Recent purchases

My early Bday pressie rocked up fully authorised by the wife lol.

Changed the buttstock as i rather dislike the original, fitted a foregrip. Must say feels nice to hold and well weighted and balanced for a nylon body and metal Gbox. What surprised me the most was 340 fps ootb. Well done Double Bell.


The DB are beasts ootb, got the full wood AK and it punches 350+ so very limited where I can use it.

Even the gearboxes slap, put one in my LDT HK receiver and had to put a weaker spring just to get it below 300fps.


Na those toes are V7. Wrong model dude :laughing:

Anyone who knows me from the old forum would know I’m a cheap-ass blaster man- whore from way back… love pimpin’ out the underdogs :sunglasses: I’m also a bigtime CZ fanboy as well, dunno why, there must be a bit of Czech in my DNA somewhere :laughing:

So it kinda makes sense that I couldn’t resist picking up a CZ Scorpion VZ61… in the mail, on the way :wink:

Claimed 200FPS, full auto only… should be fun squeeking a little more performance out of it.

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Hell yea, the Skorpian I’ve longed for someone to tinker with. This gunna be good :+1:

Full details step by step as you used to do. :+1:

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Absolutely… :+1:

Wasn’t sure if the new forum was up for “Dive In & Mods”… :wink:

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Seen Vipertac ranging them now and was interested in how they would run, but wallets been a bit lite lately :confused:

They’d be sick running akimbo thou :joy:

They are a funky little bit of kit.
I was a bit taken aback by how small they actually were…

fps is around 160-180 on mine, but that was using older gels…
I haven’t tried different types etc, just not enough time, works flat out…

I would be keen to see what could be done, but given the size limitations, i suspect on basic spring / seals upgrades…

But, hey, show us what you get out of it…!!

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Absolutely it is… or else :joy: That makes for more interesting reading than hanging people. I guess you know what I mean.

was at the place that cannot be named and they were demoing a scorpion to a bunch of kids. Didn’t take long to empty the mag

I would be too afraid to unfold that butt stock in the real world probability that I would blow my fingers off trying to grip the fore stock :flushed::joy:

haha what you can’t handle the TOK round and all it’s power :rofl: :laughing:

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Yeah, i did a little mini review, when i got mine.

Stick mag lasts about 2 seconds…

Drum mag obviously lasts lasts longer, but spoils the classic look…

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Ah, that’s not a problem for me, Wombat

It’s mainly a wall piece, so form over function wins out. Looks killer with the stick mag in, if it only held five gels it’d be wearing it :laughing:

Just a shame it doesn’t have fire select… although I’ve seen some of these with it on cruddy Chinese ads, so… :wink:

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Well, it’s here…

Dive In And Mods thread coming up… first impression is I’m gonna have a fair bit to say about it, but it pews :wink:


Nice, how many gel balls do you think the drum holds?

Drum capacity’s pretty small… It looks to be slightly smaller than an LDT MP5 drum and not as thick as an MP7 drum… but the stick mag? Tiny! :joy: I’ll do a gel count tomorrow, probably start the thread on it.

The gearbox in it appears to be the same as the box in the Quasar DR-12 that Bigmuthadrums and Chapinb dissected last January… same manufacturer.

Not much point reinventing that wheel, so it’ll be less of a deep dive and more of an unboxing and review.

There ARE a couple of issues straight out of the box… at least there are with the one I received. Still, a cool little pistol/smg though. :+1:


Hmm very interesting. The gearbox especially looks like a knock off of…


The “ECSMG Scorpion VZ61, MP7, UZI Well, Mac10”

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Scorpion stick mag holds about 50 - 60 gels, drum’s good for about 220 - 230. :+1:

You wouldn’t be able to use the words “stick mag” on the old forum without a couple of dozen memes following it up :joy:

That’s not a stick mag…
This is a stick mag…!!


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