Sales and discount codes

Something actually worth sussing out finally… First 3 days they just repeated the same 15% sale.

Although I just noticed uploading it that’s it says “selected”

It’s the base model range, not too bad I guess


Oh just spotted this, don’t know why it didn’t show up earlier when I was scrolling

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Got all excited when I saw these C-96 Mausers at X-Force for $50…

Been looking for one for a while… no top pic rail on these like the old ones, much more betterer. Then I saw how big they are… :joy:

Oh well… the hunt continues… :laughing:

If RENAGEDE BLASTERS still exists they had a full size one for $80
It’ runs the same system as the SDK GLOCK from memory
Also while I remember would you be interested in a Z900 JIGSAW PUZZLE

I did it once.
Bought it from the bike museum when it was at Haigslea
If so pm me your name and address and I will send it to you

That’s a very generous thing, man :+1:

But I will respectfully pass… jigsaw puzzles and I are kinda like oxygen and flame… combine the two and you know things are gonna escalate. :laughing:

Especially after a bourbon or two… or three… :wink:

But again, cheers for the offer, Smurf. :slight_smile:

Don’t know anyone else on here that has a zed except you.
I can understand about the jigsaw thing
It took me a month to do it
I would do a bit every time I sat down for dinner
Praying all the pieces were there

They do, but haven’t had stock of that one in years, been keeping an eye on it cause I wanted one too when I started out in this hobby.

Sad thing is, I’ve got one that I chopped up to make a DL44 replica.

Now I’m on the hunt for a functioning one. :wink:

Think I’ve only ever seen one in person at a field ages ago.


DL-44, you say…

Its not that i’m trying to collect every blaster available…it just sorta happens…!!

I did Umm and Ahh, about his one, but what sealed it for me, was its also a functioning Mauser, when undressed…

So, a two for one…

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A couple of points…

  1. its got a tiny mag, only holds about 5/6 gells.
  2. small gas capacity, thats a no brainer.
  3. Very Very fussy on gels…you need to do controlled growth, to get a size that feeds reliably. Im not often that patient…

Im also after one of those older plastic mausers, so i can cut the tip off, and complete the mauser tip.

Also, the DL44 scope is way more offset laterally, to allow the bolt to cycle.
All in all, the quality is good, but you’d want it to be, at this price point…

On another note, i bought a tube for my pushbike today, from the local bike store, a GIANT stockist.

Their most expensive push bike was $12 000, with plenty of $7-9000 pushies.
Not all of them were racers, they had carbon frame fatboy cruisers, selling for $6000…

They said they were selling heaps…

I dont feel quite so bad, when you consider my entire blaster collection, would get me 2 bikes…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Thats my self justification, anyway…! :grin:

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I should have known you’d have a DL44 @BME :laughing:

I don’t have any pics of my attempt at DL44… screen accurate NOT… more like Dodgy Brothers movie props. :joy:

But everyone knew what it was supposed to be when they looked at it, so passable if viewed from 200 metres away.

I just wish I’d sprung for a decent DL replica and kept the C96 functional. Although I never could reconcile the top pic rail the manufacturer put on it, just so wrong.

Yeah, the side view doesn’t look bad, but when viewed from the rear, it is just wrong…
Too far offset.

Still, I got it more for the c96, rather than the DL44…
Just wish it wasn’t so picky on gells….

I think we need a support group…”Blaster-holics anonymous”…:rofl::rofl:

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Is that you Hans Solo circa 1978? :joy:
My auntie was in the USA when Star Wars was first released and bought back an American Movie Promotional “Blaster” for my birthday present.

Unfortunately I don’t know where it ended up as mum and dad obviously threw it out on one of our house moves throughout the many years :frowning:

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They go for a fortune nowadays…

Gotta love Han solos arrogance, in empire strikes back…

“I love you….I know…!!” :rofl::rofl:

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:sob: noooooooooooooo…

Yeah pretty devastated that it’s long gone, same with a genuine Raccoon Tailed “Daniel Boon” hat that they also brought back with them for my Xmas present :cry:

I’m really happy that my mother threw all these in a box for me


It’s that a tiny lever action or a reflection? :joy:

Nice to see the fire was burning when you were just a little tacker… :wink:

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