STG44 and MP40

You definitely won’t be voiding the warranty by fitting an o ring over the inner barrel to stabilize it in the outer. :man_shrugging:

Fake book marketplace is a good place to pick up cheap beater blasters if you’re looking to learn on something that isn’t exxie… someone has a Well M401 for sale on there for $40 up the Sunny Coast.

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yeah I was looking at a vector for $50 on gold coast but watching Guido’s video pulling one apart I’m like, yeah no lol. way too much effort for a beginner I think, a thousand screws n just looks like a lot of effort to be trying to learn on…

baby steps… baby steps lol

Probably not the best one to start out with, only a Gen 8 and still pretty easy… but compared to an M4, tricky.

The good thing about an old Well M401 is the clear receiver… you can see the internal components and how they work. Decent hitters back in the day, top of the bunch too at around 270-280. :+1:

Only issue might be spare parts availability.


update: they requested I send my MP40 back for them to look at and run through their chrono and repair under warranty if necessary. so posted it off just before.

probably won’t hear anything back about it until mid-late next week depending on how busy they are I assume.

will keep you guys posted on the results

cheers for everyone’s advice :call_me_hand:t2: