Stop and think campaign

Only thing you can hope for is that if he’s incarcerated the authorities put a strong emphasis on rehabilitation rather then the less desirable detention approach they take for most people in the prison system (some people in prison do deserve the detention approach rather then rehabilitation).


Or taken to the back paddock.

Meth is a tricky one though as it’s so addictive, rehab hardly works, why it’s such a problem.


That, and the shitty situations their lives are in don’t tend to improve for having been in prison. The opposite if anything, after legal fees nibble away for a few months. In their mind there’s no point in putting the meth pipe down, because it won’t make life feel any better. Damn shame that they can’t see that going sober would open so many more doors for them.


I guess the only solution for it then is to take fuhrer chapos orders and sardine pack em out back :joy:

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Gas the Junkies.

But in all seriousness, those that want help can’t seem to get it or the right and the rest just don’t want it or don’t care. If you don’t want to better yourself then don’t drag other ppl down with you.

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give people hope, for a better life…

And hope, they make better choices…

We all make, choices , every single day…


WOW Squiddy……… you just blew my mind with that extremely in depth and balanced interpretation of the Australian legal system!

Well said mate :+1:

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Yea I know what you’re saying and don’t disagree.

I’m talking from 10+ years experience with a person that just won’t help themselves and keep falling back in to the fray no matter what any of us do. Person has had all the help anyone could ask for. Had it all, nice house, nice mrs, nice cars. All gone over a mill worth of assests turned into self consuming drugs. Now hasn’t got the $5 to make a call out of jail.

Think it’s missing some part of wiring but now has no teeth to match. Ah it’s fkn hard. Oh well it’s back in jail now and we all get on with our lives instead of ruining it because of said person.

I won’t be helping it anymore, along with it’s father that’s for sure.


I’m on the same page unfortunately mate.

That Meth/Ice fkn thing is something that I have seen ruin whole extended families from a single user, and no matter how much intervention, support and rehabilitation they received……. it always remains a powerfully strong temptation that never left their lives :frowning:

I have always said “once a junkie, always a junkie”……. which is really sad and tragic watching these friends and families go through the whole process, but eventually, the addiction has always come back to take hold no matter how much hard work and effort they put into breaking the habit :disappointed:

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Got a family member in that situation… mental illness combined with ice and speed addiction.

We’ve all tried to be supportive and give said person as much help as we can, but she’s like a cyclone… turns up now and then, completely rips everyone’s lives to pieces, tries to turn family members against each other. One by one she’s alienated herself from everybody who’s trying to help her with delusional bullshit, fabrications and trumped up accusations based on her warped reality… and now she’s pretty much on her own.

Which leaves us dealing with the guilt of knowing that we should be trying to help her but not prepared to destroy our lives and family units as a consequence. It’s sad, but at some point self preservation kicks in and you have to look to you and yours and make them a priority before everybody’s dragged down into the pit with her.

Does that make us arseholes? I’m sure in her mind it does, and there are times when we all feel like it does too, which is problematic because we resent being made to feel guilty about actions we’re forced to take because of her life choices.

Sometimes you wish you could have a little less humanity, switch off the empathy circuit, turn a blind eye to it all and let Darwinism sort it out.


well if you’ve tried your best then there’s really nothing you can do.


State election coming up next year, so our politicians need to be seen “doing something”, even if that “something” is totally useless.
From the Courier Mail today

Not in law yet, but even when it is, can anyone with even half a brain honestly say this will help to lower youth crime?

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I had a stroke reading that!
Did they get a 9 year old to write that article?

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Obviously who ever wrote that does not consider a kitchen knife a knife.
May be they think it just identifies as one.
Lower the age to twelve for all crimes imposes mandatory 12mths sentence for any felony.
Stop all Centerlink payments if crime is committed.
Allow police no knock warrants
Bring back the death penalty
And watch the crime rate plummet.
But no the WOKE BRIGADE want to give them unlimited chances.
Wait till these young criminal get to fifty (if they live that long)
And see how there generations world looks like



Let’s just throw gel blasters in there….just because…

Even though knives are probably about 98% of the weapons used in crimes…

So, I guess they’ll ban all knives, before gelblasters.??

What about cricket bats, and baseball bats…
And let’s not forget screwdrivers…you can stab with those are well.

Gordon Freeman, immortalised the crowbar

Ban A4 paper as well…someone might inflict a paper cut….

Ban boxing and martial arts as well…

In fact, everyone stay inside, wrap yourself in cotton wool, and just stare at the wall for the rest of your life…

It’s the only way , to be safe…


Don’t forget to ban pencils if john wick can kill 8 people with a pencil.
The youths of today surely could hurt at least one person.
SORRY if forgot the youth of today have no idea what a pencil is

How about this…
Compulsory vasectomies, for all newborn boys…

You need a license to reproduce…

Only granted if, you prove yourself fit, capable, of good character and emotionally stable, and able to provide for your children…

You need a license, for everything else, nowadays….

No, I’m not being serious…

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To be renewed yearly
Also it would need to be a non written test
As most youths can’t read or write