iirc he used a wells head, but that may be very wrong, only going on what I remember and then that might have been for something else he had. Another downfall for what happened…
Yeah I think that was the one thanks
Was taken from a gelsoft facebook group. There was the impression the poster created the chart.
If it is accurate, its a decent tool for us less experienced folk to estimate seal efficiency.
Does anyone remember witch gen 8s had semi auto
M4SS, mosfet/switch driven?
Yup, was actually the very last model M4A1 V8 full nylon receiver/gearbox Gen8’s that actually had a functional semi auto selector switch.
I had all the earlier model JinMing blasters with ABS Plastic that had only the safe/full auto useless selectors, but the V8 model actually functioned as intended
The STD HK 416 and M4SS were way ahead of their time and were the very first Blasters to be fitted with fully functional mag priming and MOSFET controlled FCU’s
Hence STD were my favourite manufacturers for many years.
If you can find an old M4A1 V8 Gen8, you will get a fully functional safe/semi/auto fire selector
Thanks for the help Bob!
Anyone run one of these scopes. Not intending to use it a sight, just as a tool to identify foe when they are outside blaster range. Like it because it has a pic rail on the tube
Hey all, hope everyone is doing well!
I’m looking to make my own L1A1 SLR gel blaster based off a gen 8 (because I’m poor) and I need to know how to make a gen 8 gearbox semi-auto (either only semi-auto or a switch between full-auto and semi-auto). What would I need to get this done? Would an SKD glock 18 MOSFET work? what about a AUG or Vector MOSFET?
Any help would be appreciated, Cheers.
https://www.monkeemods.com/wbb/optics-sights/zoom-scope/hw-vortex-v3xm-3x-magnifier.html you could use one of these folds out of the way tho is fixed 3x but ur honnestly paying for clarity of its glass. the glass on the sight u linked is dogshit and blurry but if thats ur price range its aight i guess can zoom tho so plus and cons
Hey, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not sure that would fit and look right in an SLR as the gen 8 is made for m4s and MP5s and stuff, I think it would probably be better if you used a j11/j12 gearbox as they are roughly a V3 and v3s are used in the SLR blasters already, plus the j11/j12 gearbox already has mechanical semi auto!
Opinions on bf mac 10 vs mp7?
Leaning towards mp7. Looks better, can get a drum. Not sure how much spring it can handle though, spring retainer looks cheap.
Or maybe just forgo an stick with a p90, which is on order somewhere over the ocean.
Need another to add to my collection, currently in love with bullpup/cqb type blasters.
@DocBob Bob. Looking to improve the ROF on my JUND/CYMA CQB. Was wondering what faster motor you found suited them best? Thanks
Were you on reddit with this? You can’t really (although @DocBob would know if anyone does).
You need this
are you sure that’s the correct type for his needs? I think that is to fit m4s and saws, I don’t think it will fit in a L1A1 SLR because of the square kinda bit that the trigger is housed in, i think he needs a V3 or AK style gearbox, like the j11/12 because it doesn’t have that square trigger housing thing and the SLRs and FALs you buy all have v3 gearboxes, if im wrong feel free to correct me!
Yeah I was on the subreddit asking about it, haha. Thanks for the link mate.
My bad I think you’re right. I misread (or didnt read enough); thought he was using a gen8 box and receiver…
2.2 11.1v Turnigy brick
M[quote=“Bigmuthadrums, post:51, topic:45, full:true”]
2.2 11.1v Turnigy brick
Might have trouble getting it to fit in the pistol grip
Fake peq/battery box