Should We Launch a Campaign To legalise airsoft in Australia?

what about paintball it’s more dangerous, and delivers more energy upon impact so why is it legal then, yet again you can get real firearms which are lethal yet again. why can’t we get them on our firearms license?

i’m not giving up just yet

You’re singing to the choir… I’m not disagreeing that airsoft should be made legal. You don’t need to convince me, your points and arguments would be better put to Mark Ryan MP when you talk to him.

The push to legalise airsoft has been happening here in Australia since it became a thing and after a while you kind of stop beating your head against a brick wall. The political climate these days is not particularly sympathetic to getting a cause like airsoft through parliament

We’re dealing with “woke” politicians who wouldn’t jeapordise their careers by championing to make legal a sport that most of the general public would view as “dangerous” and “antisocial”. Not my view, so don’t shoot the messenger.

Look, I commend you for your enthusiasm and tenacity… I wish you luck with it. In the meantime, we’ll just have to enjoy having gelsoft, while we’ve still got it.

If anyone was going to support airsoft it would be Mark Ryan. He has stood up against media calls to tighten gun laws and ban gelball and he came up with a workable solution to enable gel ball and replicas to be owned without licencing.

With a probable change in government in Queensland, you run the risk of getting gel ball banned if there is a lot of noise around airsoft and the anti-“gun” media see an opportunity for headlines. As the Minister’s office pointed out, there is no desire to even pursue consideration of airsoft. I’d let sleeping dogs lie and be thankful that we have gelball


This :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

100% agree.


You have a fair point there mate don’t want to screw up another sport. i recon your right i had a go, and they don’t seem to fond of it, so just let it be.

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Once you start regulating down to a firearms level requiring licence, storage and range use that goes with it, interest wanes and a lot are just not even able to achieve the requirements due to various reasons. Might be as simple as the rego fee. $40 to me seems like nothing but might be a lot to someone else in this climate.

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If there is a change of govt, how difficult would it be to ban gelsoft.?

I mean, its currently set in legislation, and its not like there is a huge gel problem…
Unlike knife crime…

But, differing pollies, with differing attitudes…??

@BME what do you think. just let it be and let the sleeping dogs lie?

At this stage, yes.
Wait until after the election…

General phone inquiries wont hurt though…

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If there is a change of govt, you would like to think that,
They would look at the previous 6-7 years and think,

" Gel blasters aren’t a problem.
Very few incidents, with such widespread ownership, and unlicensed/ unregulated at that.
Not an issue, health benefits for many, we can just leave it alone."

One can only hope…

Look what happened in W.A. :expressionless:

Tasmania banned gelsoft and closed down gel fields then when the punters swapped over to Nerf, they stopped that too. :expressionless:

Won’t even mention Vic… and I lived there. :expressionless:

South Australia got to keep gelsoft but with regs in line with real steel. :expressionless:

Quensland did the best out of everyone, but be under no illusions… the rest of the country want Queensland to either ban or heavily regulate them S.A. style.

It’s going to come down to that pressure from the other states to fall into line, and whether or not we have a state government strong enough to flip them off. If we get the wrong people in power, anything’s possible… that’s evident.

Tell you what, because gelsoft was a growing Queenland industry the government kept it viable. If too many fields close and retailers go under because of waning interest, it won’t help the cause. :man_shrugging:

Hopefully, all the “funny folk”, stay in WA…!! :rofl: :rofl:
( That should prompt @docbob into action.!! )

And Vic, well, what can i say…squiddy lives there, so anythings possible… :rofl: :rofl:

But seriously, no one wants overnight bans.
I hold some hope, in that replicas have been available in QLD for decades, despite being banned in the southern states…they just dont get used for crimes…its bloody knives and baseball bats…

Hopefully, we’ll just be left alone…

Nah, I think we’ll be right… I’m not trying to be negative about it.

If we get an arsehole polly in we’ll send Squidy around so he can frighten him into submission with his collection of scary gas masks. :rofl: :rofl:

This right here. With barely 500 registered blasters, 1 shop, and half a dozen fields. This is what regulation looks like.

i dont think there is a chance with all these new weapon laws for retailers coming in, we have become a nanny state and theres no going back.

why fight the route cause of the issues when you can punish the sensible people, muslims stabbing people? lets ban knife sales to anyone under 18 and force everyone to lock em up

As I stated from the onset, the only way forward imo is to have gel across other states first.
I am incredibly grateful to have gel, there was a time where it was my livelihood, and it is still my hobby, side hustle, and the only sport I have any interest in.

I would support any action to enable airsoft, but I would rather get the rest of the country onboard with gel too as most of the country is missing out.

Our country is determined to make the stupidest nanny state in the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are buttering toast with spoons soon when they to do some sort of knife buyback scheme.


I’m laughing, because I’m so close to crying…
It’s not until you leave this country , and go elsewhere , you realise just how regulated we are…


This is Karen country.

it’s because kids aren’t allowed to be spanked anymore for misbehaving, it’s turned the world into a bunch of pussys