Retailers, Ranked

Jeebus … that explains a few things there

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I would have no problem buying whatever piece of shite that TaccyToys is selling if it’s at a highly discounted price below other retailers……… but that’s where the personal Morality comes into play.

Would I give TaccyToys $80 for a blaster that is only available for $150 from every other retailer in Australia?

Unfortunately my old man taught me morals, and I personally couldn’t lower myself to supporting a piece of shit business for the sake of saving a couple of dollars.

I’m not knocking anyone who would, as I posted earlier about their massively discounted sales prices, I would love to have the legal opportunity to go stupid purchasing a container load of stuff……… but that’s simply something that I couldn’t do with a clear conciseness. :worried:

These shitty businesses rely heavily upon these bullshit “discount sales” for no other reason than moving stock out of the warehouse……… absolutely no regard to what the quality of their product or the service they “provide”, it’s simply all a numbers game of moving cheap products out of the door at maximum profit.

In a real old world market environment, they would have crashed and burned a long time ago if relying solely upon Reputation itself, but we are now in a Global online market where there’s thousands of ways to deceive customers and advertise false products and claims unchallenged in the marketplace.

Back in our youth with RC Hobby Cars/Boats/Planes that were advertised in Newspapers and Hobby Magazines, which gave addresses and Phone numbers as the only available contact with the retailers for letters and phone calls……… if they didn’t provide 100% customer service, then the word would get around and they would dead in the water as a result of poor customer reputation.

Again, 90% would have no problem purchasing 30 cheap discounted blasters from TaccyToys, having the knowledge and experience that we couldn’t give a shit about whether they worked out of the box or any Warranty claims……… because we would all tear them apart and bin most of the parts whether they worked or not! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unfortunately it’s the uneducated people who are new to this hobby that get sucked into the TaccyToys whirlpool and are the poor unfortunate ones who get screwed over by this shitty company……. which has a very negative effect on the future generations of this hobby when these people get shafted straight into their introduction of this sport/hobby.

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TaccyToys is a place I only purchase from if I feel I am borderline ripping them off. The main unfortunate thing about them is alot of their products and marketing targets the new player, who if has any sort of warranty claim is going to be very sour about the whole industry, and likely ruin the likelihood of them continuing in the hobby and community. That is my issue with them, and always has been.
I do feel they are better now than in the past, but the bar was so low that it isn’t a mark worth noting.
In short. Only buy from them if it is actually dirt cheap compared to the rest of the market, and you have the skills and knowledge to do your own work on blasters.

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This :point_up_2:

I used to think if the price is cheap enough and borderline ripping Tac Toys off I’m up for it. Same blaster in the box if you bought it from anywhere else, same risk of factory faults and breakages.

But I do agree with @DocBob 's comment about a moral dilema. They’re still making a profit and with their dodgy business practices they shouldn’t even be trading. If it was any other business they’d be under investigation and on ACA. Every buck they make keeps their doors open, and you can bet they wouldn’t be selling their gear off so cheaply if they weren’t making significant financial gains. The sad part about that is that they specialize in low to mid tier product which definitely attracts people new to the hobby, and with no real idea about how to fix faults these poor guys are at the mercy of TT’s non-existent after sales service and warranty.

I also used to think their “display only” blasters were a good idea, but after reading the post from the previous manager I’ve changed my mind about that. It’s not like they’re faulty blasters picked up by TT’s QA before sale, every “display only” blaster is like a monument to some poor customer’s miserable Tac Toys experience. It’s just another way to crowbar a dollar out of the public by selling inferior product. I guess the only saving grace is that you know what you’re getting…

If their profits are still coming from ripping customers off by not backing up their product I won’t buy from them.

Ironically, Cory actually served a useful purpose while he was there… he became the public face of the company, the whipping boy and scapegoat that we could all identify with and hate. So he copped all the flak while the other arseholes in the background kept their heads down and raked in the bucks.

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It’s funny TT actually list their broken blasters for sale online as I just found out yesterday.

Don’t the other retailers have bins of broken blasters in store you can pick through and get for next to nothing without listing them online?

sledging bad retailers in this forum is becoming more of a hobby for me than gel blasters these days.

You should of seen it in the old days :rofl: :laughing: maybe you did…

Yeh … got a few years experience getting gouged or fkd in general by this wonderful industry.

But … hey … i got replicas of nearly all my favourite gats, even if they dont work/leak.

Edit - Except an Uzi !! Come on dammit!

