Retailers, Ranked

I bought a sieve and got it. I wasn’t sure but decided to try.

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Damn, I missed all the fun as well.
For what it’s worth, the only interaction I had with ECCB was I sent a email request on their website for some parts I was trying to find and I didn’t hear anything back. Plenty of other retailers I tried responded, some within a few hours.


I also think you should add Op Force Delta to A or B tier, possibly even S tier. The owner has always been awesome whenever i need to ask questions. Times when i’ve had to ask if such and such would work he has never reccomended i get the more expensive item always the one that will work best. Plus theyre a small business and shipping has always been quick. They’ve also got a pretty big range too.


Yeah nah you know what? I bought a sight and a light from them recently for a build I’ve got planned, and their postage response times really were pretty startling for such a small outfit.

Accepted, up to B they go.


I’ve had great dealings with Op Force Delta. Often have had items in stock other stores were out of.


I only ever had a couple of dealings through them when trying to find some parts that weren’t available elsewhere.
From memory, weren’t huge orders, but the nice touch was a little hand written comment on the back of the included business card that read something like “thanks for your purchase and we hope you enjoy your free gifts”.

Inside the parcel was a couple of small packages of various good condition 2nd hand parts and a few packets of gels thrown in as well.
I thought that was a nice little touch :hugs:

I can’t remember what postage etc. was like, but must have been good as I only remember the bad ones……looking at you Zhenduo! :joy:


Rosie’s blasters and another retailer forgot the name but it was Rosie’s husband need instant garbage fire tier don’t know what their service is actually like but I saw a video that surfaced recently of them shooting blasters in the street

Any chance you could do some digging and get your hands on the video? It would be good to have video proof to post on the thread so that new users can see it for themselves.

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Unfortunately it’s privated now

I think there’s some photos of the shitty excuse he tried to make though

I’ll take any credible evidence I can get.

This was after the video where they shot the blaster into the street

This is where all the videos used to be

This was a pretty old video that I watched quite a few times, haven’t seen it again in ages.

The video was of the Husband, I assume, standing inside their garage and firing a blaster into their front garden.

Admittedly their house and street is in quite a small suburban area, so not much distance between garage/driveway/garden and the road out front.

It was all pretty innocent, technically inside his garage firing into his own garden……not running up and down the streets with it.

People got their backs up because partway through the very short video, a car drove past the property, which might be possible for the driver to have seen this man in the garage holding up an AR.

One of those situations where wasn’t anything intentionally stupid, just that coincidence that a car happened to drive past, potentially arising in a report to the police :thinking:

Video had him shooting a gas pistol with a stormbreaka from his garage into his front yard. Street and several houses were visible in the video, no people (just for clarity, by no means a justification).

A commenter listed the pertinent parts of the relevant act, and how old mate had violated each bit. And also defined what a public area is, and how his front yard actually is for this situation.

Funnily enough, none of it is visible any more. And its not like the guy hasn’t/can’t do it in his backyard

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Thanks, better memory than mine, I thought it was a M4 rifle :thinking:
I do specifically remember the blue car driving past though….because that was my :flushed::flushed::flushed: moment where things could have gone wrong if the driver saw/reported something.

My personal take on it was that it wasn’t that serious an incident, but in all honesty, things like that should be filmed in the back yard, not from an open garage facing towards the footpath/street.

Guess what people? He deleted the post, not the video.


Maybe it was the video of the SMC9 was the one that I remember?
I was pretty sure that he was standing up and firing the rifle into the garden to the right hand side of the driveway and a blue car drove past from right to left of screen halfway through the video. :thinking:

Quite a while ago he did a polarstar video out his garage into the front yard, back when hpa was starting to gain traction in the community. Could be that video

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