Recent purchases

Yeah that can be true in a few instances for sure, which is maybe why Gelblasters can be that bit more expensive too. :thinking:

I guess it comes down to the intended purpose. :person_shrugging:

You’re right, some of the Denix replicas look like shite, and are shite… but some are pretty good quality. Their 1866 Winchester looks average but their 1873 looks pretty good.

For mine, I would have chosen a Denix over the KELe Peacemaker if it wasn’t over double the price… the blaster looks like painted metal and very new, the Denix looks more like blued gunmetal and more aged. The feel and action of the replicas is generally more accurate too.

Maybe I’ll spring for the replica and do a head to head comparison of the looks and feel one day.

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“Am I nitpicking? Yes, but the SAA was immaculate.”

Yes, the SAA is well regarded also by Europeans and Americans alike - you can find many youtube videos attesting to that …

Shame you weren’t happy with the Rhino.

Not going to be a vid on this for a little while because I tried filming it without a mannequin head and the quality of the video wasn’t up to scratch without one so I’ll have to wait to get one.

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Crazy Clark’s have the polystyrene Mannequin heads for $6.
They make for great target practice
Just stick them on Spike’s
Paint some red and black and put Wiggs an them and eyes and earrings and lipstick and.


Anyway there also good for keeping the neighbours away

This the model, your getting , Squiddy…??

Please, dont post any video’s of it, in use…

Particularly if you are scratching it…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I love it, it’s so far my favourite of the lot, and cost nearly the same as the megapro it was based off of, my pool of experience is shallow but its definitely the best I’ve ever used

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fuck its out, now i have to look at it

shame it sounds poor quality

650 is gross, surprised they didnt have a few gold models, shells look cool, wooden grip thank fuck

I wanna get my hands on one but honestly I dunno if I can stomach that price, especially if the quality shit

450 maybe, stupid pretty gvn

Wish I could get that deal unfortunately all there stores closed down in 2014 apparently

God physically wouldn’t let me post that video because I’d end up getting more contracts then Johnny sins

Try any nick nack Shop meaning the shop which sells a variety of stuff .
I think Kmart even sell them cheap

The things we do, a get a head…!

Try this on for size…
Got it at ikea for around $25, novelty party head lamp…

Plain white when turned off, changing colours, when on…

Or, try a sewing shop…

mums got a dress making manequin, with a head on it…could put some uniform gear on , as well…

God isn’t UUtoob… inbox me your video k thx :+1:

My bank hates me but got some more filament for some printing and a gel blaster project


It’s buried somewhere in Burma good luck

I got it and shot it . It is single action

Huh? Does it not cock and release the hammer with the trigger pull (and thus being double action whilst also allowing for manual cocking) or did we get different versions of the Rhino?

waiting to move into a new place before i attempt to fix my printer.

Got myself one of those old M249s at tactoys today for $20 in their bargain bin. Absolute steal! It wasn’t even broken

M249 V3 or V4?

Pimp out that Gen 8 gearbox and go nuts… huge mag, lottsa potential for a squad support blaster there. Just watch that plastic carry handle if it’s the V3… they tend to break very easily. :thinking:

I’ve actually bought two blasters from the TT props and display category in the past… found one had a broken mag terminal wire, the other a split piston head… both easy fixes.

Sometimes it’s the cheapest way to get spare parts, but you can get burned on the deal.