Show us your collection!

Some of 'em are ancient, I gotta say… :wink: and there’s a bit too much black on the wall.

That F2000s geting a refurb tomorrow. New screw posts, screws and thickening up the shell to give it a bit of strength and weight. Probably a paint job too.

If you open the battery door and put your ear to it you can hear the ocean… :joy:

Yeah, funny that I was never a fan of Tan coloured blasters…. until I got quite a few of the CYMA M4 CQB’s, then worked my way backwards ordering older model ACR’s and the like just to get a few more Tan blasters in the collection :joy:

Bought an old camo painted Gen8 UMP45 off an old Forum member which was the start of me doing the same thing with a few of my older blasters as well :sunglasses:

I never really got into the pistols, only ever had 2-3 AEG & GBB, but definitely had everything else from tiny SMG’s to the ZB26, M249 and Sniper Rifles etc.

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Yeah, I’ve used about 3 CYMA M4 CQBs as a mod platform. Always opted for black, but the tan does look pretty cool. :+1:

I painted and repainted a lot of mine back in the day… makes for a more intetesting display. This one was my fave, a modified Scorpion EVO 3… Cruise used to cut and paste it into random pictures for a piss take and drop 'em on the forum now and then. :+1: :laughing:


29 of the 32 blasters I own currently. The other 3 are in various stages of build/rebuild. Had to take em off the wall for yesterday.

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Must be one a big friggin’ wall, man!! :joy:

Impressive, your getting there…

But still a lightweight, compared to the @Docbob “red towel edition collection…”

Could have armed a small nation, with docbobs old collection…

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Unfortunately a completely unarmed nation these days…… except for the real bang sticks on the family property! :joy:

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As of a parcel yesterday… now it will be 29 of 33… another project! yew! Plastic and metal crack… can’t… stop… must… build… lol

Just don’t ever do the math and work out your total to date :laughing:

I’m looking for an outboard for my project boat and being a bit of a tight-arse about it… I see another blaster I want and kerching!!

If I had every buck I’d spent on blasters I’d be fishing out of a Bertram… :wink:


You need a big block V8 to go fishing :rofl:

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Yeah working out the total is something I can’t do… especially when o have probably sold heaps as well… you only add the enjoyment a hobby provides not the coin :smile:

I would shudder to think about the total costs of what I spent between 2016 - 2021.

It’s insane that my parts inventory was probably at least double the amount spent on my huge collection of blasters themselves! :flushed:

But the smiles per gallon ratio was priceless :+1::sunglasses::joy:


It doesnt matter…
Buy a new car…55k…3 years later sell it…for 30k…

25k depreciation…dollars blown out of the exhaust…

Just for owning, one new car…

Or , spend on a hobby, and keep your older car…

You dont need to explain it, to anyone…

Your choice…


I think I’ve only sold about three, but given away over a dozen to friends and family, for sure.

My mate around the corner got my CYMA M16A1 for his bar room for nix… he’s a vet. He was stocked. :slightly_smiling_face:

Figured it was going to a good home. :+1:


Sorry @BME , but when it comes to vehicles, I’m a little bit different to most!

Cars I have owned, original purchase price comparison to sale price:

Purchased $1600
Sold $28 000

Purchased $2400
Sold $58 000

Purchased $9000
Sold $42 000

Purchased $800
Sold $28 000

Purchased $4600
Sold $38 000

I could go on with at least another half dozen vehicles that I owned and sold…… but I’m sure that everyone gets the gist of investing in old classics :sunglasses::ok_hand::joy:


Ok, allow me to redefine…

buy any MODERN car, for…XXX
Watch it depreciate…

One modern cars worth of depreciation, pays for a whole lotta blasters…!!!

Classic cars…entirely different story…

Dads 1953 Jaguar Xk120, was a very valuable car, to me…


FFS…… STOP TEASING ME ABOUT A WHOLE LOTTA BLASTERS! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I seriously need to move to QLD! :joy:


I live in a highset… basically two stories. You could move in downstairs, Bob :upside_down_face:

Hang on, that’s where I keep my blasters, guitars and bikes…

Better off with a tent, matey. :joy:

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Sounds awesome :sunglasses:
I’m a westralian hillbilly.
I have a swag and enough equipment to survive for months out in the bush…. so a back lawn 200 meters from the nearest KFC/Bottlo won’t be an issue! :joy:

that sounds exactly like the backyard, of my unit complex…

Plenty of room, and a big water tank too…!