STG44 and MP40

aside from the mag conversion you didn’t upgrade anything else did you?

only asking because I put mine on the chrono using different gels and achieved well less than desirable results. got the odd ~320fps but the majority were well under 300fps

gels tested:
predator ultras v1
tacedge ultras
AusGel ultra elites v1

got some aka’s to set, might pick up some black labels n test the results again

thoughts on best gels for best fps results?

also noticed the inner barrel appears to be misaligned a bit, should I be concerned?

appears normal on the inner side

These blasters were released, a bit over two years ago.
Yours has been sitting, on a shelf, that long.

The oring would have deteriorated, and would need to be changed ( or at least soaked in lube for awhile).

Job number 1…

The joys of blasting…

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ok thanks,
is there any way to do that without completely disassembling it?
can’t pull it apart without voiding the warranty

Pour a whole lot of silicone oil, down the barrel…

Or, get them to do it.
They will state it’s adequate performance, and want to charge you…

Or , wait 30 days, then do it then.

It pulls apart , into the 2 halves quite easily ( to install battery).

You can have better access to the nozzle then, and pour some oil in, and have it stand upright.

It’s hard to get in , but it might help…

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There’s no way to get to the piston o ring without pulling the gearbox down, unfortunately. :thinking:

As BME said, the joys of gel blasters. :wink:

no dramas, well, yes dramas lol but I appreciate your input…

@bme adequate performance my ass if the manufacturer is boasting ~350fps out of the box n it’s mostly only getting less than 250fps on average… definitely not adequate performance by a longshot

guarantee anyone would not be happy with those results, especially someone not confident in disassembling blasters

It probably would get the claimed numbers with a fresh o ring, or the o ring slightly stretched and soaked in silocon oil. :+1:

I have plenty of blasters that punched 300 and got put away for six to twelve months… pull them out, put them on the chrono and you’re looking at 270. The o ring’s been sitting compressed into the cylinder and has taken on a bit of a memory, is all. :man_shrugging:

Who did you buy it from.?

If they are nearby, contact them , see if it can be returned, and let them service it…

It’s not hard to get to the gearbox, access should be easy…

yeah I understand 100%, just frustrating that I can’t do it myself yet, and not without potentially voiding the warranty by disassembling it myself, I don’t want to start and then either mess it up or not be able to reassemble it properly, with my fiddle fingers n all :roll_eyes:

@BME stingforcetactical

I’m just not sure if doing so falls under service/maintenance or upgrade being that “upgrading voids warranty” and would be better off using a higher quality O ring which could be considered “upgrading”

I know I’m coming off as a bit of a f*wit, I just want to experience my Schmeiser MP40 the way it was intended with the higher fps that it’s putting out that’s all

send them an email, with photos.
Mention different gels tried.

Explain, you understand what the likely problem is, given its age.

Be firm, but polite.

" I have reasonable expectations, of it meeting its advertised performance, which it currently isn’t.
An Oring lube, would be a low time task, for your tech.
If necessary, I would pay for a new oring." ($2.00, if that)

Ask what solution they can offer.

Thats a good starting point, and dept of fair trading like to see reasonable approaches, being made…


Give them a buzz see what they can do.

Have you got an old beater blaster to fiddle around with. It’s about time you started looking at pulling a gearbox apart unless you want to beat a track to your local shop for simple stuff like O rings and servicing.

thanks mate

I’ll set some aka gels tomorrow as I have some unopened packets and I’ll test again with the chrono and see how it goes, if there’s no improvement I’ll flick them an email and go from there

unfortunately they don’t have a list of recommended gels and the only website I found with recommended gels was x-force stating AKA’s and X-force Black labels but I assuming most ultra hard gels should work

thanks for understanding and taking the time to reply

nah man they’re all brand new :grimacing:

might have to try and pick up a second hand one cheap or something but all I’ve found on marketplace were after practically brand new prices :roll_eyes:

might head up to tactoys at some point n see what they’ve got in their second hand basket for something to play with

but yeah Gunna do a little more gel testing tomorrow n see how I go and then go from there

cheers :call_me_hand:t2:

Most sellers would view screws out as a warranty void, which is crazy because the first thing 99.9% of them need is an o ring.

We’ve even had sellers refusing to honour warranties because the boxes had been unsealed. Mind blowingly unreasonable.

It’ll be a good test of your seller’s integrity… an o ring swap’s not hard or time consuming, and if it goes a long way towards making the customer happy they should be happy to do it. :+1:

Let us know how you go. :+1:

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so fresh aka gels brewed this morning for 4 hours, set alarm on my phone

new batteries in the chrono

single fire

full auto

chrono only picked up those from a full magazine, was only doing short bursts

looks like I’ll be sending that email because that performance is extremely highly undesirable

fuck sake :rage:

AK’s will be too wet. Normally need one or two days to get best results

Yeah, may be time to contact the seller.

It’s not even the lower than expected FPS as much as the inconsistency. Maybe there’s movement in the t piece that’s affecting air seal, but it should be more consistent with freshly brewed gels. :man_shrugging:

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they were fresh brewed this morning, I’ve even tried some other gels and still pissweak performance.

I dunno what it is but I don’t have much luck with all these blasters I’m buying, always one issue after another, much like my personal life, it’s almost enough to say fuck it n turn me completely off the gel game, but I’m keen to push through the bullshit and persevere

also noticed the inner barrel doesn’t appear to line up nice n straight, I posted a pic a few posts back, not sure if I should be concerned

the inner side seems fine but the outer looks pushed to one side

i gently touched the inner of the t piece with my finger and it doesn’t feel loose at all so really have no idea.

email has been sent to the seller a while ago, no reply as of yet but they’re probably busy as I’m sure they probably have jobs outside of the gel world

Looks like a 9.5mm outside diameter inner barrel in a 10mm inside diameter outer.

It’s not an uncommon thing with a lot of gel blasters, especially those with metal outer barrels. Usually a few wraps of masking or electrical tape on the inner barrel will stabilise it, sometimes you can fit a small thin o ring between the two.

You just have to get a little creative with these things sometimes. :man_shrugging:

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yeah just can’t get creative until after the warranty period and once a little more experienced.

tried hitting up some sellers of some cheap second hand blasters to pull apart and fiddle with but no replies

guess they don’t want to sell them anymore? :flushed::roll_eyes::joy: