Random AEG questions

I see so many people using ultra hard gels on stock blasters, and really all you will get is less gels, and more issues. I can’t tell you how many blasters I have repaired with busted pistons and gears, only to find a barrel full of ultra hard gels stuffed in the barrel. If you get a jam and get off the trigger, and clear the jam it will be ok, but most think they can clear it by pulling the trigger, which does more harm than good.

If you have done modifications that get benefit from ultra hard gels then it is worth it, but I personally only recommend the for gas powered and aegs doing over 350fps.


i’ll give different gels a try.


Cheers mate, makes sense :+1:I leave the 2 ltr bottles on the kitchen counter for the growth time and would only screw the the lids on after draining off to put them into the fridge for storage.

Would give the bottle a few swirls every half hour or so to keep them agitated, but nothing much else other than make sure to leave a bit of water in the bottle for storage and give that a good shakeup’s every few days to keep the gels wet. :sunglasses:

The worst bottle in the fridge was the rainbow coloured “leftovers” one, which was where all the different no name leftover kids game gels all got tipped into!

Filling a mag full of those things made for some very fun playing performance! :joy:

I think the trouble I was having was the amount of gels in a packet.

I never bothered counting them but sometimes a 10k packet would fit in a 2 ltr bottle, then a different brand would need a 3ltr juice bottle. I suspected because there was really only 2-3k maybe 6k in the packet.

You can just do part packets I know, but I seem to run out and have to wait while I grow more. :laughing:

I settled on a big 7ltr salad bowl chucked what I wanted to grow in that on the sink. Same agitated every half hour or so, caliper to see how the size was coming. I found it easier to drain the water off that way for me. Split up into speed loaders or water bottles whatever I need to carry for the session.

Good discussing it, give others a few things to try.

Yeah I didn’t use to grow too many at a time, mostly smaller batches of different types of gels for testing etc and only grew a couple of full bottles when I had organised a game somewhere or running around with the kids over a weekend. :+1:

Otherwise the bulk would just sit in the fridge for too long between getting the spare time to work/game with them.

hmmmm… even after patting the gel balls dry, it still has some feeding issues (sometimes i can’t tell if it’s a feed issue or just an empty mag).


  1. sometimes the trigger locks up on semi. putting on safe then back to semi unlocks it.
  2. sometimes semi will do full auto.

I have no idea what I am doing wrong to get these intermittent feed issues.

I think it’s just my bad luck.

I am guessing it could still be the gels (tried some ausgel ultra elites) and I do have a pack of TT milky whites and the LDT pack that came with the blaster.

I hope it isn’t a problem with the gearbox.

Welcome to the inconsistencies of gelball

The trigger issues will occur if you run 11.1v in some blasters designed for 7.4v

Gels are inconsistent. My gen8s will often jam until the barrel gets some moisture on it and this can occur when I load a new mag. Same with Gen 9 and J12. All the gels are graded to be below 7.3mm. Normally run some moist gels through the first mag and run a cleaning cloth down the barrel first - and they still jam

If you get a jam, remove mag and clear by putting finger over t-piece inlet and firing.

The same type of gel will give different growth results depending on batches, even when grown for the same length of time. (some gels are fully grown at 2 hours but packet says 4 hours). Plenty of discussion about experiences ingrowing and storage on here. Sacrificing a chicken or two might help. Storage in air tight container is about the only consensus


I am using the stock 7.4v battery.

I don’t get as many feed issues with GBBPs though so i have a bit more confidence in those than in AEGs.

Yep harder gels will work better in GBB.

Try some bit softer ones like I dunno give the blue originals a try

Gel Balls | Ausgel

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I should try the gels that came with the 416D. LDT’s own branded gels.

I don’t understand why they suggest harder gels for AEGs.

Some setups are picky with their gel diet…

I’ve had some low FPS blasters that happily shoot Ultra Elites and others that will only feed the softer gels…

Experimentation is key. :+1:

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I should make smaller batches for testing though it’s a pain to figure out how much gel and water needed.

I ended up buying a sistema 2l jug with a spout cap on it.

EDIT: I honestly feel cursed with AEGs.

It’s not about whether you’re running an AEG or a GBBR… sure, they feed differently but 350FPS interacts wirh your gel the same out of both of them.

fair enough. i am a bit naïve when it comes to AEGs so I’ll do more testing.

Huh? Who does? AEG’s can run them but they need to be setup with a bit of care with sizing and feeding etc don’t worry about that now, yours is stock yes? Lets just find it food it likes to start with and go from there.

We are talking about an LDT 416 AEG correct?

yes, stock LDT 416 AEG with 7.4v battery. I do have an 11.1v battery but never used it.

The only mods i intend to do are cosmetic.

EDIT: I do have some tactoys milky whites but unsure as to where they stand in terms of hardness (compared to other gels) 30,000 Gel Balls - Milky Whites (7-8mm) – TacToys

Perfect, just put roughly a quarter packet in and fill the jug up with water. I wouldn’t wait 4hrs. Maybe 2-3hrs then drain them chuck into a coke bottle or speedloader or whatever you can air tight seal. Caliper measure if you can see the size. Less time = smaller size. I think you could be soaking in water too long, time it. Don’t oversoak the ones you have especially.

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ok. storage instructions are all over the place. nothing is consistent.


some say no water, some say submerged in water is ok… ffs.