Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

No way I’m skipping your joint on the way across mate… But most likely would hold up my progress beyond planned :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yea I would be late for sure as my fridge got a bit in it. Then camping, bonfire, well gotta have a party too thats going to take a couple of days. Got to get priorities right :rofl: :laughing:

You and I meeting up would turn the universe out of alignment if our phone conversations are anything to judge by! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well come on man, something has to change right :laughing:

Second thought I might need that for gravity.

Good to speak to you and you are ok. I asked a few around here as I missed this and was concerned. I know we all get busy with rl shite at times.

Let the good times roll :+1:

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What like the avengers of the gel blaster forum?

This one?

When people launch it I’ll get behind it.

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There was a Gelbaster Association here in WA that had been campaigning for Airsoft for years, unfortunately only going at in circles with the police/government until the Gelbaster ban was enforced, which put an end to all discussions unfortunately :confused:

I don’t think anyone is going to put the time, money and effort into campaigning for Airsoft when we are already pushing shit uphill on the Gelbaster issues as well as the upcoming tightening of the Gun laws nation wide.

Shame really. Getting more nanny state by the day.

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it’s not the gun, it’s the person behind it!

The only solution i have came up with is to leave Australia

Mr. Bean Waving Goodbye GIF

next they’ll probably make it harder to get a passport.

I hear Russia’s making it easier to gain citizenship

“The decree is aimed at those who share what the Russian government describes as “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” It offers a refuge for individuals who feel disillusioned with the policies of their own countries, particularly those influenced by Western neoliberal ideologies, the official statement read.”

They could of shortened it to just “Vodka” and I’d be in like flynn :+1: :laughing: :rofl:

that’s probably what they mean by Russian "spirit"ual values :wink::joy:

“In Russia, we drink vodka, become man”

Get draughted, sent bumfuck somewhere and die. I can’t wait. Na Zdorovie

:rofl: :+1:

yeah and I think if you tried to dodge the draft, it’d be the firing squad for you my friend :exploding_head::gun:

23mm AA ZSU Kym style. I think I’ll give it a miss.

:rofl: :+1:

Guns, cheap Vodka, cigarettes, plenty of single women, cheap housing, cars and groceries etc…what could possibly go wrong! :astonished:
Just make sure to stay away from the Eastern States in Poссия! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But…do they allow airsoft??

It’s Ruzzia … you can do anything ya want!