Recent purchases

Looks pretty funky…
The only one’s ive seen, in the flesh, are the $25 all plastic cheapys…

Just confirming, is that the $85 manual version Xforce has…??

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Want me to give you the bad news about turning 60, Maiphut? :joy:

You don’t want to know… :woozy_face:

Yep… $85, manual. For such a shortie it’s got a bit of sting about it at 160+FPS though. Ultra reliable feeding too. Only holds 8 gels in that tiny mag, but 8 racks of the slide fires 8 gels… every time. :+1:


It’s all good I’ll be ashes in a vegemite jar by then :rofl:

That’s what I said, but it ain’t panning out that way :laughing:

Must be all the preservatives in the Macca’s I chowed down when I was younger. :thinking:

Dang kids. If I wake up one day and I don’t hurt, I’ll know I’m dead

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I got to shoot a mates 15/20 round fully automatic GLOCK style pistol with him many times at the Albany range before the 10 round mag restrictions …… just can’t remember the actual mag capacity, but was pretty decent in .22LR in a mag designed for .45 sized rounds.

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One interesting pistol I demo’d was a Grendel P30. All polymer besides barrel and action, .22 win mag, 30 round flush fit quad stack mag. Semi Auto. Design and everything was interesting and showed promise for a range toy, but it was a jam meister. A few members bought them but ended up returning for refund.

I read recently this has been redone and remade by Kel Tec and they actually got it to work. Grendel gave up making them, dissolved or something as it was a flop for reliability. Interesting stuff. Grendel P30 - Wikipedia

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Yeah his was still a dual stack, and never missed a beat :+1:

Quad stack 30 definitely sounds like a feeding nightmare for a full auto pistol!


I’m 21 and have silver hairs showin up already

Don’t worry grey hair is a sign of distinguishment (or so everyone tells me).
I personally think it’s all the shit you have put up with throughout your life.
Each hair represents an event.
I am almost totally grey if that’s an indication :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Problem with grey hair is it makes you an easy target in CQB games. Balaclava is a necessity

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Mate of mine got his first grey hairs at 16, and by 18 was totally grey.

He used to have long headbanger bogan hair….but after getting the grey overtaking he started shaving it all off.

Still keeps a shaved head to this day and he’s 45 now.

i should just embrace it early.

Not a purchase really but new to me😊
Young fella came to the tech shop at the start of game day, asking for his mate if anyone had an old cheap blaster they would be willing to swap for his mates shot gun that the gels were just dribbling out the barrel.
Gave him a brand new M4CQB off my rack at home as trade, his mate was wrapped and enjoyed the whole day blasting!


A new sacrifice to the gel butcher :joy:

25Rnd drum and gas mod it.

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@docbob wants his licensing fee,
Everytime someone uses his red towel™ image, for display purposes…!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yeah…… licensing fees have been severely lacking to say the least!

Nice looking shotty though, especially the fact that it actually works as well as can be expected by the sounds of it :+1:

Don docbob of the WA gel blaster family.