Random AEG questions

Air tight container in fridge door, it’s that simple.

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As per my lengthy comment elsewhere…. try some generic 7-8mm larger gels and see what happens.
Hardened gels are typically a smaller size and can’t feed properly in standard blasters designed for the larger/softer/generic sized ones.

I even recorded quite a few tests where no name brand gels actually improved FPS/Accuracy in some blasters, when tested against smaller hardened gels.

I put it down to the fact that the larger softer gels would deform inside the barrel and create a solid 360° seal and trajectory…… whereas the hardened gels wouldn’t deform, allowing air pressure to escape past them and “bounce” around through the barrel, giving less FPS and terrible accuracy :thinking:

Also need the gels to be slightly wet, not totally patted down and dried out.
They rely on that perfect amount of moisture as a “lubricant” to get through the barrel at high speed/pressure without having any friction forces on them.

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all the gels i have tested are hardened gels for GBBs.

EDIT: ngl i am more of a pistol person :smiley:

Well that’s where you are most likely not getting any good results :thinking:


I’ve got a 416D… just rebuilt it.

Haven’t had any feeding issues but if you can’t solve it with gel swaps it might pay you to just have a look at your mag motor. I had one mag that fed on and off because the nylon worm gear wasn’t on the motor shaft properly.

Easy to pull a mag down and check, just to be methodical. Start at the mag motor, work your way up to the t-piece and nozzle. :wink:

So softer gels + pat dry… that’s something to try :slight_smile:

this one came with nylon gears so i am also worried i might have stripped the teeth or something.

I will have to break it down eventually but I want to tackle the gels first to make sure that’s the cause of my “problem”.

Give the packet of gels that came with it a run and see what happens. Try some of those at the bottom of the Ausgel page I linked to, not up top, they are hard. It’s $5 for 1 packet of ausgel blues and around a 3 hour soak, drain in the colander, then in the air tight bottle in fridge door and I bet you’ll be going.

Don’t bother toweling those off, they have water in the balls anyway so as soon as they hit ambient air they start evaporating that out, usually good for half a day in ambient air depending on conditions.

Too much water in the storage bottle they keep growing and you are back to square one, depending on gel and blaster, it was pointless to control grow them for your blaster in the first place.

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Stripped gears you would hear, and your blaster won’t cycle.

It’ll end up being your gels.


ok, will test with the LDT and TT milky whites.

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Cool. I’ll try softer gels for the AEG.

I think it’s me just being naïve thinking that AEGs would “just work”.


They do “just work”… often more efficiently than GBB.

With the right gels and a good setup.

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ok. i guess more experimentation is needed :smiley:

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Harder gels mostly came about big time when the GBB pistola’s started landing, as standard gels were confetti out of them no matter what brand.

Now some of those older standard blasters don’t like them flat out. I have hards for my GBB and standard for some of my old AEG’s. It’s all good, just trying to give you no bs info from my findings which are different to others, which it will be. You just have to experiment with different gels and find the one food it likes to eat. I had to do it.

I got sucked in with this, latest and greatest gel, wouldn’t feed, blocked my barrel up, so I said stuff that and threw the rest in the bin. Went back to what it liked orange gels and it hummed. Trial and error mate. Keep going.

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also, having a small fridge sucks :smiley:

I think another factor in my frustration is that Tactoys listed their ronin gels as compatible with this blaster… what a load of crap!

I have not tried Tactoys anything after their shenanigans, they can kiss my ass. Glad I am far away from them. Especially that Corey, he was on the old forum for a bit until everything he said was marketing ploy and bullshit he cut and run. Selling gen8’s with a changed handguard for double the price, had heaps of people complaining nothing worked, hard to contact get fixed etc etc, sick of it actually.

Don’t tell me you bought this LDT 416 from Tactoys… it’s cursed then. :rofl: If they haven’t fked around with it and standard LDT you should be fine. Jam their gels up their arse and try some others.

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their EOFY sale suckered me in :smiley:

TacToys have changed a fair bit. Selling what everyone has at reasonable prices. Their tech is ex-Guerilla and has built some nice stuff with CYMA as base. I was pleasantly surprised

Honestly they wouldn’t know which way the sun comes up. I think that was there marketing ploy.

Well that is a first, all I have heard is complaints. But I do not hear everything.