Stop and think campaign

Not to be picky or whatever have a look at the Mac, especially the ejection port position and the barrel profile. Doesn’t match any M11 I know of the ejection port is centralized on a real one and set forward on the Wells. Also the open bolt, would be no no for a photo shoot.

The snubby G296 with worn finish the split grip gives it away.

Pretty sure the 1911 is real due to mag but can’t make out the markings.

You Sir are a Scholar on the identification of weaponry!

My blind glancing looks at those Potato “quality” images had me deciding that the first Pistol was definitely genuine only because of its magazine.

Now that you have pointed out the Split Grip on the G296, that appears to confirm it as a fake blaster, and yet I’m still confused as to its “Patina”.

The MAC at first glanced seemed like it was genuine in appearance, but who Thafuck would honestly have such a weapon in this country?

Your comments were educational and informative, which is unfortunate that they are being wasted on my dumbass when it’s the media who should be getting their facts straight :roll_eyes:

It’s all good I was intrigued myself with whodafuk would have a Mac in this country. But I guess money will get you anything. Alas $1300 and change won’t :rofl:

I blew the pics up on a 42" and donned the glasses and zoomed in, things get fuzzy. Split a pic of a real M11 and a real Wells M11 you can see those features straight away. Aha gel blaster, the revolvers blasters, pretty sure the bottom 1911 fat frames are blasters too.

The patina threw me off as well, but I suspect they’ve had a rattle can job and lost it from either fondling or doing drug sales stuck in their waist. The original paint was more matt finish on most of them.

The lever action has me bit stumped 1892 ish something :person_shrugging:. Can’t make out much as so many differing models it could be.

Some of you here might remember a while back the grandson came of his motorbike bad.
Any way his fine now
While he was recuperating at are place.

The police came to do a follow up report on how he was recovering.

At the exact same time I decided to strip and clean his Mauser.
And lube up my gel blaster pistols

This was all over the table when they walked in.
There was a split second pause
Then it was strait to business
They checked on him
They checked out my lamps which are all blasters.
So basically they were sitting in a room full of guns one real the rest not
I asked them if they wanted to see my permits.
And the Blasters were for Decor (cough,cough).
They declined and just told me to keep it behind close doors.

I do have to mention that these are my local cops (only two)
They both know me from neighbour watch meetings
Now they know a little bit more


Finish on 1911 looks like RIA

Another clue, notice how the real ones have the breech open and the blasters don’t

Yep my thoughts exactly and why they are grouped as they are. The MAC definitely would not be left sitting cocked and mag loaded.

Mm could be a RIA 1911, looks very like one of those. Didn’t NIOA get some of those in last year. It looks hardly used if at all.

I’m not familiar with these models but that magazine in the first image looks awfully thin to be a 9mm, so could that be the .22 that the ammo is for?

Those other ones in the 2nd image are definitely gel blasters, I was looking for the screw for the CO² bulb on the base of mac magazine, and obviously the bulb in the grip of that revolver.

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Welp, some moron went into robina hospital with a gel blaster apparently

What a genius :roll_eyes:
Already on the run from the cops with a Gelblaster begs the question of what he had done prior to this incident :thinking:

Fkn sensationalist headlines really get on my nerves too…….

“Armed man storms the facility”.

Have they not seen the footage of the Israel hospital incident ?
That’s certainly a much more realistic and deserving story that requires such a headline, not simply a bloke spotted walking through a door with a plastic toy simply trying to hide from the Cops!


Idiots everywhere…

If he was on the run from the cops, wouldn’t he be better, throwing the blaster away…??!
No weapons charges, just idiot resisting arrest?

And, another 70 year old, slashed by a 16 y.o, as she was out walking
(my mother, goes out walking, regularly)

barely a week after the grandmother was stabbed to death…
There needs to be SERIOUS consequences, for violent youth offenders…!

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Yeah being in Western Australia, it’s mind boggling the amount of knife crimes that are happening across the whole Eastern States and getting worse for some time now.

And yet Gelblasters keep being targeted by our various State Governments as being the real threat to the general public :roll_eyes:

Let’s concentrate on something non lethal/harmful and use a fear campaign against them, whilst simultaneously ignoring actual lethal weapons that are maiming and killing civilians every day of the week. :rage:


Are knife crimes on the rise in WA.??

We dont hear much about it over here…we have enough of our own…

But, im guessing at least some of our knife crime stuff, makes it over there?

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Because I don’t have television or radio, I only hear about these things through other people’s discussions……. but no, knife crimes, or any other crimes are quite rare here in WA.

The most crimes you will hear about here are usually only minor physical assaults that don’t have any weapons involved, or road incidents, and other than that only the usual stealing/breaking and entering thefts…… again rarely ever involving knives or weapons.

It just seems that I’m hearing a lot of stories about knife and gang related crimes in the Eastern States running rampant and getting worse, which must be on the News over here, because that’s what other people are telling me that they are shocked hearing about how prevalent it’s becoming in the Eastern States, whereas it’s something that rarely ever occurs here.


Check out the video on this campaign!

“Get another hobby” is a direct clip from the WA Gelblaster bans.

" Get another hobby…"

How dare you.

Some people, in positions of power, seem to have the attitude that Australian citizens are still convict slaves, to be ruled over, dictated to, and whose sole purpose of existence is to work, and pay taxes.

I thought we were supposed to be a free country…not closet communism…

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As I stated, this is a sound bite taken from Papalias response to the media reporters who were fronting questions to him that our Gelblaster Clubs had organised for the media to ask him directly during his appearance at the media conference event.

“The media reporters bombarded him with the questions that we had prepared for them to ask, which included all the relevant details about the benefits of Gelblasters for mental health, fitness, financial/business/jobs, Veterans Health etc etc…………. and “Get another Hobby” was his only reply to those 20 or so facts that were put to him :rage:

Ignorant prick didn’t listen to a single word or even entertain any discussion about any of the points that were raised, simply zoned out and gave that single short bullshit reply in response :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

We had the backing of the Shooting Lobby and all of the West Australian/National Shooting Organisations, who were the ones who made a video about the ridiculous claims that Papalia was making about them “being able to be converted into real firearms” by getting one of their Gunsmiths/Shop Owners to demonstrate in a video media interview that those claims were completely false and ridiculous.

Nothing that we as WA Gelblaster Teams, Fields, Players and Businesses as a whole combined group, who all raised a lot of money to fight these laws in Court appearances/hearings made any difference in this ignorant arseholes decisions.

He even gloated that if we did have a win in the Courts against him, he would simply change/rewrite the current Firearms Act in Western Australia that supported our argument/legal win through the Courts decision to override it by Law :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Actually , @docbob, in hindsight, i think you may have it wrong…

If you listen carefully, he’s not only supporting the gel industry, he’s telling us to keep shopping , and where to get the best bargains…

" Get Another i-Hobby!!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Just saw this on my YT.

I mean the only “High Powered” weapon the guy had imo was the .50.

And to make beat a dead horse, Gel blasters are clearly a threat.

At least the comments on the .50cal were actually legit, being used for vehicles etc.

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This is what happens when you can’t keep a secret.
Never I mean never tell anyone what you have actually got.

On a different note
I wonder if his house will be up for sale.
Asking for a friend

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