Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

where too? everywhere seems worse.

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The chances are quite slim, as it has been tried multiple times before to be legalised. but it’s worth a shot to try to get gel blaster and airsoft back

haha. which country would you move to im thinking new zealand. only problem is kiwi land is expensive :grimacing:

i’ve signed the NSW shooter’s party petition. i need more petitions.

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Being from the community of Western Australian Airsoft/Paintball/Gelbaster enthusiasts from many years ago, it would be impossible to even think about Airsoft in States that don’t even allow Gelbasters as a sport/hobby :confused:

Right at this very moment there’s a massive push by the Government to annihilate casual licensed gun ownership to bring in the toughest laws and restrictions since Port Arthur :rage:

The chances of simply hanging onto legal Gelbaster ownership is teetering on the edge of sustainability, let alone pushing the agenda further to discuss Airsoft legalities :disappointed:


they just don’t want the people armed to defend themselves against the totalitarianism style rule they want over us.

some will laugh at that statement, if only they knew

they want us to own nothing and be happy, just be basically robot worker bees and all they’ll give us in return is some meaningless distractions to keep us preoccupied and prevent us from seeing what’s really going on behind the curtains as they slowly strip us of everything

yes, conspiracy “theorist”, don’t get me started, you won’t like what you learn :rofl::joy:

and for those that don’t know the truth behind the term, it was designed by the C :eye: A to discredit anyone who questioned/challenged the mainstream narrative and make them out to be “crazy”


That is the question and a good one. Local to you parliament members, write direct to them and voice your concerns under the stipulation we pay their wages to employ them to serve us. Not the other way around.

I’ve got my plane booked with air BME and think the same DDEE outa here :rofl:

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I work with Kiwis, they are good but I’d probably be dead in a couple weeks the way they party :rofl: :+1:

@shadow187 yes without starting a riot I know and I’ll leave it at that. :rofl: :wink:

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safe to say very slim chance as gel blasters are completely illigal in nearly every state

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This overreach and paranoid mentality of the government is Karen levels of trash.

I’m not a sheep. I grow 800 of them. Definitely not asleep either. I couldn’t care what pill is your desire as I take none have no need for any of them. So ner ner :rofl: :+1:

That is hysterical crap to hype it up. Sorry mate but you fell for it. Can’t even literally spell. :rofl:

Very simple process over 6 months. Not overnight as the video dictates.

Made me laugh and worth a watch :+1:

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Don’t know how many times we have to bring this up. There is no will among politicians to even address the issue as there are very few votes in it and they will face a liberal media backlash. While it is rare, there is a litany of cases where people have suffered permanent physical damage from airsoft. It’s a no win situation for a politician

Victoria introduced its regulations when all we had was a plastic pistol that fires a small orange projectile. Nerf get’s a pass because it is unlikely to cause injury. A major factor with gel ball is that there is very little chance of major or permanent injury. Ask Brad Towner about trying to change things in NSW

We are lucky in Queensland that we have a Police Minister who is realistic when it comes to firearms control and has stood up to the media when they have claimed that regulations need to be tightened. The media even knows that going after gel ball is a lost cause while ever he is there and because it is seen as a family friendly sport


This :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

100% absolute undeniable truth.

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IIRC the NSW police list the court case but still banned them anyway. Is that correct?

Any replica firearm has been banned in NSW since the 1960’s. Had to get police inspection for my SMLE replica before it was legal. 1:1 pistol model kits were even banned, but legal in Vic

There is no consistency in anything and that’s annoying.

100% agree but have you updated yourself on the Queensland legislation under the firearms act. They just changed over 20 of them that took me an hour to get up to speed with. All under the Community Safety Act that got passed.

You’ll be fine as you are responsible lafo but some others may run afowl of the new legislation in Queensland.

hopefully one day. we will get to play the sport.

idk a knife is more dangerous than a airsoft replica, just because someone is stupid with a knife doesn’t mean you ban all knifes!

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A Karen is more dangerous tbh.

I want to get a VR gun stock but dunno if that’s allowed either… Ffs.