Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

Haven’t had a briefing on the changes yet. Son-in-law will get info from his club soon and feedback on reasons for changes as involved QPS staff are members of the club

think there was another miscommunication there mate, wasn’t calling you a sheep or asleep, you’re clearly smart enough to see what’s up. was referencing the Matrix with the blue pill comment. meant no offence to you

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At this rate I would vote for Pauline if it helped to “drain the billabong”.


How would we go about getting the sport legal in other states?

I might just throw my support behind the NSW shooters party next election.


None taken I was trying to joke around too.

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Committee Details | Queensland Parliament

5724T1156-626B.pdf (

here @shadow187

the internets notorious for making things difficult to translate accurately :rofl:


On the upside, and to lighten the mood a little, at least gel blasters don’t sound like percussion instruments when you’re Oscar Mike…

I don’t really want to run around the playing field sounding like I’ve got a couple of maraccas for testicles… :joy:

But that’s just me…

Marracas for Knaccas.? :thinking: I blame Bme he’s responsible for my welfare everytime he pulls a taurus :laughing:

I just had a conversation with Rowan, the owner of RPM and Blacksite. He shared his experiences with airsoft, noting that while close-quarters battle (CQB) is similar to gel blasting, airsoft’s designated marksman rifles (DMRs) and snipers offer superior performance in outdoor settings.

Regarding the legalization of airsoft in Australia, Rowan pointed out that there have been a few attempts to establish an association and raise funds for the necessary legal efforts. Unfortunately, these attempts haven’t been successful yet. He believes that if we can maintain a positive and incident-free reputation for gel blasting, it might help expand the sport into other states, potentially paving the way for airsoft in the future.


Ah, don’t worry, man… I understand completely. :wink:

After looking at that Taurus / BBC close up for a couple of days I’m struggling to resist the pull… then I see all the M41As on BME’s posts and think…

“Damn! I’m in trouble now…” :joy:

Must resist… must resist…

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That’s what we’re all hoping for… :+1:

@DocBob if it ever comes back in over in WA you’re gonna have to sell a car or two to finance all the gear you’ve been missing out on… :wink:

I like stringing up and shooting the thousands of extra woolies paper bags I have due to the fact that

A: I always forget to take them with me to the shops and have to buy more every time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

B: they sound extremely satisfying to hit as they make quite a nice bang/pop when strung up in the opened position :drooling_face:


C: they catch a lot of the broken gels making cleanup afterwards much easier :+1:t2:

Already offloaded my house/shed/5 acre property in the hills, sold all my classic cars and most of the 40+ years collection of parts :astonished:

Having a midlife crisis, brought on by my health issues, where I’ve pretty much offloaded everything and am looking forward to a simple life travelling around in the old '88 GQ TD42 WAGON to see my days out :ok_hand:

I’m even technically homeless for the first time in my life, moving quite often and staying with mates on their properties as I’m trekking around.

It’s a good life, no more stress of running a business, paying out heaps of money on houses/property/vehicle regos/insurance etc etc…just living a cheap and simple life with no ties or responsibility whatsoever to keep me tied up to one place :sunglasses:

Been working hard since I was 13/14, and now that the body has dictated having to step back, it’s the best life changing experience for a very long time and excited to see where I end up in the future travelling around as a Gypsy with nothing to hold me down :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As long as what you’re doing makes you happy, go for it, Doc. :+1:

Any plans to drive with the sunset at your back, maybe across the middle and bum a bit of backyard space and a power lead off some of your mates on here? Stop over at Maiphut’s, eat a sheep or two, then up to Bananaland? :wink:

Plenty of room for a gypsy on our block, matey. Door’s always open, fridge’s always full, beer’s always cold. :+1:

Could definitely be in the plans mate :+1:
Got plenty of good friends all over Australia and overseas, so the world’s my oyster in the future :sunglasses:

Have lately been paying my lodgings through mates and their families needing a hand with mechanical/electrical/building /maintenance work on their vehicles and properties.

Mate might have a few classics in the shed requiring my knowledge and expertise, whereas their missus has had a few small jobs around the house that need someone with a bit of electrical/building knowledge as well.

So being an experienced Jack of All Trades, have been able to help quite a few people out already in return for a small plot on the property or camped up in the sheds :ok_hand:

Has given me somewhere with a shed and tools to work on the old Nissan at the same time, so everything is working out well for everyone concerned getting a few projects finished without any expensive quotes/costs that were holding them back from getting done :raised_hands:


Only problem with Bananaland is that every time I’ve been there… I could NEVER find a decent Beer!

Any supply of good West Ozzy beer that I had packed would be 100% depleted VERY quickly with a stopover with @Maiphut :astonished::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Exactly what we were trying to say before airsoft we need common across all states gel blasting incident free and regulations. Then maybe look at airsoft.

We do not have that when dictators jump in and decide what is best for a whole state with out consultation. That needs fixing first. It’s been campaigned and lobbied and donated to. Yet it hasn’t worked thus far. Some of the reputable Australian shops have worked hard with common folk like me support and got no where.

So what is the way to go about it and the solution. I really do not know.

There is? Skip my joint @DocBob I’m heading to @Friendly_Fire first he’s got cold beer :laughing: :+1:

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