Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

Are you feeling ok? Need a hug :v:

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just tell me i am not losing my brains.

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“wait, that looks scary i don’t know anything about it or what it intended purpose is.
Takes to much time to find out what’s it’s used for”



Have you got anything leaking out of your ears? No?

Then you’re good to go, man. :wink:

yeah but (not that i want to🙄) in the cops defence, if someone’s waving around a full metal gel blaster that looks the part, from a distance it would be extremely difficult to tell if it was a gel blaster or not unless the person was firing it, and if they were stupid enough to point it at the cops in a threatening manner, the cops got no idea it’s not real so I would imagine they would be left with no choice but to put them down, whether the cops aimed to kill or simply take them down would be the issue but more likely to take the kill shot “in fear of their own safety and well being”

couldn’t really blame them in that circumstance in my opinion

if someone wants to FAFO then that should be on them. i don’t think it’s fair to pull everyone else down.


I agree and well said, that would be extremely difficult. If the cops see them used on a gel ball field then they know what they are from a distance.

Some lunatic driving around suburbs at high speed loosing out the window on random houses because they think it’s fun. How would the cops know if it’s not some crim until they stop them.

Honestly a cops job these days is a very difficult one. They can get in big trouble if they misidentify and use the wrong means to stop a person.

The minority muck it up for the majority has been happening for many years, while the crims just use whatever they can get their hands on.

How to remedy the problems in Australian society. I really don’t know. Get rid of class A drugs so people don’t go bonkers in public would be a good start.

true, there’s a bad apple in every bunch, and clearly someone that stupid has mental issues but yeah, not fair to make everyone suffer for one individuals actions, which is probably why they haven’t been banned yet, despite a few minor incidents

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unfortunately with have karens running the place.


And next door, and across the road, and at the shops. Like a population explosion of rabbits.

Actually Rabbits are better, they like firearms. They seem to like the CZ 22 :laughing:

Don’t have appearance laws here in WA either…
But the police commissioner Papalia (better known as Papsmear here in WA) used that as one of his arguments to ban Gelbasters :roll_eyes:

The thing is that firearms laws already existed for decades stating that to wave a replica “firearm” around in public was a chargeable offence… so there was no need to make excuses that new laws had to be introduced to include Gelbasters specifically when there were laws already in place for such offences :thinking:

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definitely sounds more like a bs rule put in place by a control freak.

Im just spewing about the changes to firearm laws someone mentioned on here, I forget who sorry, something along the lines of if you’ve ever been convicted of any offence you can no longer obtain a firearms licence.

if that’s true, that’s absolutely ridiculous, it was close to 20 years ago that I was convicted of a bs assault charge where I never even laid a hand on the guy who accused me and I was the only person assaulted by the guy that accused me and then I fell victim to the systems scare tactics where the the juty solicitor, and then my barrister cuz I refused the juty solicitor and sought proper legal counsel, instructed me to take the plea or I’d end up in jail if I lost the case, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

being young dumb and stupid at the time (although not a lots changed :grimacing::roll_eyes::joy:)
I took the plea and copped it on the chin, bad idea, left myself open to a damages claim, which he won and I had to pay damages for an assault that never happened

not that anyone asked for my life story :grimacing:
seems I’ve ended up shooting myself in the foot and if that’s true that if an individual has been convicted of anything they can’t obtain a firearm license, then that’s just crap and even more so because I never touched the dog

such a load of shit

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Yes it was me and I noticed Queensland slipped in those under their community safety new regulations. I linked them somewhere here so you can see. Further up. Tagged you in it.

I’m no legal expert, but the Police Commisar has to issue a FPO(firearms prevention order) upon you otherwise you can carry on as normal. I think.

So it’s only if something happens now. That’s my take on it.


These new laws and your own story is definitely a discussion that effects many firearm owners and could certainly write a novel about this right now :confused:


Mate here just threw his hands up and handed in three of his guns only a couple of days ago :sob:

We were discussing this for weeks and he did a lot of research regarding his situation as well as the property owners involved that will have to make big decisions about the proposed laws and their permissions to substantiate his ability to keep/use his guns.