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You have to settle, for what you can get…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


They don’t even have the pink ones in stock either… :roll_eyes:

The world’s gone Mac10 crazy! :rofl:

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Well, after a couple of messages with this bloke, it seems that TaccyToys have finally “approved” that they will be sending him a refund……at some point……as it’s been 4 weeks already and they have just agreed that a refund will be issued……somewhere in the future :roll_eyes:

The OP is happy with me sharing these on the Forum, and hopefully this will be the last one for this particular story from the TaccyToys History Book :thinking:

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“ Oh yeah, I definitely fell for the DD clock, shouldve known better as BSC had the exact same thing before they existed g Wanted to save that 60$ something chronic and it had a leading effect on my making a purchase when I did as I was in the final 40 minutes or so before it restarted, its predatory bullshit and should be removed. I had lengthy conversations with BS’s owner about how disengenuous it is and that customers have every right to demand a full refund within 7 days of making a purchase or even longer if they discover themselves in financial distress over the purchase, which was the demographic they were targeting hardest as the models theyd buy, had the LARGEST margins for the company and even with a restocming fee after a return, theyd still turn a good profit after forcing you to pay return shipping.

TacToys was better on the return front, but BSC would have offered to pay themselves for a device that tried to combust without the drop of a hat if it wasnt local, if it was, theyd even pick it up themselves so youd feel more comfortable not having to transport what is effectively a bomb with over 100 individual charges in most cases.

1 sent you an inbox about whats happened since, ill update the post soon, honestly waiting to see how much longer it will take for the refund to actually be processed and if I have any further issues there.

Seems like that friend of mine that gave me the vector | mentioned earlier, may have given an ear bashing himself, he was pretty pissed with how it was handled too, Im not surprised considering he was about to drop a pretty penny on a bunch of GBB stuff with them as he was under the impression they were on the up but still janky and untrustworthy and now will likely purchase from hobby instead considering even he had issues contacting customer service.

Ill also maintain, I was quite timid on the phone, I have severe anxiety, so if im not in the situation, it makes gauging whats going on more difficult, so on the phone I was nothing but polite, not mad, not angry, reasonable if anything considering my blaster almost caught fire due to a DESIGN flaw.

When it came to my original post, my hate absolutely came through with a flourish, things couldve been worded considerably better, but thats what happens when your policies are F the customer, they can wait and chase us around everyday while we try to take every cent we can and hold it for as long as possible.

P.S TacToys, I know you’re seeing this, the tone of your emails and the fact that my

“handler” has changed tells me enough, the constant bombardment of phone calls on friday wasnt ignored, thankyou for getting me motivated enough to push this a little further after you harrassed me, I may have made an agrivated post publicly stating my opinion and dealings with you, but I sure as hell havent harrassed you one bit. This toxic behaviour needs to stop, who ever is doing it needs to get fired immediately as they’re destroying your company from the inside and WILL land you in a pot of fuckery seen enough. Quit it with the exact same cycle with every issue you’ve ever had, it’s psychotic.

Who the hell is going to buy from a company that doesn’t even have an answering machine or a voice mail to collect the hundreds of phone calls your poor customer rep has to contend with, no wonder theres a post here stating that the front staff have a tendancy to create inhouse issues with the other employees JUST LIKE BSC, it’s got to be making the poor girl need therapy 9 days a week, get an answering service for shits sake, or pay for more phone lines and staff, that is a thing. No customer should be left feeling like they were hung up on or your phone is off during business hours, do you not like money, and your staff shouldnt feel like they hate the fuck out of their jobs and themselves because theyre dealing with the problems your policies create.

TI;Dr Dear TacToys (Owners), dont be shit cunts, treat the public and your staff better, realign your policies and marketing practises to the standard of the State you operate within or just fuck off, I couldnt care less which you pick, Im not your customer anymore. To the staff, just get a different job or band together and do it better, yes its hard, but shit Maccas would be less soul crushing by the sounds of it. “


I snagged a black Mac 10 vs from viper tac a month or so ago on special for $100, had issues right out of the box, emailed them about it, got a fairly quick response and was told to send it back or bring it it for them to check, took it in in person and the guy who served me identifed the problem, exchanged for me and renewed the warranty and everything was good as gold, walked away happy with the customer service and the Mac 10


Did they strip the pink off :laughing: Definitely a problem. :rofl:

nah nah nah lol it was black through and through :joy:

you may want to check out this thread on mac-10’s…

Shows some of the mods that can be done, if you like john carpenter 80’s movies…!!

mine didn’t even come in a box like that, just plain brown, but cheers I’ll check it out.

I did see mental gears and a few other things on a site I was looking at parts on, definitely something to think about

Well that made my shit day better and laugh. :+1:

whoops must just be my mental state today which is completely :crazy_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::exploding_head:.

I of course meant metal gears, stupid phones auto predictive text gets me all the time, usually it makes me sound Asian, no offence, just meaning like I have a language barrier

I know, just stirring you up all good mate :+1: Not the only one with that auto predictive caught me out today and I dare not repeat it :rofl: ooops