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Same thing here :roll_eyes:
At least with the old square block type roads it certainly makes life much easier and is the reason for one of my favourite sayings on the rare occasion every few years when I do have to drive all the way to the big smoke and always missing turns………

“Two wrongs don’t make a right , but 3 left turns will!” :joy:

Vic drivers are assholes aswell every time you try to change lanes without fail a P plater in a stupidly overpowered commodore Ute turns into the bullet bill from Mario Kart and goes 100km’s over the speed limit just to make it impossible to change lanes

More so the asian drivers here that get their licence out of weetbix packet and are legally blind.
Just drive it like you stole it in Adelaide and you survive.

I can see you making an appearance in this next episode mate! :flushed::joy:

Now we know where all the Brisbane teens learn there tactics

hahaha I’ve lost it now. Pregnant bigfoot bloody hell farkin :rofl: :laughing: :crazy_face: :laughing: :rofl:

The “offended Karen” that got Tazed and the “Dishwasher” were the ones that had me in tears! :joy:

I can do you an advanced driving course. BYO helmet. That’s just so you don’t bang your head when I do a 40ft jump in the HJ. :rofl:

That lady arrested for camel toe haha being too bald f that is funny

Here’s some West Oz Wheatbelt Farming Fun Weekends !

And yeah…… I know most of the blokes/girls/cars/bikes etc etc here, as I have been part of this Annual Event for 25 years! :flushed::sunglasses::+1::australia:

You sure it’s wheat you grow over there, I think you need rubber plantations :rofl:

I recognize that fella on the trials bike at the fair he come here.

There’s also that BMX freestyle fella in it that born Adelaide. Can’t remember his name atm Ryan something part of Travis Pastrana’s gig these days.

I have a new setup for my piano stand, I shortened my pump , built a new chair which is pretty comfy, and got the watch I’m planning to replace my phone with, and a mfin record player

very excited


What is with all the new found hype in records? Mates daughter had to get her favourite artist on vinyl.

I’ve still got my vinyl collection, should sell it to you suckers and make bank :rofl:


Vinyl sounds so much less sterile than CD… at least IMO.

And don’t get me started on ultra compressed MP3s… :roll_eyes:

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I’ve got Patsy Biscoe on Vinyl :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: she can bloody stay there too. I’m not buying a record player to hear that :rofl:

Most people buy them as decorations and hang them on the wall because vinyl players are really expensive for some reason and people would rather just blue tooth their phones to a speaker.

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How much you going for, I’ll bluetooth you and hang you on the shed wall :rofl:

Unless you’re like us, who grew up listening to vinyl records and still have the Marantz, Pioneer, Kenwood or Bang Olafson turntables we spun records on back then. :wink:

There ARE some benefits to being old, after all.


Heyyy, GW4 Classic 46mm, I got one of those too :smiley:

SOLID watch, been using mine for a few months now. The weather app is a life saver in summer.

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Jeezus H Christ……. just when I thought that I remembered all of the old legends that I grew up with, you come out and blow my mind with this one! :flushed:

I’m used to the standard old stuff like John Denver, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Boney M, Suzie Quattro, Smokey, Zoot, Ted Mulray, ABBA…….

……. I’m going to shut my trap right now before I head down the rabbit hole of another bottomless Doc Bob rant! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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