STG44 and MP40

If anything you’d probably want to ask @Bigmuthadrums that one as bme needed his blaster sugar daddy on this particular mod


I’ll send you some pics in the morning…but yeah, get onto Bigmutha…he’s the man who made it happen…!!


You can run dual core wires straight from the motor wires forward to the terminals in the mag well.
Make sure you have a plug there that can be unplugged to remove the front/upper for battery replacement


Sorry for the delay.
And the blurry pics… 1 handed camera, and a torch, is a bit hard…

Hope this helps…All credit to @Bigmuthadrums

I hate how this software, flips photo images, unless you right them first…grrr


Thanks@BME and @Bigmuthadrums with your guys help I will hopefully have it running this weekend. Yous are legends.

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@Bigmuthadrums is the legend…im the mere recipient…
glad it helps…

photos up please, if you enjoy it…!!

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Yeah, once it’s done, I was thinking of doing a video of it working and maybe a little guide if anyone ever needed it.


@shadow187 this is the thread you want.
Go back to post 20, and start reading from there…

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thanks mate :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::saluting_face::saluting_face::saluting_face: 20 characters

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And, don’t worry too much about nylon mags.
It’s just a mindset thing.
They won’t rust….

Enough metal on the rest of the blaster…

Good point about the rust… I actually prefer nylon mags in my CYMA M4s.

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I’m a little confused… it is still the original mp40 magazine that was converted or the arp magazine and the mag well of the MP40 altered to fit the different magazine?

The mp40 mag externals were used.
It was completely gutted, and trimmed, inside.

The ARP mag, was the donor for the feed tube, and elec mag motor.
They were transplanted into the (Now gutted) MP 40 mag…

And, electric terminals, added onto the back of the magazine,
and also into the blasters magwell.


another question… this video is for the agm Airsoft version… at around 3:40 the guy shows the hop up assembly when pulling back the charging handle. I’ve seen you guys talking about adding hop ups so I’m assuming this hop up assembly on the converted gel blasters has been removed/gutted due to not being suitable for gels?

obviously won’t know for myself as I haven’t received my MP40 yet

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That’s right, the AS hopup doesn’t work with gel balls. Only on the end of barrel.

Have a look at post #45, of this thread

This is a video review, of the gel blaster version, of the mp-40
Brad goes through, in detail , the ins and outs of the gel version.

This includes the magazines, their failings, and even mentions the work bigmuthasdrums did, here on the forum.!!

As far as hopups go, forget the internal one.
If you had to have one, it would be on the end of the barrel.
As per the photos above, the extra electrical wiring to power the mag, is concealed in the ejection port.

This is the one area you need to be really careful of , when dissassembling…
If you dont undo the JST plugs in there and pull the blaster apart, you’ll rip the JST plug off.

I know this, because…

If you read the posts, and look at the pics, you’ll realise its not a minor job.
Not un-doable … its just going to take a fair bit of time and patience.

I remember bigmutha saying the mags took him ages.

Im very grateful he persevered…

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Yeah, I’d hate to be working with the mag terminals in that mag well :roll_eyes:

It was a very elegant solution BigMutha came up with. :+1:

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pity they didn’t release an uramex gel version of the CO2 MP40 here, that’d be sic, they look like they go hard boasting 460fps ootb with bb’s but this guy only got just over 430fps

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can you upgrade/interchange grips on the MP40? like are there options available to say perhaps put real wood grips on it? or would you have to custom make them?