmg in the meantime so I can steal it aye


Always a shame when things become unavailable, the shell carrier I bought for my 879 isnt being made anymore and it was a good fit for the db

Havent found anything similar yet.

A potential replacement in some tactical crap by the same conoany with velcro patch for those quick reloads I had envisioned however long ago, but with a big cheek riser.

Could be a really nice update, could be a piece of shit

140 seems to be about the best I can find for a vulcan, and then trying to make it something akin to The Deplorable would be another massive task on top of that I currently wouldn’t have confidence in.

Okay I need it, I thought it was just rival rounds but thats so fuckin cooool

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lowkey kinda scared of the vulcan at this point. Stock is meh, modded is cool as fuck. I would prolly be dry firing it which is maybe bad idk people say its not great but never why. and I have no fuckin clie how to mod it, and the people who do so with wreckless abandon bought them for five bucks

this mfer with shipping cost 160, because fuck you too tasmania, so if it breaks I am building from scratch lmao, which i got no ides how to do

All the more reason to learn how to make some metal frames for stuff aye

Plenty of second hand ones and belts available. I’d have a go at one, but meh gotta register those too. :roll_eyes: Not enough room…

you’re jokin surely

How long till the revolution starts again I’m gettin sick of waiting to burn these fuckers aye

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yall are gonna see in probably an hour when I’m done but sit tight I am fed up rn


I got a vulcan ordered. Cause belt fed isnt a gel blaster I expect to see and if we get it it’ll suck dick and cost more then my car.

But a mixture of hyperfixation, leaning into the electronics and modding hobby I have been looking for a reason to pursue, along with spite towards gelsoft for being everything it is right now. I am really considering getting into nerf.

The next blaster in that case will be a roughcut because its the best shotgun, sledgefire is cool because shell but its big and weird and breaks in a weird spot, the knock off db also breaks easy and shit mod potential ontop of not being a shotgun, I’d be better going with a diy shotgun build using custom shells with rival rounds or something.

3d printing is where the really cool stuff is sitting, more reason to buy a printer

I dunno, I still don’t care about this very much, picking up darts is one of the biggest reasons i lost interest in playin with blasters altogether, dry fire is apparently bad for most of them though and unless I am using gas or fly wheels the springers will rip themselves apart apparently idk

The problem is the good shit is old shit and ebay shipping is expensive 20 bucks for the blaster 60 bucks to ship it is unsustainable, and its not like ‘the good ole days’ where I can break a couple and just keep buying new ones till i get it right, theres like 4 on ebay and each cost 80 or more and I have no use nor space for stuff that doesnt work if I break it.

idk, it is on that line where I know I dont have enough interest to justify it, but it isnt conceptually stupid, I want to do electronics and need a reason, modding nerf is a decent focus, as good as rc and drones I figure

The roughcut is one I never had and have heard good things about forever, stryfe too but I dunno if I am specifically interested in that one, lowkey I am becoming a sucker for bullpup lately.

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Also @Bigmuthadrums you make cool stuff

I like it


Cheers mate, I really just let the ‘voices’ do what they do and await the results :rofl:
Before I got into gel my kids had sooo many nerf blasters including a M60 style belt fed that they would always leave out in the weather, all ended up being dumped :roll_eyes:
If only I had kept them all😅

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