Sales and discount codes

Good prices on batteries and springs as well

The G36 was their reliable line :laughing:

Totally agree through my own personal experiences with many WELLS products!

Like anything, if it can be purchased at a good price, itā€™s very easy to ditch the shite parts and use the mainframe to build a decent performance blaster out of them :ok_hand:

If I was still in the game, Iā€™d most likely be buying everything that they have left in stock at those prices!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Bastards! Just ordered a wells :face_vomiting: and some magsā€¦ and hundreds of dollars of parts that I donā€™t need but may useā€¦ it is always fun explaining this to the missus! Gotta spend money to make money! lolā€¦ most of it is for me though.

Been wanting a g36 for the collection for ages. Wonder if it is the nylon or metal gearbox versionā€¦ dont care probably going to end up adapting it to something better anyway.

There was a bunch of lubes (always need that), springs, pistol loaders, mags, cylinders etcā€¦ and various odd spares that are well priced. recommend checking it out.

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Tell her , its like buying shoes and handbags on saleā€¦

You cant afford not to, think of all the money your savingā€¦!! :rofl: :rofl:

Also, be aware a ā€œrevenge spendā€, might be on the cards, for herā€¦!!
(probably even more, than youā€™ve just spent!!) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Dangerous game that ā€¦


Sociopath responseā€¦

Shop in stealth.
Hide purchases for awhile, so it doesnt correlate with the spend
Then, some time later, leave them out in plain sight.

When she says ā€œwhats this?, you say ā€¦Ive had this for ages, dont you remember?ā€
When the accusation comes, about dissapearing funds, accuse her of getting new shoes !! :rofl: :rofl:

Make DARVO, (deny, and reverse victim offender) work for youā€¦!!

Thats a dangerous gameā€¦!!

Most normal people donā€™t do it, sociopaths love taking the risk, and the dupers delight.!!

Donā€™t think it is. Itā€™s the ABS version not the Nylon and metal gearbox version. Find out when you get it, if it is the nylon metal gb version then score :+1:

Itā€™s the early Wells G36ā€¦ ABS and if itā€™s anything like the one I had itā€™ll definitely have nylon gears and no mag motor, feeds like the old manual mags with a pushrod and ratchet.

Still a decent enough representation of a G36 though. I gave mine away to a relative because I found the ergos too uncomfortable. :person_shrugging:

Tac toys (shudder) are having a sale on atm.

Some decent items to get, $200 GBB pistols, $100 BF mp7 v5 etcā€¦
Worth a lookā€¦

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Well if theyā€™ve improved since the pimply days maybe theyā€™re worth a 2nd chance, not that Iā€™ve ever bought from them.

That MP7 felt soo good - select fire and proper mag prime

Corey is long goneā€¦

I dont know what their customer service / warranty is like now, but in situations like this, dont hesitate to grab yourself a bargain.

GBB pistols, for $200 is pretty dang good, and the likelihood of faults ( gas seal apart) are pretty low.

Likewise, a $100 mp7, or p-90 , would be pretty safe buyingā€¦ little chance of getting a dud, straight out of the box.
Also, the 3 month warranty, on some items, is an improvementā€¦

I just wonder what they do, if you make a warranty claim?
Repair, or just replace.?

All these sales, must be to try to stimulate cash turnover, in the traditionally quiet, post xmas monthsā€¦and cost of living crisis.

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The ex-Guerrilla Blasters head tech works there now. At least they have someone capable of doing repairs

MP7 or regas the a/c in the ute - why so many difficult choices (just lucky I didnā€™t buy it when I was there on Monday - and they were unpacking a large container full of stuff)

Just noticed the brand Zhi Bo. Old ones where BF

Still hear the odd complaints about TaccyToys here and there, but hey, that normal whinging by the general public in any business :roll_eyes:

I have said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, if someone can pick up a bargain, then why not!

Itā€™s not like we give a shit about warranties and faulty parts on new standard blasters anyways ā€¦ā€¦. because we are the type of people to immediately pull them apart straight out of the box and junk half of the parts anyways! :joy:

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Bingo, Docā€¦ :rofl:

I figure if Taccy are going to heavily discount a blaster I want, Iā€™m happy to give them less money for it than I would if I bought it from a competitor.

$73 for an M97 shottie, 280FPS out of the box, shipped free. Itā€™s an old school manual, sureā€¦ but whatā€™s not to like at that price? Thatā€™s just poo change.

Bugger itā€¦
Im gonna get a MAC-10, to get my " Escape from new york" onā€¦!!


I wonder, whereā€™s the best place to get a mock suppresorā€¦?
Could always paint some pvc pipe, i guessā€¦

Now, off to ebay, to get a ā€œhigh quality medinchina scopeā€ ā€¦!! :rofl: :rofl:

Anybody guess, what type of scope they usedā€¦??

Looks kinda similar to a leupold m8ā€¦

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Cheaper than the one, they used in the movieā€¦!!

Have you learnt nothing from @Bigmuthadrums after all these years! :roll_eyes::joy:

Use duct tape religiously and your problem is solved