Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

We needs a leadership change?

it won’t happen. both parties are corrupt and want to control us we becoming communist


Sure do… even on your own residence if you like :rofl: Best airsoft game ever :laughing:

FAAAAABULOUS! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ru:

My favourite photo that sums it all up pretty simple…

If that the new trenching tool launcher I saw on Forgotten Weapons? :joy:

i was thinking of that mcnally dude that does the lockpicking stuff.


That would definitely change the colour of your day if you were on the receiving end!

when do you think Aus will classify it as highly dangerous fully automatic shovel… :sweat_smile:

soon… very soon. sooner than one would think.

It’s the upgrade from kitchen sink :laughing: :rofl: :+1:

Can’t deny the lethality of shovels… it’s the only weapon that Russia has had in it’s arsenal for the last couple of years according to Western Media, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some useless Australian Government fckstick made it their next target for banning from the public :roll_eyes:

We can all just ignore the actual statistics about the abundance of knife crimes can’t we :rage:

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i mean they’ve used a square tool as a weapon.

next they’ll start banning pencils.

Hes thrown it.
Its going through the air.


It landed on some mud.
Thats not hard ground, its soft.



Sufficent legal grounds, to fine, ban, and demonise people who use them…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I remember during my time at Boeing I had a conversation with a visiting American rep, just after the post Port Arthur gun law reforms. He was appalled at the restrictions on firearms here, his comment…

“I could just as easily kill someone with a fart, so what’s your government going to do, ban farts?”

Wish he hadn’t said that… they probably would if they could. :joy:

Trying to get Airsoft legal is futile and I think we all know that. It’s more about what they look like as real weapons rather than what comes out the end of them IMHO.

We’re lucky if not blessed that we can have them here in Qld, sad for all the other states though.

I think it was the police commissioner and some dopey pollie in SA? that were showcasing a real M4 and a gel blaster making the case that gel blasters are as scary as real like weapons because they look so. Like banning real knifes compared to rubber ones :rofl:

Why we don’t have daylight saving here in Qld considering we’re the sunshine/tourist state and yet have gel blasters is beyond me, but I’m grateful for the law that makes them legal…for now.

The day will come when some dickhead will do something really bad most likely with a knife like that fcukwit at Westfield and have a gel blaster on them and then the stat gov will ban them.

It’s a brave new world…and it’s all on fcuking fire :sunglasses:

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What’s even more dopey is the WA commissioner claimed that the parts were interchangeable. I call bs on that.

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:rofl: :laughing:

I don’t know, some of the rippers I pull even I think the gov should ban me.

:joy: :laughing:

The trouble in SA is there is no appearance laws. So the fwits going around doing drive byes and holding up servos SAPOL had nothing to convict in front of a judge.

SAPOL needed something to convict these idiots with and, I get that, so it was decided after lots of deliberation to put them under the same class as a paintball. Requires a firearms licence and all the storage and use requirements that go along with it.

So now if an idiot trys that sort of shit the judge can and has convict the offender for double digit jail time with a 5 figure fine.

Is it perfect. No, but at least it’s something rather than nothing at all.

Had an expedite period of 6 months iirc to give gelballers a chance to get their firearms licence or amend to the appropriate class. Was straight forward and no fuss.

Nothing on fire here, just windy :joy:

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Humans are such a dumb fcuking specices and for some reason people in power who make the rules are some of the dumbest.

Who would have thought in 2024 with the technology we’ve developed, modern science and knowledge that we still have war. It’s laughable that the ‘apparent’ birthplace of that Jesus guy is like ground zone for a war.

“It’s in your nature to destroy yourselves” The Terminator was right and that’s why we can’t have nice things…like Gel Blaster Toys :rofl: :rofl: