Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

The push for change will have to come from the community, though I’m not sure how to go about it. There have already been eighty thousand signatures on, which I thought would be enough. However, the head of Weapons Licensing mentioned that ‘if there’s enough push from the community, then I don’t see why it should be illegal and could be regulated the same as paintball.’ When I speak with the Commissioner, I’ll ask what the community needs to do to help make it legal!


Regulating > banning cos Karen said so.

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Sounds like you know these higher up people, and have contact with them…??

Premier, weapons licensing and police commisioner…

Did you just send them an email.??
Or have someone who knows them.?

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emails and letters my friend.

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Where is this 80k signatures on for Queensland. There’s nearly 3k for the one initiated in 2017.

Hope it goes well anyway :+1:

sorry 60,0000 signatures and it’s intended for australia

should i start one for QLD
It’s worth a shot anyways if it fails least i tried

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holy hell and i just got my licence renewed (after it was expired for 9 months, oops) a week ago

Let the guys on the discord know of this, got shot down within a minute. Ill stick to here where theres some actual positivity. Sigh

yer i would hold off until i get into contact with the Commissior then we should hopefully know if it’s yay or nay

That’s no good. I don’t bother with Discord for similar reasons.

If you don’t ask you don’t get, no harm in trying. :+1:


Hmmm… the discord… :thinking:

Aptly named. :expressionless:

Just out of curiosity @_Mqx_007 , how many old members are left on the Discord and is the feuding still evident?

I wouldn’t know… I got kicked off not long after it started as I shared that this new Forum had been created here for those who wanted to join up, but that didn’t go down well for some reason :confused:

At times it is good. I don’t want to say it is a bad community as it isn’t, but here is a fair bit of “elitism” at times, but you get that anywhere in the demographic. Also can be an amount of “know it all” going on too. Dunning Kruger effect perhaps? I have been at this over six years and I definitely know I can’t know everything! Even with a lot of experience there is always something to learn.

Basically, some users make good points but come across as rude and condescending at times, and some are; which leads to the carry on. Most users are helpful and constructive though.
It is not as good of a platform to share things as it is lost over time. Especially true in the nature of guides and reviews etc that newcomers my be looking for.


Yeah, the old GBF had a huge database of knowledge for newbies to.look through.

Shame we lost that. :man_shrugging:


Most definitely!
So much knowledge lost, along with some really cool people as well :confused:

Certainly need to be welcoming and share knowledge in getting more people into the sport to keep this Hobby alive… not put them off and turning away!

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It was sad the old forum was lost, even more so some of the people and all the knowledge.

People get emotional now and then and butt heads, but end of the day we are a very diverse group of people sharing a common interest. And I love that. Name another sport/game where you can play on the same field as a 6 year old, and an 86 year old! (That has happened once to me). I had customers from all ages types and backgrounds, and have met some really great people because of it.

We are part of a niche sport/hobby, and we do need to stick together and get along to a degree. We also need to welcome and help newcomers as much as possible. Educate to do the right thing with their toys, and have fun together. I always encourage sharing of any information and experience.

People come and go in this sport/hobby, they do for all others too, its natural. Without the new, our numbers gradually thin out and that is no fun at all! The circus is more fun with more clowns! Welcome to all!


Finally got a reply, from the man in charge. going to give him a call on Monday to see what has to happen to change the legislation

As soon as I saw the use of the word “weapon” in that communique I knew what the position was going to be. :expressionless:

yer they don’t seem very keen on the “replicas”:frowning:

It’s not based on appearance… if it was gel blasters would be illegal as well… non firing Denix replicas too.

It’s all about airsoft markers using hard projectiles and gel blasters using soft ones. That’s the only technicality that’s made it possible for Queensland to keep them. :man_shrugging:

And interpreting the comment about “appetite”, that’s basically saying the minister doesn’t want a bar of it.