So, umm..what happened today.?

We now know what the symptom was. Apparently the storage space was filling up, and this resulted in the CPU behaving really weirdly. AFX is looking into the things that may have caused that, but things should be functioning properly regardless now that he’s cleared some space out.

On with the show!

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Surely wouldn’t be all the meme’s :thinking: :laughing:

I thought the “hacker”, was a Chinese trump supporter, who didn’t like my comments…!!

Woo, came in to check on this place and couldn’t get in for the longest time, glad to see it back and thanks @DocBob for being amazing and checking for me via reddit messages.

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No worries, certainly always a scare when the community loses touch with each other!

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lurk lurk distressed noises poof

Weird how when I got on here yesterday, before I logged on there was a security check of the connection. I’m not sure which end it was coming from, but it came back secure, put me through to the forum which was down at the time. :man_shrugging:

First time I’ve ever had that…

Anyone else finding the forum glitchy and weird, or is it just me? :joy:

Had those past few days of the server crashing, thought @AFX said that he had found the issue and sorted it out.

Are you on Mobile or Home Computer?
Seems to be working okay on my Mobile, not so sure how it’s going on other devices though?

On my mobile, Doc… Android. :man_shrugging:

iPhone here…… don’t ask me why, blame my Secretary :roll_eyes::joy:

But no issues here!

No issues on my android too.

Security check is generally higher in the chain then the forum so it would be something triggering it and thats normally your ip address being on a blacklist for some reason or another. If it happens again try a cache clearing otherwise something you will have to live with annoyingly.

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Security check happened after cache was cleared because the forum continued to drop out

There’s obviously some really dodgy MoFo’s who have a long list of undesirable internet history getting targeted by the authorities here! :flushed::joy:

Not me… :wink: just guitars, firearms, bikes and fishing stuff. No German dungeon porn here… :joy:

Ran a security scan on my phone, cleared the cache… no threats detected but since I’ve done that there seem to be no issues for me.

Happy camper again. :+1:

Time for the 6 monthly hack-wall attack, again…??

Yeah, I was wondering what was happening… :man_shrugging:

Maybe too many Trump / Biden memes for ASIO’s taste. :rofl: :rofl:

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I was thinking the deep state took down the website to target @exakel :sweat_smile:

Hacking that leads to gbu website…

Definitely Chinese deep state hackers…

Or squiddys high school I.T. Project…

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