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I wonder how he’s going…
He should post some travel pics…!!

Yeah I quite often hope to see him pop on here and say hello and let us know how things are going :disappointed:

Must be all good and too busy having fun to get the time to chat with us degenerates I’m hoping :+1:

C’mon the best Mac movie ever is when Blade cleans house with a Mac, and his silver steak shotgun thingy, oh and the sword, oh and and :rofl:


Mac 11 .380 no less at the blinding 1700rpm give or take :rofl:

Fun fact in the nightclub scene Traci Lords the porn actress played a short scene until she got minced by Blade.


Yes I totally agree! I have nearly bought a wells MAC11 numerous times when on sale, with the sole intent of printing and modifying it to be a Blade copy.


Awesome, recently going through the trilogy for the 50th time, really cool. That and the Underworld series, wicked gunplay with Kate Beckinsale looking slick as ever with a pair of 92’s auto to blow her way through a floor.

Modern movies just don’t seem to capture the raw effects of the real guns they used to use a while ago even if they were blank firing.


the Mac-10/11 is also well rep’d in the Netflix Narcos and new Griselda series. Gets plenty of work.

Ive been thinking about building the Mac-10’s mock suppressor…

Two stages of pvc pipe, cut to length, and glued together…easy.

A larger barrel, to be contained within the suppressor. This could be a non gel barrel, just a aluminium pipe, cut to length to fit over the mac 10 barrel. All it is has to do, is create a space for gels to move forward in, it doesn’t have to be an intimate fit.

A bit of expanding foam, to seal it and hold it in place when aligned. End caps for the front and rear.

My thoughts are this…

  1. how to attach and remove it? I dont think a grubscrew will hold it on…

  2. the weight. With the the scope on the mock suppressor, all that weight will hang off the front of the blaster.
    I dont know if the nylon Mac could handle that.?? Not much of a (nylon) barrel protruding…

One possibility, replace the inner barrel, with a much longer gel barrel, all one piece. The expanding foam then seals it on (permanently), gripping over a much larger area. Its non removable, but should work…?

Any thoughts.??

Could buy a thread adapter that fits onto the Mac and then fit it snuggly into the suppressor so it’s quick to chuck on and off. Also for all this effort might be worth it to go for a longer inner barrel and chuck a riser v2 onto it

Considering you’re not worried about removing the suppressor and you’re okay with it being permanent, here’s what I’d do, skipper…

I’d build the diameter of the thinner nylon outer barrel up with blue tape until it’s the same as the larger section and use that as your friction fit attachment point, or maybe permanent glue point.

The rest of it is whatever you think would look cool, limited only by your imagination. :wink:

It would be cool, if it could be removable

I dont know if the Mac has a threaded front barrel, will have to wait and see…

This was on the link to the movie stunt version they auctioned off.
It shows just how long the suprressor is…and the scope looks to be a simple 4x 32…

I’ll look for a 2nd hand “non chinese” scope from flea bay…at worst I can put it on a air rifle…

Edit: Just picked up a used, centre point 4x32 scope for $40…!

A 2nd hand centrepoint has to be better than, than a brand new medinchina no-name junk brand.!

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Didn’t realise you where going to put a scope on the suppressor, better hope the high quality Chineseium doesn’t fold with all that extra weight on one point.

That was what i was worried about…

Because its nylon, it may have to end up being permanent.

Longer barrel through the suppressor, a squirt of expanding foam to hold the barrel in place, and high strength araldite, to hold it onto the Mac.

Will have to weight(boom boom) and see…!! :rofl:

Chineseium, i like that…

If the chinese ever genetically engineer a wolverine knock off…
They’ll fill him with Adam-crapium…!!

Wait I thought you planned on fitting this to a wells are you talking about the Bing feng nylon model because honestly that plastic would easily take more weight then the wells metal. If it’s permanent then would almost be worth it figuring out a way to screw the end cap on the start of the suppressor into the actual receiver so that the weight is taken by the whole receiver instead of just the barrel attachment point

Yeah, its going to go on the nylon bing feng Mac-10

It would be good to have it removeable, it could be supported by hand, when in the hand, and removed later.

It does have some form of threading on the front, i wont know what that is, until i get it…

Have you seen " escape from new york"?
80’s movie with Kurt Russel, has the item in question in it…
Not a bad flick…worth a look…

Only watched season one of Narcos, definitely no Mac in that one. Might have to watch the rest one day.

That looks to have an erection :laughing:

New meaning to the word…

hop -UP …!!

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