Recent purchases

cheers mate, heading up to the shops so I’ll grab one then, this one definitely takes AAA batteries, probably more convient that way, one less thing to worry about breaking, charger ports are easily broken if it got knocked off where it was charging and the cable got jarred against something. had it happen with other devices before

what’s the highest fps youse have got off a stock standard m97 shotgun… tried a few different gels n best I’ve got so far is 235 fps…

so much for 270+ fps out the box :joy:

The original ones were pretty stout, sitting around 290-300fps. Great cheap plinkers with power.
The new ones seem to struggle to get over 200fps, and have a noticeable easier pump action. Might have been subdued for the Chinese market maybe then we got them.

boooooooo that’s probably what they did but stores shouldn’t be advertising them at that higher fps if they’re not hitting that mark anymore, possibly a lack of quality control due to operating on the assumption they’d be the same as previous stocked items. not exactly their fault but I would assume they should be testing new batches to ensure they’re selling a product of the same quality

good thing I bought a spring to upgrade it if my fiddle fingers want to co-operate that is :sweat_smile::joy:

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Easy to work on, you’ll have no problems. :+1:

They would have had a spring downgrade back in the factory for sure, all to do with compliance. I’ve often thought about picking one up, they look good if you whack a buffer tube and stock on them.

But the hopper fed thing always puts me off. :joy:

yeah I recall @Wombat posted a link to lowguidos video pulling one apart, definitely going to need to refer to that for sure, cheers for that again wombat

a little disappointing tho it sounds as if the manufacturer failed to disclose the downgraded spring, provided that is the reason.

however I did manage to get approx 235fps average and the highest was 240fps with the original predator ultras

definitely will look into a buffer tube and stock at some point, I think GBU had a special on them but trying to steer clear of them after my last experience where they swapped their listing for the special on their m4a1 tracer mags to a honey badger when I walked into the store after having it in my cart for two days and they dicked around out the back for ages before coming out to serve me, no doubt because I pulled them up for trying to screw me for my store credit when they refused a refund for an item they didn’t have in stock :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t really recommend buying a blaster from them (although I very occasionally do :joy:) but Taccy Toys have cheap buffer tubes with free postage.

I’ve got a standard M4 stock kicking around doing nothing… yours if you want it.

So $22 buckaroos all up gets your M97 looking all tacticool. :wink:

Just wandered up the shed and dragged it out of the cupboard> can’t remember if it has any mods other than the stock, but probably has a spring and o-ring

AKA’s under 7.3mm

8 week old elites

The culprit

That’s a good looking unit :+1:

I kind of wish there was a SPAS-12 gel blaster available that WASN’T shell ejecting. I mean if the under barrel shell tube was actually a gel mag, motor driven into a t-piece like a P90, I’d go nuts for that.

I ran a few original ultra elites through it and still only got up to around 230, but they’re probably a bit over 12 weeks old, will have to prep some aka’s tomorrow and give them a whirl, I’ve got some tactical edge Hardened gels I can prep and try through it as well,

I’ll try a bunch of others as well n see what I can come up with before I upgrade the spring, ended up getting talked into the m130 spring by x-force although I read accuracy goes out the window with anything over the m120 and that the m120 would be the best choice, they’re only $10 so worse comes to worse I’ll just grab one of them.

@Friendly_Fire I actually got the m97 from taccytoys so I did wonder if that was maybe why it was lower than desirable fps, but could also be the old gels, might take you up on your offer for the stock once I’m finished moving house, a very gracious offer I might add kind sir, thank you, but I’ll definitely be picking the buffer tube up in store if I grab one from taccytoys as their postage for the m97 didn’t happen and I collected it from the store instead :roll_eyes:

Always free postage from TaccyToys, they don’t put a minimum spend on it. But if you’re close to them, why not pick it up? :wink:

It’s only that I can save a few bucks with that free postage that gets me buying from them. :joy:

I know they definitely sell from container to shop shelf, so it’s likely your low FPS is a China based issue… but have fun with it, should be easy to get it up into the high 200s. :+1:

yeah I tried the tacedge ultra hard today and got less than desirable results, got better off the gels I tried yesterday which was disappointing. but I’ll keep experimenting before upgrading the spring

tried the free delivery method from because it’s a 30-45 min drive to Archerfield from where I am depending on traffic and in my line of work I cause the traffic jams so I don’t want to get stuck in them :crazy_face:

not exactly lol but roadworks sometimes has that effect on the traffic but if we don’t fix the road, there’s no road :man_shrugging:t2:

who’d have thought? :thinking::rofl:

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Any of the southside retailers are a haul for me… and there’s sweet FA up here on the northside.

What have we got? X-Force and Vipertac at North Lakes, TEH at Geebung, OzGel And Tactical at Morayfield… did I miss any? :man_shrugging:

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not sure if you missed any but I’ve got a couple things from vipertac and was very happy with the service and after sales support, was a bloody long hike up there so I know what you mean lol that was when my Mac 10 v2 had issues straight out the box but they sorted it and all was well with the world. highly recommend :+1:t2:

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Order’s in… good times!

Thanks for getting those in @AKgelblaster … you now have a worldwide monopoly on spare mags for these things. :joy:

Somebody else on here was looking for these mags as well, so I’ve posted the link up. :+1:


Certainly helps having friends in the industry overseas :grin::tada:

Grabbed a pair of these, from thailand…

They look shmick as…
Hopefully will go straight on, without needing too much modification…

Grips from overseas, should be fine w/ customs…
I hope… :smiley:

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They are correct too, see how they have the frame(not slide) cutouts for the safety/decocker. :+1:

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itching to buy a new blaster, a black MP40 is looking mighty sexy :heart_eyes::drooling_face::face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:

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just grabbed one of these for me

Gang Jiang M24 Bolt Action Sniper Gel Blaster – Wood

may look at upgrade options at a later date but for now probably mostly be for display

and one of these for the young fella.

GJ KAR 98K Manual Mag Feed Gel Blaster Sniper – Red

he’s been running around with the mini sniper I got him for his birthday so figured I’d grab him this n stash it away for Christmas