He gave up/sold a lever action Winchester 30-30, a stunning Italian made vintage short barrel over/under 12 gauge with beautiful engraved stainless steel, along with his very first .22 bolt action with 10 round mag that he got when he was 14… he’s nearly 60 now :confused:

I wish I got pics of them all when he laid them all out on the bench, they were all absolutely beautiful classic firearms :heart:

He’s decided to keep only his .22 Air Rifle and is looking to get a modern .177 gas powered Air Rifle with whatever has the craziest military spec design just to rub in the fact of how ridiculous these laws are!


Yea that’s getting ridiculous.

I updated my licence to primary production as a reason on top of hunting and target shooting back when I had to renew it couple years ago as I can see things are going to tighten up as time goes on.

I need it for what I do. Council complains about foxes and rabbits and wants me to put bloody 1080 bait out which I won’t poison bait. Not only wipes rabbits and foxes, it get’s your dog, cat, the sleepy lizzards, Achidnas, birds. It kills everything.

With a firearm I take care of them selectively.

Mate, gotta give you a call and discuss this further…
Seriously can’t believe what the government has planned leading into this, it’s fkn ridiculous :rage:

I’m still pissed with loosing my working dog to the neighbors baiting. I did the whole 9 yards and reported it to the CORRECT authorities not the police.

Gone no where. The idiot didn’t place it properly, notify properly. PIRSA agents investigated him and they have the power to jail an offender on the spot as it’s a very serious offence.

Nope fuck all your honor. Crickets.

ok so I’ve been going over the document you linked

but this jumped out at me

I thought they didn’t classify gel blasters as firearms in Qld? so what’s up with them throwing gel blasters into this firearm amendment Act or whatever.

correct me if I’m wrong, but that kinda feels to me like they’re trying to slowly reclassify gel blasters as firearms to me… a toy, that unless heavily upgraded and possibly still not even then, cannot cause fatal injury (at least as far as I’m aware). the only issue I see there is if someone was trying to rob someone or intimidate someone with a gel blaster

excuse my french, but that sounds completely retarded

and further reading led me to believe that they could still try and hold previous convictions against you outside of the current 5 year and proposed 10 year periods at their discretion upon application for a permit

Russian citizenships starting to not sound so bad afterall :roll_eyes:

What a load of crap.

This is the main reason, I dont even speak to my narcissist sister anymore.

After Dads passing, and the lies / deceipt / manipulation around his estate, where she ended up getting a LOT more than Dad wanted… I very much was wanting to give her a huge serve, and a piece of my mind.

Not only for her behaviour prior to and during Dads passing, but her lifelong behaviour to me , Mum, her kids etc etc. And, the offer that i still could forgive, if she admitted her wrongdoing, and made amends.

But, her being a narc, she would never admit her responsibility and fault, and would double down on her lies. After an emotionally charged shouting match, i think there would be a very high likelihood, she would make a complaint to the police about harrassment and feeling threatened, playing the victim which is what she does.

My lawyer says they hand out DVO’s like candy, for women.
This could have broad implications for me, my work, and my ability to have a firearms license. Not even worth it, for an argument, where she will never admit to any wrongdoing. Another potential case in the legal system, where the guilty get away with their crimes, and an innocent person gets punished…

Anyway, Mum has now disowned her, and her and I have no contact with her at all…Mum has blocked her number on her phones…Nothing any mother ever wants to have to do. Her own son barely speaks to her.

Thats what narcissists do…their behaviour drives people away…

All the while, she professes to be a ’ White witch energy healer, crystals and vibrations, manifest healing and abundance, infinite love’ etc etc. What a joke…!!

For me, its not even worth speaking to her, i have little doubt she would try to get an DVO, if i attacked her sense of self, by speaking the truth…