Sales and discount codes

I would still buy one for the wallšŸ‘

If I had the money, and wall space :sweat:

Just been advised that my most favourite blaster has been offered heavily discounted by Renegade Blasters at the cheapest price that I have ever seen available :+1:

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I was very lucky that I took advantage of a supplier who I bought this from for only $350 as a latest release onto the market before they woke up to the fact that they hadnā€™t added their profit margins onto this blaster!

They quickly realised theyā€™re fck up and re advertised at the accepted market price of $550+. :joy:

These have never been available under the $350-$400 price tag ever since their debut many years ago.

To be able to purchase one for this price is still obviously overrated, but honestly the best deal ever offered to be able to purchase one of these legendary blasters! :+1:


Whereā€™s the story to check out the offers :thinking:

Facebook stories - usually at the top of the facebook feed

Thank god, finallyā€¦

20 characters

They are only moving the store to the Gel City site. More contraction in the market now the prices are unobtanium for discretionary spends for the kids

You can just walk out with them, thatā€™s a saleā€¦


Well he was parked in the handicap space so that speaks volumes

Whyā€¦why do they need our help finding them?

Did they forget to take down the plate number, as he left?

This should be open and shut :rofl:

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Heā€˜ll be backā€¦.
30 day warranty repairsā€¦!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I wish I was jokingā€¦!!


Apparently they did get the plate number, youā€™d have to blind to miss itā€¦, and reported to Police.

Guess they just showing how hard done by they are. I mean the employess are too busy staring at the walls and roof to do much to prevent it.
Why arenā€™t they chained to the wall? I thought they had to be stored in a lockable cupboard in Queensland :person_shrugging:

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Especially being in reach of the public, the few stores Iā€™ve been in theyā€™ve either been chained/padlocked to the wall, in a locked cabinet or just plain behind the counter out of reach.

WOW iHobby have 16% off - just like every week for the last 3 months

16 % off, overly inflated pricesā€¦!?!
Wow, what a dealā€¦

Gas Mp5kā€¦down from $430 to $320ā€¦
Iā€™m excitedā€¦!! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Like the ubiquitous TT EOFY discountā€¦ :roll_eyes:

The clock resets to 9 hours remaining every time you visit their website. :laughing:

Fit an m4 in your pants and receive a free atomic armoury gbb

Fit a Lipo into your tentacles, and receive a free atomic armoury shockā€¦!!!
What a shock, it doesnā€™t workā€¦

Dont worry, commando carl , will give you a free upgradeā€¦!!