Real Steel Thread

Gun reform debate rages as buyback reaches milestone (

How dare they @BME a Luger!! :melting_face:

Can i have the grips, at leastā€¦?

ā€œWA is safer now, than 10 weeks agoā€ā€¦meaning, we still sit on zero deaths, the same as when the people still had their firearmsā€¦

" there are a lot of unncessary firearms, in WA, and the law is removing them"


" i dont like them, so i am removing them, for no real reason"

Alsoā€¦there are a lot of unneccesary politicians in WA, and an election will be removing themā€¦

This is the same arrogant arsehole who we are fighting against over Gelblaster lawsā€¦ā€¦and this whole interview/report is exactly the same bullshit excuses/untruths that he is still spewing out in regards to the real firearm owners in this State :rage:

At least the other branch of govt is actively opposing himā€¦

Showing him for what he isā€¦

One individual, in a position of power, forcing his own unreasonable, unneccesary viewpoint, of an compliant, trouble free group of peopleā€¦

Thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s been happening mate.

Thereā€™s been absolutely zero evidence or requirements for Fcking around with the WA Firearms Legislation whatsoever.

No rise in gun crimes/deaths/incidents, no rise in major Media Headlines involving illegal firearms, no outcry from the Public in any way shape or form arising from a ā€œfearā€ of firearms in their daily livesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ absofknlutely zilch :flushed:

And yet for some reason, this POS appeared out of nowhere one day and made a huge public spectacle about the ā€œdangersā€ of Gelblasters in the community. :roll_eyes:

Nobody had even heard about this bloke before, then suddenly heā€™s all over the media spreading lies and misinformation about why there was suddenly a big public threat that had to be addressedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ of which 99% of Media Reporters and General Public had absolutely no idea of what a Gelblaster even was!

Now attacking the innocent firearms owners over further changes to the Legislation to reduce/limit firearm ownership without any rhyme or reason behind such measures.

This article clearly shows the imbalance of power in our State Government, which allows this fckwit to continue to do whatever he wants completely fully aware that whatever he decides will be guaranteed to pass through Parliament :rage:

Heā€™s obviously a power hungry media attention seeking whore that has nothing better to do with his time than ruining other peopleā€™s lives.

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We have been heavily lobbying opposition members, but even if we got 100% support from every single one of themā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ they simply donā€™t have the numbers in parliament to overturn whatever this a-hole wants to demand :rage:

As aussies, we dont vote pollies inā€¦we vote pollies outā€¦

Unfortunately, gelblaster / firearm people make up a smaller part of the populationā€¦

And, the vast majority of the population are apathetic, regarding anything concerning firearmsā€¦

And, many aussies are of the defeatist mindset, who numbly sit back, do nothing, and just accept it, as civic rights are stripped away from us , bit by bitā€¦

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Surely he needs to go check out a mineshaft in remote WA see how all the main income is goingā€¦

Heck Yeah Reactions

Interesting Barrett brought the Rec back. Say they have been busy fulfilling the MRAD MK22 orders for Socom and they are for sale in Australia if you have a spare $10k. Are now making some of their stuff that hasnā€™t been mainline for awhile.

Maybe the TRG have worn theirs out, I see they used Rec 7ā€™s on the Lindt Cafe shoot some years ago. Now that the NIOA CEO is the CEO of Barrett, sure boys Iā€™ll cook you up some fresh ones :moneybag:

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@Deadsquid you must be Danishā€¦


You think we might get the bond arms lever actions here in aus with cleaver selling a 9mm mag fed lever action?

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:rofl: Love how HK copied everyone and then we get thisā€¦ I copy you copy me copy you.

Never liked HK as they are overpriced copies and who flung dung of what the Spanish Cetme designed. All HK has done is marketing and yea industrial machining of good quality but fuck they charge for it and it still fails. For 4x the price.

Heckler&Kock has not invented one firearm everā€¦

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That will be ok in my state, but no go in the rest of Australia which WA still hasnā€™t hurried up and detached from. So NIOA who runs Barrett now probably wonā€™t even bother.

The only other importer is Cleaver Firearms so best try them.

It would be fine in qld ye? Only state that doesbt have too scarey laws, u genuinely think i could get one imported? What would the costs be and all that sort of nonsense

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Na you wonā€™t be able to and Iā€™m not sure it will pass Queensland legislation and likely why Cleaver does not stock them.

Ring Cleaver Firearms and ask them. That is your best way forward. Some of Queensland laws are draconian and fubar much to the dismissal of some of the benders.

they havent even released them yet kek

Yea they have but nowt this cuntry :+1: i really dont think they are publicly available at all yet becuase the only vids on youtube are the shot show stuff and people talking to the manufacturer

Yes I get what you are saying it will take time to trickle through to OZ which will not happen overnight and be restricted in certain states because of itā€™s features which needs to be reviewed by each states firearms branch and make their mind up.

I had a quick look at these ā€¦ whats the problem with them? The AR mag compatability?

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