Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

This exact thing happened to a close mate.

His narcissist wife after going awol partying all night on class A drugs and alcohol while sleeping with others and missing duties of care for the three children slapped a DVO on my mate.

With in 2 hours he was in cuffs and all his firearms collection which was quite large and a lot of hand downs from his deceased father was taken by police.

He went to court and the DVO was dropped. But alas no license and had to sell the firearms to a gun shop for nothing. He can’t get his license back because of this.

He swears he did nothing wrong and I believe him as I could see what she was doing, coming home after partying all night and going troppo.

After racking up a million dollars in court fees and lawyer fees she wanted to come back home and try again. He said no fucking way, get out of my life.

Makes me wonder if I should even date in general. So many horror stories.

Thats what sickens and disgusts me…

Narcs ’ flip the script’…accuse others of their own bad behaviour, and frame innocent people.

Then, its the the time, energy, drama and money to try to clear your name…
When you have done nothing wrong, and they are the perpetrators…
Even if its reversed, there is usually some collateral damage along the way…

$1m in legal fees, wow…thats why i didnt contest dads will.
Not through lack of proof, but, the only people who win are the lawyers…

Sorry to hear about your friend…
I’m making sure my sister cant do the same to me…
She (inadvertently) took out a DVO on her own son, when he swore at her, and she recorded it…

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There are some good people out there.

You just have to have good judgement, and watch out for red flags…

Or, date someone who is worth more than you…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Meh too much effort for a 40yo now. Never saw myself as the dateable type.

Thanks he’s better currently, I helped him with a few things and checked in regularly because I was worried he’d loose it and he’d slide down that slippery slope. Saw how upset when his parents died some years ago and his Dad was a very good friend of mine, I was concerned.

He’s got a full time job as a render/plaster and does those high end jobs on renovations and new builds. Always works really hard and very skilled at it. But alas he’ll likely never pay off 1m anytime soon if at all.

Then there’s the 3 kids, ones not going so well the other 2 are. One living full time with my friend at least and she’s going well.

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Sounds like you could improve your mindset, if you wanted to…!

What you believe about yourself, is the signal you send to others…

Thats the worst part.
All narcs, harm their kids…

The sooner they get away from them, and have other positive people in their life, the better…
Good on you for helping out. Losing parents is bad enough.

Thats the issue i’m having with my sisters kids…one is shut down, and the other is still living under my sisters ‘influence’… im trying to reach out, offer them a free place to stay, to study and build a better life for themselves…

But, as a friend says…" No good deed goes unpunished!"…
I live in hope…

There’s someone right out there somewhere.

I’ve had too many dates to not the right ones. Nearly got it right with the last one but after a car crash she flipped out and went WA somewhere, so nope that aint it.

Same thing happened to a friend with a security business. Ex wife was screwing his business partner. Claimed she was afraid because he had firearms. Lost the lot. 20 year business, five people out of work, still can’t get his cat-h back, even though court found that the complaint did not have any merit.

Good on you, all you can do is try.

My aforementioned friend of 25 years I know very well. I said mate if I had a spare million I’d give it to you to fix this bullshit up. But I didn’t, said I can do this and this and this at no cost right now that will help.

Loaned him one of my cars so he could get to work amongst other things. Even just those small things in the bigger picture really helped him out and on the recovery road. But also friendship, talk things over, offer suggestions you think might be a better way. Help him work things out, can be overwhelming to do alone.

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PS stay away from Filipinas.

Unfortunately it is an all too common occurrence today. Claim afraid of firearms and he yelled at me and I’m scared. Bang DVO and not hand those in we come and take them right now.

Good news! Just got a call from Weapons Licensing. They mentioned that if there’s enough support, airsoft is likely to be legalized. It would probably fall under a Category A license, similar to paintball. The proposal is currently being pushed up to the Police Commissioner, so we might see airsoft become legal soon!


is this april the 1st…??

Are you joking…??
Can this be real…??

“Gonna need a bigger safe”…!!

Excuse me, while i go back to texas, buy an airsoft Minigun, MG42, 50 cal, and drag the barry burton out of the bin…!!

Lets hope this is real…

I’m not kidding—got a call from Weapons Licensing about an hour ago. They’re pushing the proposal forward to the QLD Police Commissioner. The only issue is that if airsoft becomes legal in QLD, customs might still seize the items. It will need to go through the National Firearms Act, but the officer said not to give up"


So, just to clarify, where is the push coming from.?

Who’s pushing it, to the QLD police commissioner?

We know he’s an enthusiast, so there’s a sporting chance if he gets behind it…

“Good Gel Statistics”, would certainly help the cause…

The case would be: " in (say) 7 years of gel being legal in QLD, there are very little public offences of an unregulated and unlicensed toy.
Airsoft being regulated and licensed, the risk is even lower.
Both can exist side by side, Licensed Airsoft for the enthuiasts, and cheaper , unlicensed gel which has broad appeal by no regulation, varying price points etc.

Bring it on, and watch even more people move to QLD…!!

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NSW is shit. Will just have to back the shooters party then.

Or….move to QLD…!

What’s stopping you??

It’s still early days, and anything could happen. However, I’m optimistic because both the Premier and the Weapons Licensing Department have responded positively so far. Now, I’m just waiting on Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski APM to respond. Hopefully, we can arrange a phone call or meeting to discuss why it should be legal and what the next steps will be. I’ll keep you updated as things progress.

will be a long journey as i have waited 3 weeks for the premier and weapons licensing to respond.

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