Recent purchases

I’m already sure that you are running 10A trigger switches @Bigmuthadrums ?

Those poor triggers were why I was mucking about making my own Fets that I was copying off a Nerf wheel design :roll_eyes:

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is that " Sig Sauer P226 " , a removable decal, or is it laser etched on…?

Their online ad, has displayed with no markings…??

Any idea what it compares to , the WE tech model…?


@BME it feels like it could be scratched but it’s not a sticker. Ihobby is the only store I can see without any markings. Mine has the markings on the grips as well. The mag has a split design which I’ve only personally seen on the wells Mp5K. And the mag and outer barrel also came scratched.

Good ole ihobby…

If it’s laser etched on, it won’t be able to be removed.
I reckon that would be a big turnoff, for a fair few people…

And scratches, well…ihobby arent known for their QC….

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I know it was a turn off for me. They’re inauthentic, and quite visible :weary:

I didn’t buy from Ihobby.
What I meant was Ihobby are the only place advertising it without any markings. Even the grips are blank in their photos.

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Knew I should have gotten the tan p226

Yeah, mate👍
Ordered RS ones through work and running aircraft grade wiring :sweat_smile:
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 52k and 48k motors though :thinking::rofl:
The switches are just melting internally💥

Ah yeah…. those motors will definitely push the friendship with switches :joy:
The Chi-Hai Red Neo’s were about the limit I used to use :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nooooice :sunglasses:

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Not so much a recent purchase, but a maybe I’m going to purchase - but can anyone recall which bjx gears had the soft shaft and which ones where actually decent?

Your standard BJX Gears in the top left of the pic are the good ones :+1:
The more expensive specialty gears were the ones that had the soft material shaft wearing issues :roll_eyes:

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Have been meaning to put this one up. I saw x-force had 15% off at xmas, not a alot but his mark ups are not as steep as others. Anywho i got one of 40max twister grenades. i use the crappy spring ones at gelsoft, but no gels its just the radius rule so its not as fun.

Thought about the startaim epslion ones but the $160 price i found steep. So xforce with discount was $80, pretty happy seems solid wont do a review as low guido has done a good one already and not much else to say. However I may need to take back once back from holidays, the safety pin wont fit with the grenade assembled, the top button does not compress enough to fit pin. Needed to unscrew a few mm, insert pin then retighten, then gas, load then throw. Even tried compressing with an allen key while inserting the pin but no joy.

Otherwise it works a treat, i liked it enough that ordered a second. Look forward to gaming with them next year.




Cornering the market on Urrkii’s now that Doc Bob is out of business and suppliers have stocks available again? :thinking::joy::+1:

It’s a solid investment :rofl::+1:
It was too hard to get bits when you were building :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Memories of the old el-cheapo TITAN/SILVERKNIGHT Gearbox builds are flooding back :rofl:
That’s what quite a few all metal budget builds were running along with the Urrkii FCU,s as a good fit in the older style blasters :ok_hand:

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Do you need any more?

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I’m running them in my Gen8 modded screw together AUGs. Haven’t had a problem yet, other than I’m starting to prefer trigger control to multi-round bursts. I usually put 4 gels on the target first before unloading a longer burst