Stop and think campaign

Australian politicians don’t care about addressing problems when they can take the easy way out by reducing freedoms of the populous to address the sins of a small minority and appease the media half-wits

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Locked behind a paywall but good ol chance it’s just another fear mongering article written on baseless information and skewed perspectives…

Surely they have to know by now that just because something is illegal doesn’t mean criminals won’t get their hands on them, that’s kinda why they’re criminals in the first place… They can’t be that nieve…oh wait…


Its also the only one out there that i can find where everyone else focus’s on the under 18 ban.

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:laughing: so the facebook comments on it are pure gold most of the people there are just ripping to shreds the idiots trying to ban them and defending the fact they are toys, few satire comments referencing banning Nerf guns aswell.

The australian fuckery. If you want to go have a laugh reading the comments. I only keep a damned account there for family, archery and a few fishing groups, not come across many gel groups yet that i feel like joining.

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Then you get idiots like these, there is already legislation in place that you’ll get charged with firearms offences if you use in that manner, that’s the point

Can you tell the difference between a rock and a geode? Probably not but you can still beat someone’s skull in with either one.

And not to beat a dead horse but the focus should be on knife violence and dealing with things that can cause Actual harm, but no, that’s not the issue here.


I would have responded with the stop and think flyer to that gaby luft comment but facebook seems to have removed the ability to upload images in comments that i can see or its my browser being dumb.

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Yes, I pretty much only had Facebook for my business page, along with staying in touch with friends/family and others who I know from other countries around the world.

Since having to retire from the business, I rarely ever even look at Facebook anymore…… only the odd occasion to check up on event details for car shows/swap meetings etc.

Have always kept in touch with friends/family over the phone or face to face anyway, so haven’t been missing much from the Cesspool of garbage on Spacebook at all :+1:

Still plenty of great memories to look back on though.

You know what Facebook is…?
An LCD screen…

Lowest Common Denominator….

Any idiot with any unreferenced opinion, has a soapbox and mega phone, to broadcast such, into the void…

Know what the solution is…?
Don’t use it…
Except for business / personal contact…

Too much crap, from too many idiots, gives me a headache…


There’s a reason why karens don’t make policy.

That is some strange logic
Hope the Queensland government doesn’t try this

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Yes cause an air rifle uses compressed air but a blaster uses air displacement.

The only argument you could use is if it was a GBB or a HPA.

Haven’t sone groups already tried this sorts of thing in Qld and got shot down (pun intended) by police and logical politics.

… Can’t believe I just said “logical politics”

That’s where I got very concerned about when HPA/GBB Blasters were coming available and popular in the hobby.

The only real argument we had for campaigning to keep our Gelblasters was by making that argument in regards to the Firearms Laws that our Gelblasters didn’t meet the criteria of a “compressed air” type firearm.

We never got the chance to contest this detail though, because it would only take a matter of seconds for the Legal Department to bring up the matters against HPA/GBB Blasters in the Hobby :frowning:

There was no mention about them in the arguments at the time, purely focusing on AEG’s, and thought it best not even mention HPA/GBB as it would have drawn attention to those products resulting in further investigation by those Authorities……. which would lead to an argument that would be impossible to defend.

2nd article ive seen on the GC Bulletin regarding an imitation firearm in around 3 weeks - I don’t want to give them my money for a subscription so I can’t confirm if its a gel blaster related incident or not. But this just has me thinking, are they changing the naming convention because they realised it’s just so stupid driving home their “anti pew pew of any kind” message when a lot more people are finally understand gel blasters are just toys?

There was one the other day I saw with a 14yo kid getting busted with a toy gun and constantly asking the police for it back, can imagine their response. It’s clearly fake from the way the cop is holding it and it looked too flimsy to be a blaster but they only ever referred to it as a imitation in the article.

Another drug bust here.

Some pics from the article

I would say the 1911 in first pic and the rifle in the second are real.
No mention of “gel blasters” in the article though, which is good.

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they must be into some “play” or something with the old timey cuffs there :rofl:

A couple of real guns and stripped guns there, which are looking like I’d be too scared to pull the trigger on any of that junk……. along with what appears to be only somewhere around $1300 in cash, which is a normal pay check, not exactly the seizure of funds from criminal activities :thinking:

But hey, whatever makes headlines and scares the general public is always a win regardless of the details :roll_eyes:

I spy a Wells G296 with the in built disappearing grip panel. I’d be embarrassed going to jail for that. :rofl: Mine went straight back for a refund. Bucket of shit.

Not enough detail in the pics to make out. Box of bullets looks like 22 rimfire. The Mac is definitely a Wells Mac-11/G12 due to the ejection port location and the barrel.

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There’s obviously a couple of real firearms, including the first pictured pistol, the rifle and that beat up old revolver :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The bullets look like.45’s to me, which might explain that backyard shed Uzi and the other Pistol’s…… but then again, I only had a quick glance at the pictures without my glasses and could be completely wrong :thinking:

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Yeah…… an edit after putting on my glasses and having a second look…….the size of the cartridges in the box seem pretty large compared alongside with the rifle/pistols etc, but definitely have the profile/dimensions of 22LR Rimfire, too long and skinny for 45’s :+1:

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