Real Steel Thread

The cyclic is mad, must be way north of 1krpm

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why can’t we have nice things in Australia… fkn nanny state country bullshit :rage:

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BRRRRRRRTTT…all I could see was dollar signs flying through the air! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wonder what the longevity of these would be at that fire rate :thinking:

Roller delayed PCC

Fun usually costs some dollars :wink: :grin:

Kinda looks like a UMP…a man after my own heart :heartpulse::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:

Might have been “more accurate” if he actually shouldered the thing :roll_eyes:

Drool drool :stuck_out_tongue:

Cars are shit but they make a good rifle. Neat they are bringing them back :+1:

never knew that tidbit!

Free assault rifle, with every new car .??

7yrs /130k warranty….is that 130 kills?

Our cars are LOADED with extras, to BLOW the competition away.!!

Make sure you stay UNLEADED…!!

Warning : read user manual. Improper use can cause serious injuries and death…


I’ve seen a lot of standard rims passed off as “cop” rims and charged a mint. Friend of mine contacted me as he purchased a set of four, one actually was a cop rim and the other 3 were standard but had been painted silver. You can’t tell looking from the front.

Truth is there will be very little original cop rims left in the wild, mainly on original ex police cars held by private owners. There were very little made to start with, enough for the police forces and spares for them. They were never used on any thing else.

Spare parts runs were around 500 every 6 months sometimes once a year for the whole Australian fleet.

When the 15x7 VT model came out the pursuit rim went away besides batch code different stamp to seperate stock and silver paint on top of the black as the car weight requirement went up. Same for the 16x7.

Cop rim was 15x6 VK, VL and later 15x7 for VN, VP, VR and VS only. These ones had higher grade steel and extra spot welding, 3 spot welds per flange instead of 2.

If anyone is trying to sell you a cop rim with mig welded flanges looking in the rear for an exorbitant price they are dreaming and ripping you off. Any numpty can rattle can it silver.

Just tried writing a little history about DAEWOO, but it’s gotten so confusing these days with fingers in every Pie that it’s just a whole web of companies all associated with DAEWOO these days it’s almost impossible to explain! :joy:

A very fitting piece of information for the “Real Steel” thread! :ok_hand::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s all good I can google it. I see what you mean :joy:

Went bankrupt from overexpansion. mm living the dream :rofl:

I never had them, only wanted them. Gad dang 2000s ruined everything.

Interesting. Seems well designed and different to anything before it.

Bullpup the world…

How’s utoobs form :roll_eyes:

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I dunno… 9mm bullpup. :thinking:

Great trigger or not, to quote Dr. Evil, it’s not quite awesome enough… it’s semi-awesome… it’s quasi-awesome… it’s the marjoram of awesome… it’s the diet Coke of awesome… just one calorie, not even enough.


:rofl: :joy:

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.50 cal bullpup? Now you’re sprakenzieing my lingidigo. :joy:

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Yep, half inch of freedom right there.

Some similarities, triangle bolt, extruded reciever. St. George Arms Leader 50 A1 | Gun Wiki | Fandom

Same fella designed the AAA Leader. Until gov put kybosh on it.

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