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Picked up one of the Classic Army XM177s finally, almost instant buyers remorse.


  • Correct receiver
  • Looks pretty well spot on overall
  • Good performance OOTB (when it works)


  • Feeds like garbage, regardless of gel size
  • Ugly plastic proprietary mags that don’t fit in the lower very well
  • No mag prime, bolt hold open doesn’t engage unless pulled to nearly breaking point
  • Gas block wobbly out of the box, push pins do nothing
  • Took reciever apart once, rear captive pin now refuses to go all the way back in

Very, very disappointed. Tempted to swap everything out of my spare CYMA M16 into this so I have something that looks the goods but is actually reliable.

Certainly looks the goods, couple flaws but hey, what blaster doesn’t have a few things to fix out of the box :rofl:
I reckon if you take the buffer tube and grip off you could put the pin in, seen a few blasters that have this issue.
Is it a well pattern mag? The only classic army I have worked on was basically a wells with a few frills added.


Nice to see the colour of the receiver’s not just black… looks awesome. :+1:

I’d do the swap with the M16… I built an XM177/CAR15 from a CYMA M16A1 but couldn’t get the correct delta ring and handguard so had to compromise… and of course the receiver was black… all the same it was a pretty cool thing. It’s got a metal quadrail handguard on it now.

You’ve already got the hard to find bits right there… the right looks with quality internals? What’s not to like? :thinking:

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How does that even work?
I’m not a smart man, but that is seriously messing with my mind!:flushed::joy:

Finally found another one
Gave the first one away to the grandson because he pestered me for it.
You guessed it he dropped it overboard while fishing

What is it you ask it’s a thermos
You get two cup out of it


Extra bonus points for the dead bunny slippers…… very creative! :joy::+1:

There the only rabbit’s your allowed in Queensland :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Bought one of these today, just so I’ve got a Glock on the wall… KELe Glock 17 manual.

Not without it’s issues, even with a spring fed mag, and hardly a performer being manual… but a solid build and nice feel to it.




LOL yanks are naturally cheeky towards Aussis haha commonality


So, apparently , the double barrel shotties are out…
Any reports, yet…??
I got an email, from armoured heaven, and xforce , is showing in stock…

Prices are right up there as usual…… but it is what it is, compared with $270 new release CYMA M4 CQB’s that many of us enjoyed picking up for $80 on sale not long after their release!

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Wouldn’t be too hard to make a double barrel, printed and ol Bunnings, and just need shells.

Hell could even carve out a bit of wood for a stock/grip.

Didnt we find that the real steal was cheaper than the gel back in the old forums days too?

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Absolutely 100% correct about the comparison between real steel and a plastic kids toy.

If I had only spent even HALF the money that I wasted on Gelblasters, I would have to be discussing with my old man to triple the amount of real firearms and safes that we would have to secure! :joy:

Things that make go boom…!!!


So, got my preorder shotty 2day…

Very quick review, and a few details…

Feels very solid, nice and sturdy in the hand.
Like the real steel, very simple and basic, few moving parts…

I will preempt perfomance by saying , the big numbers have been obtained by 14 kg gas. This blaster can handle it, as long as the seal holds up…
Im using standard green gas, and performance is about 150 fps… but the seals may need some time to absorb the oil and swell. Lube the seals, when you get yours…

The shells are Big boys, much longer than the real ones…APS shell shown for comparison. The case is not threaded, it simply pulls off / on, and you gas the base of the shell. Be careful removing / reinserting it, as you dont wanna pinch the seal. It dumps all its gas in one shot, thats how it rolls. The shell has the capability to hold 1-6 gels… i assume if you put only one in, all that gas goes towards that one gel…hence the high fps. I dont have the right gas,just using normal green gas, and old gels, so i’ll have to muck around…

The switching is nice and tight…slide right to open the lock…it has a levering pushrod, so as it opens, it protrudes the shells for easy removal…slide back to centre to lock. The triggers are simple pushers…pulling the trigger, pushes a pin forward, which pushes on the shell to dump the gas…no clicking dry fires here…top view of the shells… (salt and pepper shakers.!!)

The view from the front…for me , it slightly lets it down as its not a wide open barrel…the rubber endcaps are there, to stabilise the barrel, so it has resonable accuracy…held on by a grubscrew, so you could remove them, and paint the inner barrels black…

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Getting comfy, with big brother…

All in all, i like it so far, compact, fun and solid…

Now, all i need to do is get the performance sorted, teleport to mars, and stand knee deep, in the shores of hell…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Nice one that looks fun. Love the DOOM reference :joy:

How can one , double shotty, and not think of Doom…!! :rofl:
Both doom shotties, right there…now i just need a plasma rifle, and BFG-9000…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

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