PPSH … unboxing / quick review…

And we’re off….let’s get to it…

I don’t know why anybody hasn’t already posted the drop of these bad boys one of the coolest blaster releases recently


They have landed, by the looks of it…
I have one on preorder, so i’ll pick it up soon, with a real wood stock…

I hope it performs to specs, or else they can go suck my balls… :rofl: :rofl:

As a purveyour of russian blasters, i am obviously a child raping nazi cannibal, so watch out…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Same attitude for me lusting over the ZB26 mate :joy::+1:

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$330 Aud.
In Malaysia as sold by AJ Mods
What’s the bullshit price here?:thinking:

Nylon gearbox shell which isn’t to bad but blowback is going to have to get disabled for the longevity of the blaster

Yeah, I know…
Did the same thing, to the thommy’s…

Keeps it quieter, for backyard use, too…

Same brand ? Guessing not

looks like it.
Just picked it up from xforce, with wooden stock…

Unboxing / review when i get home…


standing by for review now. im interested in one of these, is it possible you could get some pics of the gearbox as well?


PPSH Unboxing… ( Pretty Powerful Squid Harmer!!!)

First it comes in a nondescript blank box, with inside foam inserts, cut to shape.
It also has a little “propaganda poster” leaflet…

I picked up a wooden stock, here it is, without wood oil…

Getting its first coat…

And, comparo…photos dont do it justice…so much better…

For Mqx007, x force sells the gearboxes seperately…
here is link, with some photos…

Now, time for a closer inspection…
More to come…


oh cheers for the listing, it somehow didnt come up on the searches yesterday. Might have been addedd today then.

Ok, so a few more details.
The battery connector is XT30, and in the stock.

You need to completely remove the cover to fit a battery, the thommy’s pivoting cover was much nicer.

The blaster feels very solid in the hand, no looseness of the stock, very tight.
The magazine is plastic ( no rusting) , and has a filling port, which has a latch that can slide right out.
Dont lose it…

The mag itself, is Very tight , to get in and out.
Its insertion/ removal pathway is not straight vertical, it removes down and slightly forward.
Rapid mag changes, wont happen.
You can see the angled pathway here…

The barrel tip is just inside the end, and doesn’t appear to be threaded…

Strap holder built in on the LHS…


Looks like there’s plenty of room to get a decent hop-up on the end of the IB there. I hope gels don’t have any troubles clearing that little hole, though.

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can always make it bigger…( thats what she said…!! :rofl: :rofl:)

blurb on performance to come…

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Only experienced craftsman can work well on holes

Getting Nekked…

…and getting dressed up…

Had to re-drill holes in the stock, to get the screw in pin, to fit properly…

It wouldn’t be “made in china”, if you didnt need to fuck with it…

Все, что осталось теперь, это предательскому шпиону-кальмару, чтобы возобновить клятвы верности Родине. Затем он может получить выданный ппш, чтобы вступить в бой, чтобы принести славному лидеру много великих побед. Или разлететься в кровавое месиво, это действительно не имеет значения…


Ever since when did Russia have standard issue pp’s

Молчаливый кальмар!!
Вас пошлют в ГУЛАГ в Сибири за вашу дерзость!!!

Finally, down to performance.

Sadly , as per made in china, with them stuffing around and sending out low fps models…the trend still continues…

In the vein of ZB-26, thompsons, etc, its not a big hitter out of the box…

The battery was a 11v, not fully charged, so the r/pm may improve on a fully charged battery.
Blowback is loud, and will be disabled.

I spoke to Vas this arvo, he said it prefers to use larger gels.
He also said they had delay chips put in, and sometimes you get double feeding.
They will need to be removed, I probably jumped the gun and picked mine up before it was sorted. I’ll need to return it to the store…

As per the ZB26 / tommys etc, im sure fps gains up to 320 fps can be easily found, with better orings, springs, and better sealing. I wish we didnt have to do it, but thats china…

Apparently, stuff out of taiwan is made to do 300+ fps out of the box, ie double bells…
Hopefully we will get more stuff from them going forward, and give corrupt china the flick…

All in all ( these issues nothwithstanding) im fairly happy with the purchase.
Argueably better value at this price point, $650 for a metal blaster/ good wooden stock, beats the thommy (nylon and plastic) at the same price point.
A wood /metal thommy for $650 would have been awesome…

Both needed (minor) upgrading to perform at a decent level.
Not Vas’s fault, that this is what china sends him / us…

I wish we didnt have to do it, but it is what it is…
I’m sure people In WA/Nsw/ vic would love to be able to have these problems…

I’ll do an update, when the upgrades have been done, hope this info helps a few people make a decision…at least vas brought in spare gearboxes / mags…