Stop and think campaign

For normal business running people like you and I that is the case, but unfortunately some like to snort Ratsack and have nothing to loose besides a pair of socks and couldn’t give a shit about anyone else.

I found this as a very useful link for anyone looking for the correct legal information regarding Gel Blasters in this country :white_check_mark:

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Official word about that new sci fi blaster from Golden Eagle.

Tl;Dr illegal in Vic.

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I wonder, if the Nerf pulse Rifle, would be banned in Vic…

Given that the “realistic replica’s” pulsey’s are classified as a replica firearm, and banned…

And, the silhouette could be mistaken for one…?

What a ridiculous world , we find ourselves in…


Finger guns would be banned in VIC if they weren’t attached to our hands :rofl:


It’s got a trigger!
It must be banned!:rofl:

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This is what we need more of :+1:


I can’t see any of this lasting too much longer in the US from already hundreds of News/Police reports such as this :roll_eyes:


How underhanded and insane is this latest attack on legally responsible firearms owners, from yet another institution eroding the facilities available, to push the Government’s agenda to reduce firearms ownership in this country :rage:

Another great article that any “politician” should read before ruling on ridiculous unedited grounds :roll_eyes::rage:

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Our grubby banks have been trying these stunts for a few years now.

Probably reading from the playbook of the US gun control fanatics.
Banks would have to be the biggest hypocrites out there, I can’t remember a Royal Commission ever being held on our firearms dealers.


Is this the model they wanted to give to you for review @BradleyPhillipsYT you were asking about the other day?

Yes, and I was trying to explain to said retailer that it isn’t toy enough to be legal in Victoria. Nice to see confirmation of that from their firearms branch.

General tips for businesses wanting to import or design Vic legal blasters, here is a list of things wrong with that “SciFi blaster”…


Nerf Pulse Rifle…I bought 4 of them…before and after the paint and weathering I did…a little paint can be dangerous… :sunglasses:…from yellow toy to Colonial Marine standard issue… :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Dickheads down the gold coast with a hicapa. Very dumb , like more dumb then usual considering what happened only a week ago

No Firearms charges?
Is still an offence to threaten/be armed in public regardless of real weapon or not :thinking:

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“attempted armed robbery and assault occasioning bodily harm while armed and in company”

Guessing these are the start of any firearm related charges

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this is why natural selection should come back :>


Looks like some organisation is on a Fakebook fishing trip. Been a bunch of new members posting on the gelball pages who are looking for blasters and who have just joined Fakebook and have no details or history


err tell them to fuck off usually works :wink: