Real Steel Thread

Yes that’s one thing and appearance. It will depend on each states fa registry to decide what class it is or even not at all. State I’m in does not have appearance laws nor magazine restrictions on A and B class. That is different to other states.

I’m more interested in Eureka Gun Company – The Stockade ( I posted about in Jan. Seems like production is going ok.

There is also a Turkish made button release coming in that look interesting. None cheap. The Chimera went back for a rework as it had some problems when released a year ago. Chimera button Release .223 : r/Ausguns (

August is the release date for them

Where to? Which shops kek

thats the us release date from there i dunno

B&T VP9… remake of the old Welrod.

Not new, but very cool.

If I had access to all the machinery I used to get my mitts on, I’d make a bespoke gel version of this puppy.

Ya gotta love a Kriss Vector…

Probably would be one in my collection of real steel if I lived Stateside, for sure. :+1:

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Thought you might find this interesting @BME we were discussing this awhile back.

Oh yea, one of my fav quirky useless unobtanium bullpups unless I join the FSB :rofl:

And another one I liked years ago…

Obvious differences aside, it does bear a resemblance to another.

First glance, I thought you’d posted a link to a Sig 552. :man_shrugging:

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Yea it’s one of those rarities. Then in 30 carbine of all things. Just one of those quirky things made due to circumstances and what it could do for the purpose. Really interesting.

Gotta love a rarity… that’s what I really enjoy about Ian’s channel… lots of weird and wonderful stuff you would otherwise probably never see. :+1:

How cool.


I know Ian waffles on a bit sometimes, but he gets a lot of brownie points for putting up new content daily. :+1:

Have you seen Brandon Herrera’s AK-50? :exploding_head:

Hell yea! I watched Brandons 50 the other day.

I like how he has evolved his style over the years, I didn’t like him much to begin with but his in your face and up yours rules attitude makes me laugh these days. Swearing and all sorts, he really doesn’t care :laughing:

Interesting with the muzzle break on the AK50, wouldn’t have thought have such an effect but there you go :+1: Took forever I thought he’d never get it done, but it’s turned out real nice by the looks. Be good to see what sort of accuracy on a target would be like instead of just blowing things to smitherines :laughing:

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Yeah, you wouldn’t want to be a can of White Claw around him. :joy:

Not suprising about the muzzle break though, there’s a shit ton more gas coming out of that .50 cal round than a 7.62

Loved the high speed footage of the linguini-like barrel whip. :rofl:

hes better than Black Rambo …

Cameraman must be going for a Darwinian award…

Standing in front of 60 rounds, of semi automatic 12 guage, staring down the barrel… :astonished: :astonished:

I wouldn’t exactly trust the guy weilding them… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

P90 from 9-hole reviews

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