Sales and discount codes

Oh lmao righto I see now. Left my part of the country long time ago.

I reckon M4A1 is just getting enough stock in, so they can sell some of the stock they do have; and eventually will downsize to just the Morayfield strore /warehouse/online. They have definitely fallen behind other retailers, and are continually closing stores as the leases are up. Kinda sad they didnā€™t even try and keep the momentum going they once had.

M4a1 was the go to for parts and cheap new release blasters when I started, Xforce and tac edge were still growing.

Pretty sure the cost of running a physical store and staffing it with less sales is becoming not viable.

Considering the size of the M4A1 store in Morayfield, Iā€™d say youā€™re bang on the moneyā€¦ the overheads must be huge to run a store that big.

Last time I was in there it was a ghost townā€¦

I asked the local pub what their rent and power were like as they were having a grumble. I nearly fell over backwards. 3 grand a week rent and $11,000 for power per month.

Granted they have the huge fridges to run, air con, lights and heating, kitchen/cook facilities. They have since installed a 45KW solar system which has helped a lot.

During the covid lockdowns the pub nearly went bust, hung on by a thin thread. Lucky they kept the bottle dept open, I did my part trying to help them out :joy:

Rentā€™s always farked.
15 years ago a 70m2 shopfront at Surfers was $400 per day.
Pacfair wanted half a mil a year for a 200m2 shop post renovations.

Is the store still next to crossfire? Donā€™t remember it being open last time I tried to go there, but that was like nearly 2 years ago now.

Yep, still there, next to Crossfireā€¦ just up from the Morayfield Tavern.

I used to get a lot of gear there, but the last few times Iā€™ve drawn donuts. Bugger all stock of everything and from what I got told no real intention to reorder. :man_shrugging:

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Ahh, they must of been closed for some reason when I went through.

It is disappointing seeing a place, any kind of shop really, just give up and slowly fade from existence like that :confused:


my theory is that m4a1 rode the boom wave and now it has fallen off theyre just selling what theyve got, condensing stock into other stores when leases run out and will eventually disappear entirely in a year or two.


They lost their primary supplier in the Chinese clampdown and one of their principals is in the US trying to get a business going over there. Last thing they did was the Steyrs or SMLEs. Guess they donā€™t want to be an iHobby reseller or do a deal with TEH. Remember when they were among the first importers (after Azreals)of GBB pistols and revolvers. They were several months ahead of the mass introduction

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Looks like WAT are clearing some stock. Some of the VX range Glocks are below $200


I use this app here, and prices have been the same for months.

From Tac Edge today

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I mainly use it as tracking for parcels, canā€™t say Iā€™ve seen sale prices match either

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Thought Renegade was closing down but not anymore apparently

Started ranging some of the new stuff and some old stuff too, if anyone was looking for one of those old school AUGs.

Renegade blasters best shop ever I bought 12 of there broken blasters for $350.
And all 12 were very easily fixed
Surprisingly most were just clogged with old gels
I saved over $1500 if I had bought them new.
I asked him why they didnā€™t fix them he said itā€™s just easier to refund or exchange than fix.


Strange, I would of been at least fixing the easy ones so I didnā€™t go broke handing out blasters for free. Maybe didnā€™t have time to even look at them, who knows :person_shrugging:

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Your correct there was only two staff working in store
So time was a factor
I am surprised he is still in business
He always had quirky blasters like the dragunov and Luger pistol.
I got two dragunov,s for the price of one
Terrible blaster as itā€™s a spring loaded
120fps was the best you would get but they make a great floor lampšŸ˜œ


I spent like two weeks talking myself out of buying one of the SVDā€™s :sweat_smile: Pauly for collectors sake but I would tried using it too