Recent purchases

I can’t get Hickory Dickory Dock out of my head, I’ll never forget. Of course we would sing along with modified lyrics :rofl:

The Ford Fairlane version? :rofl:

Patsy B was a regular on my favourite shows Here’s Humphrey and Fat Cat and friends :rofl:

What a legend!

Its a mix of owning your media because fuck subscriptions, n reteo aesthetics cause analog tech holds magic

plus it just sounds n looks cool

I am sure some people would be very excited about that offer, I am not planning to get a big collection, I do not have room, but renting or switching some I might do, like library books ^^

I have that one so I can lay back in a hammock and listen to warm and scratchy songs I like.

I may end up printing my own if I can figure it out tbh

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Its actually the GW6 Classic LTE 43mm

And its currently, barely doin what it needs to.

I am now wondering if its defective going into cooling mode and locking me out despite not being hot.

It happens when I open a playlist on spotify thats too big I guess, luckily I am already workin on fixing that, but I wanna fully disable that feature

Buuut it shouuuld be able to replace my phone so this year will be interesting aye

That’s really weird, mine only ever gets that hot when I’m updating or charging it. Wonder what’s going on in there.

Hope you manage to get the functionality you want out of it thought.

Personally, I’d recommend using it more as a “2nd monitor” for your phone than as a wholesale replacement, you’ll probably get frustrated if you’re expecting the same or even similar levels of functionality.

But, if it works for you then all the better. Nice piece of kit ^^

Finally got a Sand Viper. Decided on the JAG/Army Armament offering. Every company that made these or Pit Vipers got something wrong in regards to replica accuracy. This one I think was the best quality build and the only major error is the slide being 5.1 instead of 5 inch. The other two (Combat Master and Pit Viper) are AW/EMG.


Nice! How’d you score that one?

Command Elite Hobbies. They’re the only retailer that got these ones in. Everyone else got Golden Eagles, Double Bell or EMG. Tactical Edge got some SRC Combat Masters and Pit Vipers but no Sand Viper.

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Speaking of GBB pistols, can anyone tell me which GE this one is?

It’s an older model from a couple of years ago. Bought it from a mate not functioning for $70 with mags after he was told by three “techs” it was irrepairable.

Gave it a strip, clean and oil, works like a champ. :rofl: GE Hi Capa 5.1? :person_shrugging:

those are very slick ngl. the only errors i see is the grip safety and stippling are wrong. the AA is closer but has the lower grip screw (which is not seen on the real steal).

neither have the compensator retract back to show the “fangs”.

Lotsa rah

It wasnt hot, not outside anyways, the issue was maybe ram or proccessor, it didkt like big spotify playlists.

It has actually gotten hot but and dome it just off music and it cooled off in about 15 minutws n went back to normal whicj is good to know but only an hour of music is pretty shameful.

Its not doing texts rn which is pissin me off cause
I need those

Its too replace the shint and convenient parts of my phone, the number, 4g, spotify, notifications.

I was gonna get an e ink tablet to compliment it for things like this, ground news, discord, sketchin and reading, banking

But the boox is trash, supernote doesnt fill the gap

and the watch barely manages calls and music, wont notify me for discord messenger or bank stuff, may need a phone babysitting it all the time ar this rate to even have texting enabled which is STUPID

not a hardware limit a software limit, thank uou samsung =x=

figurin out what I wanna do atm the nomad may get app support soon but it’s lookin like my phones gonna stay in my bag for a while before I can ditch it.

Very tired

bought a lunchbox

Yeah, like I said. 2nd monitor :stuck_out_tongue: mine works fine for music, discord, text messages and bank notifications, because it’s always within Bluetooth range of my phone. The watch is just feeding me data, acting as a remote control and alerting me when my phone is out of earshot.

As for tablets, I really recommend an old S series. I got a S7+ 2nd hand recently and despite being 4 years old it still draws without noticeable delay, has AMAZING AKG speakers and a god tier screen. S6 Lites are smaller but still pack a punch for anything short of playing Fortnite.

Also make sure you Google problems with products you’re about to buy. Not just reviews. If you Google “watch 6 issues” the heat one is fairly well known for instance.

Nothing new but i am eyeing one of those swanky looking sit-stand desks from secret lab…and a chair as my current chair is falling apart and needs to be chucked.

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Had a secret lab chair it was like sitting on a rock
Check product review and try before you buy !!

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Yes and no. Seems TTI make them with and without 2 screw grips.


yeah that’s fair. they never seem to be definitive with their looks.

would have been nice to see the sand viper with tan lower and black stippled grips. i personally think that looks better than the black lower that is currently sold.

Buckle up, it’s a long one… :wink:

LeHui Sig 552 Commando

I’ve always been a big fan of LeHui blasters… :wink: the old Kriss Vector, Steyr AUG, Scorpion Evo… good solid builds, nice fire control options and I love that LeHui DON’T follow the trend of punching out infinite M4 variants.

