Sales and discount codes

They are almost back down to the old $86 CYMA’s that we all went postal about! :joy:
Definitely a realistic price compared with all the other suppliers at $185 +✅

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Aww…now your being mean…! :laughing:

Im interested, but i know of the “tight battery fitting problem”

Is it worth it, or best left alone…??

I’ve never called anyone, a pleb…

Except Squiddy, who is a CCP traitor, and putin informer…but we all knew that…!! :rofl:

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Battery space is irrelevant when Velcro straps/PEQ boxes are available……… what the hell…… run a set of cables HPA line style to ya backpack onto an N70 12V deep cycle 4WD Battery for all I care :flushed::joy::+1:

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Like this…??
Who ya gonna Call…??

Gross Busters…!!

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Whatever blows ya hair back mate!

I’m not gonna be the one able to carry that equipment around a field :flushed::joy::+1:

:smiley: makes me happy. Sorry for you guys down under.
They are being STRONGLY marketed as kids toys here. Many cheap chinese type ads and Nerf like ads. Adults, outside blaster groups, look down their noses to it. Why not do a-soft is a common thread.
I am expecting it to explode this summer, much to my excitement. Im a bit annoyed at the price and availability of mods state side currently.


Thanks for the feedback mate :+1:

Yes, the popularity of Gel Blasters in the US is something that we can see here purely through the actions of our well known long term companies that supplied our thriving Australian Community for many years.

Unfortunately, over that time our State Government’s have successfully campaigned to have these plastic kids toys banned in pretty much 90% of this country :rage:

We don’t get to see the overseas advertising and promoting of these Gel Blasters here, but there’s many of us involved in this hobby that religiously watch many overseas enthusiasts on YouTube, which shows us the growing popularity of these Gel Blasters throughout the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, we also get to witness the same irresponsible dickheads who are going out in public and causing issues reported constantly throughout the media, where Police are being involved in incidents where Gel Blasters are being used in illegal activities :confused:

These are the same stupid idiots creating public fear and Police intervention that ruined our enjoyment of these Blasters in our own country Australia, which evolved into the Political arguments to have them banned across most of the country.

It was never really the massive threat to the public or authorities that they made it out to be, as we don’t have any assault weapons/guns available to the general public like is allowed in the USA.

If we have a group of kids running around with AR15’s or AK’s in a public park…… the reality is that we don’t have any of those weapons legally available to anyone in Australia except for illegal criminal groups… definitely not in the hands of children :roll_eyes:

The biggest issue already in the US is that the realism of these Gel Blasters are on a par with the real weapons that ARE readily available to anyone in the country.

So any member of the Police force who gets a call-out for anyone spotted running around with these blasters in a public place would be instantly confronted as though they were brandishing a genuine firearm, not a kids toy.

This automatically leads into a very real and dangerous situation for both parties immediately and without question.

Whereas in Australia, the stupid and unrealistic excuses from our own Police/Government states that the reason for banning these is that they couldn’t distinguish between a plastic toy in the hands of children playing games and the possibility that they could be actual fully illegal/unobtainable firearms in the hands of the general law abiding citizens :roll_eyes:

I prey that the Gel Blaster scene in the US does have the opportunity to succeed, but from what I have seen in the US media reports already about multiple SplatterBall incidents with bright coloured plastic toys, I have zero confidence about the shitstorm that is approaching once our highly realistic and high performance Gel Blasters that we have in Australia, start hitting the streets in front of the Police and general community in the USA from the actions of thousands of fkn idiots brandishing these in public and getting shot by law enforcement from their own stupidity :flushed:


We have a-soft and paintball here, and of course can be highly realistic. But are generally in the hands of responable adults.
Im not too worried about high end stuff causing a problem as its already so easy to get a replica, or even the real thing. I can go to walmart and buy something that looks real, but pew pews with a speaker, not a projectile.
Other then maybe putting a minimum age limit on purchases, or california, they wont be banned by the general goverment.
They may get bad press, esp being the new kid on the block, as their target audience is kids and young teens who dont know better and don’t wear saftey gear. If anything, thats what im worried about. Ill be surprised if the Nerf verion lasts more then a year after lawsuits.


Poop - 30% off for CYMA is for metal blasters only

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:rofl: that made me laugh. Run a solar panel for a hat too for trickle charge :rofl:

I like your thinking :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

I do remember out crabbing in the Mandurah Estuary with my old man back in the 70’s-80’s.

He had “borrowed” a fair bit of equipment from his mining employer.

1 x set of pvc wet weather pants.
1 x pair of gum boots.
1 x Hard Hat.
1 x Leather Strapped Canvas Tool Bag.
1 x 100W/12V Work Flood Light.
1 x 12V “unserviceable” small motor starter battery.

Stick Light to Helmet.
Put battery in canvas shoulder bag.
Run Alligator Clips wires from light to bag.
SIKAFLEX pvc pants to gum boots.

Bingo……. instant kit for wading through the Estuary at night catching crabs, whilst dry in homemade “waders” and both hands free for scoop net and bucket!

No hand held Dolphin Torches or expensive equipment for this old fella :joy::ok_hand:


Golden Eagle 1911 - $241.00.
Do I really need the power booster rebuilt. Probably cheaper to just top up the leaking master cylinder and push harder on the brake pedal.
Wonder what a 1970’s IWC cap firing shell ejecting 1911A1 replica is worth? Wish I hadn’t used that last tin of caps
Weather’s crap and I need more sleep

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real ones are the same price as blasters
This is the problem i am having with buying an more blasters
I know not all of us have firearms licences and Australia is a nanny country on gun control but it still pisses me off


God, I wish lowcap semi-autos were B class :weary:

I’m super jealous of Americans being allowed to own ARs.


TEH’s offerings for today.


So that’s where our gel retailers get their prices from🤔

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So true mate :flushed:

It’s insane that those of us Licensed to legally own real steel are paying higher dollars for Gel Blaster kids toys or replica show pieces than the actual real thing :roll_eyes:

Laws are pretty harsh when plastic kids toys are more regulated than the real steel :rage:


Tac edge are starting 12 days of xmas starting tommorow. Hopefully one of those days is good. I was very happy getting the cyma scar for $250 last year.


So is iHobby the wholesaler for these. They are still cheaper than TEH after relative discounts. Maybe just a function of not operating a storefront.

The DB nylon M4 with metal gearbox looks a lot like the nylon CYMA with metal gearbox that was available a few months back


I’m like 99% sure that iHobby is the wholesaler, yeah.