Stop and think campaign

Hey , squiddy…

id say i missed you, but…( nah, we all , missed you, a little)


Stop and thInk, before you stop to ink…!!

PS, i ordered a M79- Dartsoft…

Might need some " shudder"… Dart soft , .intelligence…

I fear, where this line of questioning, is taking me…




When are the retarrded pieces of shit going to stop calling them firearms?:thinking:
Oh my god, I’m so glad they got those deadly nerf guns off the streets and those even worse gel blasters :roll_eyes:
You sophisticated criminals, ordering off Ali :rofl:
Wonder how much it cost the tax payers for them to collect a couple of grands worth of toys?:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
At least we know now what the morons were doing to international sea freight :+1:


I will say in this particular case it looks like they were actually going after firearm firearms, and gel blasters got caught in the net.

Multiple of those magazines are for real steel cartridges, especially the Glock mags, and one of the painted M4 mags. One of those guns is an FGC-9, 100% for sure. The AK is real, as is the SMG-2 looking thing, and the thing that looks like a SCAR? On the far side of the table.

They also went out of their way to separately define the gel blasters as gel blasters. Like yeah it sucks that blasters got rolled up alongside the actual dangerous items, but. Kind of a good job by NSW Pol this time.

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Yup, certainly some real steel gear caught up in the bust…. but I’m with @Bigmuthadrums about these reporters constantly referring them as guns/weapons :rage:
They should be treated as what they are, plastic kids toys, not hammering them constantly by the media as weapons/firearms :roll_eyes:


You just buy the “guns” in QLD and ship them over the NSW boarder, just madness!!!


He just stated, that the laws dont work, the criminals always find ways around them, bribes / plants enabling illegal imports at borders etc…

Then, the response, “lets toughen up and have uniform interstate laws, that’ll fix the problem”…what a joke…

While were at it, lets muddy the waters, and drag gel blasters into it, just because…

Funny how they jump from talking about illegal handguns, being used in bikie shootings, to harmless gel blasters, and interstate shipping…

The interstate shipping, seems to be aimed squarely at gell blasters.

If you have real steel, which you legally want to transport from one state to another, you must comply with both states laws, on what is allowable. As stated, criminals never do.

Gell blasters can be moved across borders, via the post , or in the backs of cars, but so to, do huge quantities of illegal drugs. I know what i’m more concerned about…

News Flash: The bikies will always have access to illegal firearms…they always have…changing nationwide laws will have zero effect, as bikies never respect the law…

If you are stupid enough to use a gell blaster in a police seige situation, you deserve to get shot, or at least spend a very long time , in the big house…

Keep targeting the bikies through special operations, using the deadly real steel, to enforce their drug empires, and leave us alone thanks …


In Breaking news, @Deadsquid , has been implicated in some early 1980’s drowning murders…due to this recently released footage…

Nintendo has released, a hand held game, with wide screen, camera footage, of 3, seperate offending incidents…

Anyone, with a bag of gold, is urged to come forward…for another reward…if you can get past the tentacles…

Someone best tell Kochie, so he can be “informed”


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What’s up with your excessive use of commas?

Well, its all about, proper elocution and enunciation…!!


Oh far out you actually are alive, hello to you too :rofl:

He’s used to typing in flight msgs :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Went off and did a little bit of life for a bit lmao


You have to wonder about some of the inhabitants of Victoria

Facebook post accompanied by picture of Glock in holster

Anyone in Gippsland Vic selling a full metal Assult rifle or pistol? Looking to expand my collection
Also how is everyone going with buying new blasters and getting them shipped? I haven’t bought one in several months and want to know if it’s worth the risk

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Might be a police feeler account. Surely no one is that stupid.:man_facepalming:

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Your talking people in 2022 here, stupid is everywhere to be fair.


Pretty bloody obviously a very stupid question indeed!

Who in their right mind thinks that people are risking their income and livelihood trying to purchase and ship Illegal items into the State and into their homes :roll_eyes:

Plastic toys are definitely not worth the risk of jail time and the loss of income/family stresses that this type of stupid activity would bring :hushed:


100% a fed post no way that’s a normal person


"Hi, My name is peter Dharma.
I’m looking to expand a friends bone saw collection.
For, yknow, display purposes…

Anyone know of good power tools, to help cut .ummm…trees.? Yeah, trees…!
Also, where can you buy bulk quantities of acid…??
And fridges, whos got a large fridge , with extra storage capacity…??"

That, probably has more chance, of sounding convincing…!! :laughing: :laughing:

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