Latest in the collection is a Sig 552 Commando. Definitely not a recent blaster, but new to me and something I’ve had my eye on for a while.

My first reaction was to be fairly impressed… very solid, good weight, nice detail. Disappointed to see a JST battery connector in the front handguard… I don’t own any JST lipos. So the warranty was voided five minutes out of the box when the soldering iron came out and an XT30 connector was fitted. Fortunately it cycles perfectly so all good.

Fitting the battery did highlight one issue. While the battery compartment is large enough to fit a standard M4 buffer tube 11.1v lipo, the top part of the handguard which is the cover isn’t the tightest fit and wobbles a bit when fitted. So out came the aluminium tape to build up the inside and around the area that locates into the dummy gas block. Worked well, tightened up the fit and did a bit to alleviate the associated wobble on the bottom piece of the handguard.

On that, anyone remember the old Well G36 blasters? Had the bottom pic rail attached to the battery cover, and one of the problems with that design was fitting a vertical grip to an insecure bit of nylon. Highlighted the wobbleocity of it all. This Sig is similar. It comes fitted with a bottom pic rail but the only things holding it in place are a takedown pin and the front gas block… noticably wobbly with a MOE foregrip attached. I always planned to remove the bottom and side pic rails from the handguard for a cleaner look anyway, so no big deal for me.

Handy tip, the rails should be unscrewed with the handguard off or you WILL be fishing the nuts out of the outer barrel assembly… which required removing five screws to access the crevices they’d fallen into… Murphy’s Law. :laughing:

The other negative is the trigger guard… it’s metal as is the trigger and is designed to swivel out of the way so soldiers in cold climates wearing snow gloves can get to the trigger. The guard locks fairly positively out of the way left and right, but in the centralised position it’s not the most solid lock. It’s easy to knock the guard over to the left if you miscue inserting that trigger digit. Not a deal breaker and I’m being picky about that, but worth noting.

As usual, LeHui didn’t think to provide any inner barrel protrusion to allow fitment of a hop up… it’s alloy, but buried about one centimetre into the outer barrel, which is surprising a short metal piece about 4cm long and part of the faux gas tube assembly. So it’s no hop up or a new t piece and longer inner barrel.

After that, as Buck said in Kill Bill as he handed over his grubby jar of Vaseline, “It’s all good, buddy!”

The folding buttstock is rock solid, very positive locked or folded. The grip is quite large compared to an M4, but not uncomfortably so. The fire select switching is one of the best I’ve seen, especially for an ambi setup. Positive and crisp on both sides of the receiver through all three modes and easy to reach from the grip. Having three round burst is a great thing, although how long the MOSFET hangs in there with an 11.1v lipo is unknown… the Vectors struggled with fried MOSFETs, I can only hope LeHui have made improvements in that area.

Charging handle’s easy to access and does prime the smoke tinted mags. The mags are similar to G36 mags, moulded to be coupled together. Access is via the top, but unlike most top loading mags, the trapdoor hinges the opposite way making it a snap to open, even if you’re a nailbiter.
The bottom plate slides off too to clean out the mag or service the mag motor, a nice touch. Fitment is sort of AK style rock and lock, but I found them easier to fit than any AK I’ve had my gorilla mitts on… very smooth and easy.

The top pic rail on the nylon receiver is metal and can be removed if desired, but this is getting an optic so won’t be doing that. The fitted H&K style iron sights are very very good, with spring loaded detent pins on the rear barrel to give off a nice audible click between settings and windage adjustment on both front and rear sights.

Chrono testing shows it’s hitting between 280 - 290FPS with X Force pinks, I would imagine it would be higher with harder gels. Every review I’ve seen on these shows a 1.3mm spring in the box to up FPS to around 300… there was no spare spring with this one, but happy with the numbers given the short barrel so I wouldn’t swap out the spring anyway.

That’s a long review for such an old model, but considering you have to reach back into the past a bit to find anything other than an M4 or AK these days, I figured it was worth writing it up. Think of it as a budget alternative to something like the FAL LK58 and a very viable option for those of us looking for something affordable, a little bit different and decent build quality.


X Force Tactical are now importing the same GBBR Western Manufacturing blasters that RPM brought in. They have new magazines available that are a great improvement on the last ones.
The mag spring and follower are captive to the base of the inner mag. The loading channel rolls over the corners more like pistol mags, so no more yeeting the spring and follower or losing all your gell balls as you close the mag.
The weight of the mags has increased from 330-500 grams. Supposed to resist freezing from rapid fire better than the last mags.
I picked up a couple from Vas’s Meadowbrook store and initial tests are very positive. Feed very well. No need to polish the inner race like the last lot or the GM mags.


Thank you Vipertac! Wanted a compact holster for it but none of the Cytacs suited it right. They didnt mention they had this badboy though.

ugh … not driving to Northlakes again in a hurry though.