Sales and discount codes

Don’t worry, you will get your sheep back, but I honestly don’t wanna know what Lambs it’s gonna throw! :flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Goodonya for making history as the bloke who managed to win the Lottery of heavily discounted and rare purchase opportunities :sunglasses:

Can’t go wrong with such a good quality blaster for the price………,or can you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Make sure to keep us updated as to your thoughts :+1:

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Yea you :rofl: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :v:

Good stuff let us know how you go. :+1:

Mate, if you had it would never have made it out of the yard… :rofl:

My misses and sister in law would have named it “Ewenice” and lavished as much love and attention on it as they do on my cattle dog… now the only thing she could muster is another Schmacko. :laughing:


You kinda reminded me of Russell Coight there for a minute… teaching the Pommie tourists about gun safety :laughing:

“Would you like to hold this rifle? Well… you can’t!”

Nah, good on ya for picking up a bargain… :+1: LDT MP5s are a decently put together unit, except for the janky War Interest gearbox. Even if the nylon gears are toast it’s worth pissing off that horrible box and putting something decent into it.

For that outlay, the blaster shell, magazine and bag is worth the price of entry. Keep us posted on what you do with it. :wink:


Tac-Edge 15% off. Code = Aussie

Azrael’s joining the Aussie sale
Code - AUSSIE2024
Quick test is 25% off

Pleasant surprise from iHobby…

Cheapest by far for a LeHui Sig 552, and they’re still taking an additional 15% off at checkout, their Australia Day sale offer. The whole package of the blaster and an additional magazine came in just over $260 express shipped free.

No complaints about that.


It looks like iHobby are keeping their 15% off marked prices deal going and calling it their Valentine’s Day deal… :wink:

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Pretty tempting offer, but not a fan of CO² GBB

Nah, me neither. :-1:

Only ever owned one CO² pistol, went straight to green gas mags with it.

Smart choice seeing as how it was a Well 1911. :rofl:

They were fine when it was the only option :+1:

Unless you are playing in under 10°C, C02 should never be used in gbb in Queensland. Always green gas. The fact that the wells and APS were brought in with CO2 was half the reason they had alot of the problems. That and they were shit (aps) or utter dogshit (wells) didn’t help.

I can vouch for the Well being utter dogshit. :rofl:

Aren’t Classic Army blasters rebranded Well? Have they improved at all?

I know my other JGs (M4s, AUG) are good, but thats about it the extent of my knowledge.

agreed!.. my APS CO2’s were (and probably still are) fine. I found I had to add a few layers of electrical tape on the back of the mags to get them to sit snug (~1" strips).

Same here with the APS mag and the rear of mag packing. Oddly the larger stick mag didn’t need it. My APS still runs fine and the C02 doesn’t bother me as it’s not a high volume shooter.

Possibly, classic army uses the same gearboxes so likely same OEM, common practice in China to reuse or steal designs :laughing:

Gel Ball Warehouse are selling off stock real cheap. Not much there but I got a few bargains. Looks like they are getting out of the gel game.

Not gonna lie

This is a good price, if someone is after a LDT mp5

Likewise…dont say “its a wells!!”… say …“Its a cheap shell starting point, for a rebuild.!”

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