Recent purchases

I have had similar experiences with Paypal. They are very prompt and get things happening. I’ve had a lot of people argue about PP on forums they are shit, but they have been nothing but good in my books for 10+ years.

Temu I haven’t dared in to that. It’s just another Ali X afik with less guarantees. Be interesting to see how you go.


As far as border force go. Biker is correct it depends on who is the officer of the day and their discretion how they view the item. One will call it good, another will not.

Used to be on dollar value if less than $100 in value they did not get checked at all and you could order anything. $100 to $1000 value was fine as well but would be random checked maybe. $1000 and over was 100% checked and you had to declare it to border force prior. Or pay the $280/day holding fee like I did for a bike head. It was $900USD but yeah do the sums. Cost me a lot more me waiting for ABF to read my fkn letter and documentation.

It’s different now but some things are state specific depending as all states have different rulez.

I used to get lots of parts from Hong Kong, which was less than a week/shipping/postage to Western Australia :ok_hand:

Never risked a metal receiver though, as I already lost a few dollars on one that I ordered through the UK…… but it was an Airsoft Company and they left their Airsoft Company Name on the packaging and shipping documents, so was definitely never going to get through customs :roll_eyes:

Yeah, 6mm is a Hong Kong based airsoft company… hence the company name.

They’ve got full metal M4 receivers for pretty low prices compared to Oz sellers… might give it a go. Maybe I can get them to leave any reference to airsoft off the packaging.

Don’t know why it’s a problem bringing in a receiver shell from O/S when I can go down the street and buy the same thing at X Force…
It’s not like it’s a complete blaster you’d need an import permit for. :person_shrugging:

Maybe I can give you my West Australian address to send it to directly from Hong Kong to avoid the whole Eastern States ABF/Customs bullshit for importing kids toys parts? :thinking::joy:

A very generous offer, Doc… much appreciated. :+1:

There are just a few too many uncertainties with this plan… Sixmm list it as a receiver for an M4 AEG, so I’m guessing generic fitment for any V2 style gearbox. But some others are listed as Tokyo Marui, Golden Eagle or Ares, so there are obviously differences between them.

If it’s needed, fettling a full metal receiver isn’t as straight forward as a nylon item.

That plus the possibility of a BF intercept makes it kind of not worth risking the biscuit… shame, because the prices on some of their items are so damn tempting. :person_shrugging: I picked up a SCAR rear sight by CYMA for $20 and the quality is pretty good for a nylon piece. :+1:

Got here in two weeks and that’s over the Christmas postal mayhem period too.


Not often the local publican rings you asking when are you coming in…

Went in Monday shut… been shut a bit lately, publicans husband died, she had bad cancer and her brother in law running the show ripped her off, basicly over ordered booze so it’s going off tipped out $25k worth of booze so far.

Stock the beer I like, the brother in law over ordered that a whole pallet sitting here. I’ll sell it cheap, vroom I’m coming in. Had a chat and did some sums the bastard was over charging by over $10 a carton and pocketing the money and $$ not going to the pub.

He also, awhile back, I lined a pup up for him as some bastard stole his. I thought it was going ok but hadn’t heard much since last year. It is the sister of my pup. The bastard threw it out the car window :rage: :rage:

Anyway I helped the publican lady out as she is such a nice person in a predicament and got some extra cartons.

That’s my recent purchase. :+1:

Ya gotta be kidding? :angry:


Sounds like someone needs to take him for a walk in the woods



No, just got the news today. Publican got the local Cop to eject him from the Pub/property. Good riddance to that bastard. There is some shit people in the world.

The place i got my arcade from, is called " A man and his cave".

They do a whole lotta cool stuff, arcades (stand up / sitdown), pinball machines (digital ones, the genuine retro ones are getting exxy), kegorators and juke boxes.

They did a review of different man caves, and there are differing themes, depending what the owners into…footy, cars etc…

Worth a look…

What do you reckon, we need a gel man cave, written up in the reviews.?.?!!

Could you imagine the interest it would attract…particularly from the banned states…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Hell yea you got all the boy toys :+1:

Dam I did not get my Tompson they had sold out .:sob:

I think temu works buy buying up unsold stock from companies all over the world then drop ship’s them on.
All my other items were exactly as described.
Tho I don’t remember buying a light that glows pink in the toilet bowl every time you lift the lid🤔.
They do have gel blaster related products like Gilly suits for $50 assorted helmets with attachments $20

Yeah, I had another look on Temu a couple of days after your post and they were sold out.

That’s a bummer for you, man. I was looking forward to your review on it. :person_shrugging:

They also had an ARP9 blaster too which looked promising but isn’t there anymore. :roll_eyes:


Why do most of the aftermarket outer barrels have an ID larger than the ID of the adaptor? :exploding_head:

Back in the day if you ran a 7.3mm IB with a 9.0mm OD you just built up the end of it with tape to make it a neat fit.

With these suckers, not possible. Build it up and it won’t slide through the upper receiver/handuard assembly. Have to resort to shoving o-rings between the IB and OB to stabilise it.

First world problem, I know… but so friggin’ annoying. :angry:

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… and I’m running out of small green o-rings

One word… China. The place where no standards exist :laughing:

Yeah, I know those green ones… :thinking: perfect size for the application.

What I find most annoying is when you forget they’re there and strip down your blaster… then you’ve either gotta fish them out of the OB or find them on the floor.

The green ones are good for that though… hi-vis, easy to spot on the ground. :rofl:

I actually bothered turning up a nylon reducer bush for one… worked a treat. :+1:

What is this on an AR blasta or what. I did have trouble sorting my M16 out but that was butchered by someone else from the get go. That took time, patience fettling to sort out but ended up with good result.

The biggest pain in arse was when wells decided to change barrel OD to 9.0mm in stead of the initial standard of 9.5mm. Then try fit and finish off the front end was a nightmare trying to buy parts with the vague descriptions on websites about the diameters. Really had to sink the time in and do research, ask fellow members even get them to measure up the part I was looking at.

Best type of stabiliser I used to sort the wells out with it’s stupid keymod guard was this type Outer Barrel Stabilizer - One Shot Gel Blasters

I don’t know if that is a legit store but that is the one and fiddly to install but rock solid you can bash some one over the head and it won’t move.

Most OB were 10mm ID, some 3/8" some 7/16" I used some rc nylon bearing bushes to pack some. O rings for others.

I do not dare take my APS AK74 front apart. That bitch is done up like an alabama tick and took over 12hrs to assemble.

Any AR style blaster with a threaded receiver, yep :+1: