Stop and think campaign

Just a topic to raise awareness for the new comers and everyone involved in the sport/hobby of gel blasters
Need to keep it in the minds of everyone :+1:


If anyone has copies of current laws regarding gel blasters in other states this would be a good place to upload them :+1:


#1 Guide to getting a Gel Blaster Licence in SA | Gel Blaster Club Australia





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I see in the news this week two kids got done shooting someone in the eye with a gel blaster in surface Paradise

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Interesting post on reddit from someone in Victoria, getting a visit from the police with no warning about a gel blaster they’d bought years ago.


Wonder how many others it’s happened to, that haven’t posted about it?

A quote from one of the responses to the OP on reddit -

“I’ve been expecting this for quite some time - the police subpoena the sales records from gelblaster stores in qld, look for any interstate sales either relevant to their state (if interstate police) or hand it on as “intelligence” to their interstate counterparts, who then have a list of people with reasonable enough cause to have a judge or senior officer sign off on a warrant to go door knocking and treasure hunting.”

This sort of thing was talked about on the old forum, with people saying “If you have a gel blaster in banned states (especially VIC) It’s only a matter of time before they come knocking on your door”
But this person said they had sold the blaster over 18 months ago" Jeez, how far back are they going to go? And how much police resources are wasted on this crap?


Here we go again!
Good ol media up to their agenda again!
Splashed all over every channel🤬


12 years old FFS :person_facepalming:
Did they seriously think that he had a controlled and banned weapon that would cost thousands even if he was able to access one :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

There were all the weapons that have “disappeared” after being handed in to police during various government buybacks and bans👍
So every 12 year old is running around with assault rifles and glocks these days🙄

Not to mention the 240,000 SKS-D rifles that Paul Keating got 300k from China(Norinco) in that grain for guns deal that could be bought for $100 with 3x 30rnd mags and only 60k were handed in during the buyback/ban. Junk gun anyway, cheap for a reason. They are still out there besides a few turning up in crimes.

Might have been a junk gun, but they were fun to shoot :grin:

No they were not couldn’t hit a dinner plate at 50 yards. Shit rifles, why I bought a Ruger instead :+1:


Just heard on the news this morning man arrested in Southport .
Walking around the streets with a gel blaster shooting at street signs.
And this folks is how the sport will be banned.
Crack heads with gel blasters :angry::angry:


Fukin crackies, everywhere they are

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Oh dear……… :rage:


If your In Victoria and you still have possession of gel blaster with knowledge about the laws then you just clown yourself if you get caught