Recent purchases

That’s right, the only broken thing is Tac Toys :laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

It is the V4. Unfortunately it did not come with the buttstock or a magazine, but I already have 2 mags, and $20 for a functioning blaster is a crazy good deal. It’s a shame that most retailers got rid of all their old broken stock. Tac Edge used to have a ton of broken blasters available but as far as I know they’ve been sent to landfill.

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Which landfill was that again?
Asking for a friend! :wink:

Kinda wish I could get down there and raid their dead blasters. Most of my blasters are boneyard builds now, I am a sick individual that enjoys the journey or making something work, and work well from scrap. The only catch is when it is working well on a field and people ask what it is, they are surprised when I reply “It’s a thingy, built from trash custom etc”. Adds a lot of time to the hobby for me I guess

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Most of my Blasters came via broken stock.
RENAGEDE BLASTERS was my go to bought 26 broken Blasters in one go for I think it was around $550.
Most had stuck gels and flat batteries.
Parents used to buy blasters for there kids.
Who would run them flat or leave them for a month with gels in them unused.
Then try to use them again and they would not work,so back to the shop for a refund or exchange.
I asked renage why do you not fix them
Answer it’s just easier to replace or refund as they only had two staff.
These were the boom times in Blasters retail.
With shops popping up everywhere even had one in the mall in surface paradise .
It did not last a month as parents waking there kiddies to the beach did not want to see a bunch of middle age men waving assorted guns around in view of the public
THOSE WE THE DAYS :weary::sob:


We used to have the toy store in Rundle mall stocked blasters. Where I got my first.


Just bought myself a new drone for Xmas.
Takes less than 60sec to learn to fly it
Any one can fly this

It’s a self flying drone new on the market.
It won’t replace my other drone I take when out on the motorcycle.
It’s mainly for when I am ebiking around .
And when I am exploring on foot
Check out the video
I actually subscribe to his channel
As it about a bunch of old bikriders going on adventures



Be sure, to pimp it up, and expand its cabability…!!!
Shoot more, than just pictures…!!


You are a bad influence
but I love the idea
Both my drones are to small though :sob::weary:
Watched a guy in Germany do the exact same thing a year ago using Airsoft Glock.
Those guys use run down castle’s to play war games .
Love watching there YouTube vids

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The other thing I’ve seen being used were the RC Tank Frames being fitted with Airsoft SMG’s getting trundled around in field games taking out unsuspecting targets :joy:

I’m not even sure if it was allowed in the rules of the game or if they were just trolling the players with it for some funny footage, but was fun to watch it in action :+1:

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I’m not giving you my secrets. That loot is MINE!

I just bought a M4 ranger and the priming bolt is broken and loose anyone know how to fix it?

Where did you purchase it from?
If it’s a bad defect then it’s best if you get in contact with the Supplier straight away and let them know that you have a damaged blaster and want it repaired/replaced under warranty.

Don’t go pulling it apart and trying to fix it yourself, because that will void the warranty and there’s no guarantee that you can fix it yourself without having to fork out even more money.

The metal cyma ranger? There is a small thin switch that gets contacted by the faux bolt when the charging handle is pulled. The switch is not fit for the amount of force it receives any easiest is to delete it, but if you do want to keep mag prime…

My suggestion is to not use mag prime during play, as while you are excited and being shot at, its very likely you are quicker to just dry fire to prime and using the mag prime will be slower and much more likely to pull the charging handle too hard. Its a handy feature but a little poorly executed.

Flashbacks to the 2016 SKD/STD HK416 and M4 SS Basters!

Ok I admit it I am a closet star wars geek :nerd_face:.
Haven’t been to EB Games for a while
and they had this for half price $50

It shoots nerf darts so that mean it can be modified easily.
I have a starship troopers replica it’s in air soft form in the states.
Wish nerf bought one out here
I never realised how much stuff I have in the states that I bought waiting for me when I move .
Been going back and forth to the states for over 10 years.
Visiting family and hording stuff at there places.
Car a bike ,had lots of guns but lost them in a boating accident sorry ATF ANMERICA.


Hmmmm……. my daughter would love one of those for Xmas :thinking:

Perfect gift for an 18 year old girl who loves old Star Wars stuff :+1:

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Star Wars geeks, hey.?.?

I may have to post a few pics, when I get back home, from work…

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I didnt know this has already come out, glad it’s real cause its really cool, hope it gets to make use of those quieter props I’ve been seeing around cause the noise seems like it’s biggest weakness

just got to the end and thats such a slick battery and charger. how much did it run ya?

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Gonna get that red tripod delivered, but I got camera’s now, am lookin through tenba backpacks for an edc pack, the one in the store impressed me, bein able to fit the camera and mkst drones with room to spare in jusy that camera compartment, with the whole rest of the backpack for whatever else.

Extra stuff like a drone or actioncam wont till well into next year, but I am keen to start using this camera n makin my lil last month videos

though i have a feeling ill be back here soon with an mp5k cause I’m cravin it baaad