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If you mean the drone it was originally $750 with an extra battery.
But Amazon have a discount code so got $200 of .
Utterly useless to use on a gel Blaster skirmish day.
The bloody thing would give away your position :sweat_smile:.


This drone is good in some ways and bad in others.
It can’t fly over water or ice because of the sensor under it.
It can’t follow you if it can’t see you eg car, tunnel
But what it does do different to other drones is that it has preprogrammed commands,.
Which allows you to just choose a command press go and it does the rest.
I suppose it’s some form of Ai Technology as it scans you and then only follows what you do.
Anyway at my age all this technology we have is all magical to me.
I mean I have only just stepped of my horse and into one of those noisy foul smelling four wheel contraptions you young wipper snappers call an automobile.
Next you will be telling me that there are more than two genders.
Poppy cock and. pish posh
I say to you


I have a drone, and it just sits in its carry case crying.

I want to give it a good home :smiley:

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Send it to me to have some type of hobby to replace my Gelblaster loss of interest! :joy:

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This is the drone.

I had it since the pandemic and only really used it a few times.

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Have a few mates with them and our car club has two members who have professional film quality drones and very educated/experienced in producing drone footage for advertising/marketing purposes for our massive events each year :+1:

They are an amazing bit of technology that’s definitely changed the world in their many different fields of use :sunglasses:

I did use it to do a roof inspection when my mum was selling her place and a few drone shots over some parks here in Sydney.

you also have to use an app to see where it’s ok to fly drones too. thanks CASA.

I be happy to be rid of it tbh :smiley:


jeeeeze thats pricey, but the ai running it is definitely magic

also ooo cool lookin robot exa

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Yes we also had to get a “license” to use our Car Club Drones for the show events, because the oval was covered with thousands of spectators and the Insurance on the event required that there was a risk that if they did plummet to earth and injure someone.

Both the members who owned/operated them explained that their were rules and regulations as to where they could and couldn’t be operated, which makes sense for privacy and safety concerns obviously :+1:

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I’ve got my Christmas outfit sorted…


Mine is packed away somewhere, but says:

“All I want for Xmas is Santa’s Naughty Girl List” :joy::sunglasses:


i broke it

good job

its still runnin so imma run it till it dies but oooo i was livid

Finally got some mannequin heads so I can review so more of the masks that I own


One of my personal favourites a Vietnam era m17a1


I just hope they are made of foam, and you haven’t Jeffery dharma-ed your neighbours…!!

Don’t worry there is no Melbourne cannibal it’s just styrofoam with a black fabric covering

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What are the features you like about that one?

I don’t really like the mask for it’s features personally it’s more the looks and history behind it. The mask looks really nice and has a pretty high quality build it’s also pretty famous for being used by tunnel rats in Vietnam until they got the experimental grass hopper mask (which I’m trying to buy). Looking at it from a technical perspective though they are extremely flawed it has a primitive bayonet style drinking tube that works but very poorly, they have a resuscitation tube that would kill the wearer of the mask and barely help the person who needs to be resuscitated and the big thing with these is the cheek filter that are extremely painful to take out and replace and they expire over time from natural aerosols as the filters always had to be exposed to the environment to be in the mask and they also couldn’t be replaced during combat which would get the user killed. These masks where used by Australian and Us troops in Vietnam so if I remember correctly you had a relative that served in Vietnam so he may be able to provide you some info about his experiences with them.

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Also this info I’m talking about mostly relates to the m17a1 there was an a2 famous for use in desert storm and the ABC m17 which was the earliest model and the more common one in Vietnam